The conclusions are not encouraging: it turned out that flip flops (they are slippers or slates) radically change gait. The owner of such shoes has to mince in short steps and turn the ankles inward to keep it on their feet. And this threatens with excessive muscle tension – from the foot to the thigh.
The same problems with keeping flip flops on the feet cause the thumbs to twist, especially when the heel is raised, which leads to a stretching of the so-called long plantar ligament. From which painful inflammation, spur, edema, convulsions can occur. At best, the legs will get very tired.
Scientists recorded only one thing in the pluses of shale: they are cooler than any other shoe. And they concluded that it is better not to walk in beach shoes for a long time. And modern fashion, which actively imposes flip flops in everyday life, should be treated with caution.
There is, however, scientists say, an alternative – flip flops, complemented by a strap on the heel. It relieves sprains on the sole. But with a strap – these are no longer flip flops, but just open shoes.
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