Be smart about New Year’s resolutions! – Dietetics – Articles |

Most of the people I know he doesn’t make New Year’s resolutions because he wants to, just because he is tradition. This error begins with it. You must feel the urge to introduce changes, think about what you want to achieve, how. You need time to get used to this thought. Slowly, take it easy. Sit down, grab a piece of paper and plan action.

  1. Take up the challenge – the first step must be of course, the decision as to whether we want to change something or not. Consider- does your body weight threaten your health? Does it bother you in in daily life? Or maybe you just want to put your dream bikini on the beach? Whatever it is – TRY IT! Do you need extra motivation? We invite you to take part in our campaign. Make a resolution with!
  2. Measure your intentions – let it be reasonable decisions. I’m telling you in advance- you won’t lose 20 or even 10 kilograms w month. 5 at the most and with an exemplary metabolism. If so far you just sat on the couch, don’t declare three times a week you will go the distance 50 km by bike and cross 50 swimming pools twice. Start slowly, in small steps. Don’t talk I run marathons from tomorrow only I will run a kilometer more every day.
  3. Focus on what you have to do. Determine strategy – how do you want to achieve it, what will you need? Of which will you have to resign? Specify the task. Make sure you don’t there were too many of them. It is easier to achieve 2 goals out of 2 planned than 1 goal 9.
  4. Dead line- set the start date. Can not change overnight. We need until then- both our body and psyche. The body needs to get a signal that, for example, in in the near future, he will get fewer calories, he will exercise more. How to do it? Even if you are not on a diet, start eating regularly. put down the sweets, use the stairs instead of the elevator, or park your car further than usual. The body will prepare itself and therefore it will be easier to endure changes, and you will not feel bad and you will not even feel that you are on diet.
  5. More together – inform friends / family / partner about their plans. It will be harder to withdraw. Well, because it is common sense, who will admit to his friends that he has died? Besides, such people can us to cheer, support and reward for our progress. Or maybe together will you motivate you to eat healthy? Check the Diet offer for couples.

    Another solution is to find a support group and motivate yourself mutually. Among the support groups, you are not just exchanging experiences and praise the progress, but you can also organize something together, e.g. jointly cooking, running, etc.

  6. Think about the benefits – I love making arrays motivational. They are perfect for visualizing the goal. Trailers / stick photos or clippings to the cork board / wall / sheet of paper newspapers that will remind you of what you have planned and how much you can lose. Let it be something positive, with lots of colors and slogans incentive. My favorite is: Ja I can’t do it? I?!.

    It’s a shame it does many people give up their plans at the beginning of the year. In the statistics you can see that the topic of healthy eating has the greatest interest in the period New Years and May – when everyone is getting their body ready for the beach. And wouldn’t it be worth it take care of yourself once and for all? Approach it wisely, and along with the winter ones clothes, you hide in the wardrobe in the spring, I will not lose kilos. I believe in you!

    This is how? Will you take up the challenge?

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