Be friends with the rainbow, taste the rainbow: Skittles Vodka

Tough times call for bold decisions. Vodka is getting cheaper, elite alcohol is getting more expensive and it seems it’s time to make your own elite homemade booze. Today we will learn how to make Skittles vodka, an unusual alcoholic drink with delicious dragees, which we remember from incredibly stupid and ridiculous advertising.

We continue the topic of anti-crisis drinks raised by our author in an article about cocktails with port wine.

What is remarkable, the drink really turns out to be tasty and very, very beautiful (if you do not remember about dyes and various E-s). We only need to dissolve sugar glaze in vodka, which encircles the dragee, inside which there is sugar, hydrogenated vegetable fat, citric acid, fruit juice and a whole range of flavors. True, we will not argue that buying almost half a kilogram of sweets will be financially justified – perhaps it would be more logical to buy 1 kg of lemons for Limoncello or a glass of berries for cranberries.

Skittles Vodka Recipe (Skittles Vodka)

For everything about everything we need:

  • 1,75 liters of vodka (can be cheap, but of good quality);
  • 450 г Skittles.

Be friends with the rainbow, taste the rainbow: Skittles Vodka

A little about Skittles. They are produced in two versions: in red packaging (fruit) there are only five types of dragees (orange, strawberry, lime, lemon, blackcurrant) and in green (pineapple, tangerine, raspberry, apple, cherry). For our drink, it is better to take red packaging, while it should be borne in mind that green (lime) and purple (blackcurrant) dragees give an infusion of an unusual taste that not everyone likes. Therefore, we recommend that you first taste the drink by dissolving 3-5 dragees in a glass of vodka.

Step by step cooking with a photo:

First you need to sort all the dragees by color. Of course, you can experiment with different flavors, but we strongly recommend that you try “pure” combinations first.

Be friends with the rainbow, taste the rainbow: Skittles Vodka

Now you need to place the dragees in bottles and fill them with vodka. Practice shows that for every 100 ml of vodka, 7-8 dragees are enough – based on this, choose containers of the right size.

Be friends with the rainbow, taste the rainbow: Skittles Vodka

You can dissolve dragees, roughly speaking, in two ways: fast and slow.

Quick way. Take 5 plastic bottles (for each taste) with a volume of 0,75 – 1 l and place 24-28 dragees of a certain color in each of them. Pour 350 ml of vodka into each of the bottles and start shaking vigorously. Shake until the dragees are completely dissolved.

Slow way. It is advisable to use glass bottles with a volume of 0,5 liters. We put the same amount of dragees in them and fill them with the same amount of vodka. We leave the bottles for 24-48 hours and shake them periodically.

Be friends with the rainbow, taste the rainbow: Skittles Vodka

After the dragee dissolves, a white liquid will float on the surface of already colored vodka. We will get rid of it by filtering. For this, it is best to use filter paper or coffee filters, but you can also filter through several layers of gauze or, for example, through a clean T-shirt.

For filtering, you will need any collection container, a strainer and a funnel. Place the funnel over the collection container, put a sieve on top, and the selected material in the sieve. We pass our colored vodka through the filter, periodically changing the filter material. Orange and green vodkas are less filterable than others, so they should be run through the filter a couple of times.

The filter will become clogged, so arm yourself with a spoon and periodically remove the white lumps to the side. It is better to rinse the filter material well before disposal, otherwise the sugar remaining in it may attract the attention of uninvited guests from the world of insects.

Be friends with the rainbow, taste the rainbow: Skittles Vodka

Bottle the filtered Skittles vodka through a funnel and put them in the refrigerator, you can even put them in the freezer overnight.

Be friends with the rainbow, taste the rainbow: Skittles Vodka

So, Skittles Vodka is quite strong, almost pure vodka. At the same time, it is very sweet, and in the case of green dragees, it is also sour. You can drink the drink in its pure form, directly from the refrigerator, after pouring it into cocktail glasses (for martini). You can also prepare various cocktails.

Colored vodkas can be mixed with Sprite, 7-up or ginger ale to taste. They also go well with Cola, while it is better to take a dietary one, since the drink itself is very sweet. Some mix Skittles vodka with various juices, but this is not for everyone because of the sweetness of the tincture. In general, each vodka of a particular color has its own original taste, so you need to try and experiment. For parties, that’s it.

Try the rainbow, make friends with the rainbow!

Skittles Vodka (fast)

A bright drink that is easy and quick to prepare for an unplanned party.

A type tincture

Kitchen americana

Prepare 15 minutes

Cooking 30 minutes

Total 45 minutes

Portions 5 bottles 0,5 l


  • 1,75 л vodka
  • 450 г Skittles (red packaging)


  • 5 pcs. glass bottles
  • 5 pcs. plastic bottles
  • 5 pcs. cups
  • funnel
  • coffee filters


  • Sort pills by color. We put them in cups.

  • We fall asleep in each plastic bottle for 24-28 dragees of a certain color.

  • Pour in 350 ml of vodka.

  • Shake vigorously until the dragee is completely dissolved.

  • Filter through coffee filters.

  • Pour into bottles through a funnel.

  • We send it to the freezer for the night.

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