Be careful with these vegetables and fruits – they absorb pesticides and other chemicals from the environment the most

Although fruit and vegetables are an amazing source of vitamins and minerals, they can also be heavily contaminated with residues of chemicals used to protect plants. 12 of them have a particular tendency to absorb harmful substances than others. Which vegetables and fruits belong to the “dirty twelve”?

  1. Pesticides are used to protect plants from pests; most of them are waterproof, so it happens that their remains can be found on fruits and vegetables
  2. The European Commission and the European Food Safety Authority regulate the level of acceptable pesticide content in food
  3. The easiest way to avoid pesticides is to peel vegetables and fruits or wash them thoroughly
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Pesticides in vegetables and fruits – are they really dangerous?

Pesticides are substances used to protect crops and food against pests, in particular: insects, fungi, weeds, and bacteria. The advantage of pesticides is their high level of activity limited in time, as well as their selective action. By design, they are therefore not enough harmful to human, unfortunately it happens that theirs toxic compounds they are sometimes a residue in agricultural and food products, water and soil. Apart from being toxic, pesticides are also mutagenic, teratogenic (having a toxic effect on the development of the fetus) and carcinogenic, i.e. carcinogenic.

Vegetables and fruit as agricultural produce are not 100%. free from pesticides that are hazardous to health. However, it should be remembered that not all of them will be equally contaminated with chemical plant growing agents. Polish research shows that most of the domestic vegetables and fruits do not exceed the permitted pesticide content. However, it is worth getting to know the list of those that absorb chemicals the most and learn how to minimize the consumption of unhealthy substances for the body – while not completely giving up your favorite fruit or vegetable.

The Dirty Dozen – a list of the most contaminated vegetables and fruits

Every year, the non-governmental American agency Enviromental Working Group publishes the “Shopping without pesticides” guide, in which it publishes, inter alia, the most vegetables and fruits contaminated with chemicals. In 2021, this infamous group included such well-known ones:

  1. strawberries,
  2. spinach,
  3. apples,
  4. kale,
  5. nectarines,
  6. cherries,
  7. grapes,
  8. peaches,
  9. pears,
  10. pepper,
  11. harness,
  12. tomatoes.

From the above twelve in 2021, the most differentiated harmful substances were detected in peppers. In previous years, the list also included, inter alia, commonly eaten potatoes. It is also discovered every year high pesticide content in apples. However, it is worth noting that the study covers the US market, where the legal standards for agricultural cultivation are slightly different from the European ones. It is based primarily on US Department of Agriculture data and not the Enviromental Working Group itself, as the organization is not a research unit.

The EEC ranking, however, enjoys considerable popularity and is also widely known in Poland. Can you suggest it when shopping in Polish stores? In some ways, yes. For example – fresh, seasonal, domestic apples straight from the orchard They are definitely a safer choice than the imported ones, which have previously made a long journey, protected with various surface chemicals.

As the EEC agency emphasizes – you do not have to give up vegetables and fruits, which are included in the so-called dirty twelve. It is enough to approach the topic carefully. There are several ways to reduction of pesticides in consumed plants. The ones that are the most polluted are always worth choosing in the BIO version or from proven local suppliers. Vegetables and fruit purchased in a supermarket should be thoroughly washed. The European Commission strictly defines the possible, non-exceedable threshold for the content of pesticides in the products concerned. Unfortunately, it happens that these standards are exceeded, which is not without significance for human health. These situations, as shown by European research, are not common, however.

Strawberries – pesticide content

Strawberries are a very popular fruit. It is also a good source of vitamin C. They contain valuable flavonoids and fiber. Unfortunately, the amount of pesticides found in strawberries, according to Enviromental Working Group, is quite high. One sample in the EEC study revealed traces of as many as 22 plant protection products of various types, and a third contained at least 10. This is quite a disturbing finding, considering the popularity of strawberries globally.

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In turn, in the Polish research of the Institute of Horticulture from 2018: out of 22 samples of selected strawberry varieties, up to nine (40,9%) were found to contain pesticides. 68 percent of the strawberries tested contained residues of more than one plant protection product (record: nine). In 15 trials, pesticides were found that were not authorized for use in such plantations. Importantly, however, the tests did not show that the permissible national or European standard was exceeded. Therefore, you do not have to give up eating strawberries, but you can make sure that they are not consumed in too large portions at one time.

Spinach – pesticide content

Spinach leaves They are extremely healthy due to the content of iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, as well as many valuable vitamins, including those from group B. They have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. Spinach is also prone to absorption larger amounts of pesticides. It is difficult to rinse them thoroughly, especially if, instead of thorough washing, it is only quickly poured over with running water. It is worth spending more time cleaning it, if only because of the health benefits of spinach, incl contents folic acid in the leaves. They are significant, so you absolutely should not give up eating this vegetable.

Kale – pesticide content

Kale is gaining more and more popularity. It is often used in green cocktails and is also rich in vitamins. Unfortunately, in 2019 it came third on the American Dirty Dozen list, right after strawberries and spinach, and still remained there in 2021. In the Polish research of the Institute of Horticulture, pesticide residues were also found in all six kale samples tested. However, the permissible standards were not exceeded. If this vegetable is eaten frequently, e.g. in the form of a smoothie, you may consider reaching for ecological certified products, with a special green leaf marking. You then have confidence that they are the highest quality vegetables and fruits.

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Clean Fifteen – the list of the least contaminated fruits and vegetables

In addition to the dirty twelve, there is also a clean fifteen, i.e. the list on which they are found according to the research of the aforementioned Enviromental Working Group– vegetables and fruits least polluted with pesticides. In 2021, the following was added to the list:

  1. an avocado,
  2. corn,
  3. pineapple,
  4. onion,
  5. green peas,
  6. eggplant,
  7. asparagus,
  8. broccoli,
  9. cabbage,
  10. papaya,
  11. kiwi,
  12. mushrooms,
  13. cauliflower,
  14. honey melon,
  15. melon cantaloupe.

Pesticides in vegetables and fruits – should you be afraid of them?

It is also optimistic that a large part of pesticides, the presence of which has been demonstrated by the research of the Enviromental Working Group, are banned in Europe. On the other hand Polish reports do not mention frequent and significant exceedances of the normswhich is also worth keeping in mind. Eating large amounts of vegetables that exceed pesticide levels can negatively affect your health. However, there are proven ways to remove residues of plant protection products from crops.

It must not be forgotten that fruits and vegetables have a beneficial effect on the human body. Significantly reducing their consumption for fear of pesticides could backfire on your health! They contain not only vitamins, but also minerals and microelements, they are a source of flavonoids (onions, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, citrus, apples, blueberries, black currants, grapes). In addition, research has shown that Eating just 400 g of vegetables and fruit a day reduces disease mortality by as much as 25 percent.

How to remove pesticides from vegetables and fruits?

The easiest way to removing pesticide residues from vegetables whether the fruit is peeling it. In the case of layered vegetables such as cabbage or onions, it is enough to remove the top layers. However, as you know, there are many valuable vitamins in the peel.

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The most common way to remove pesticides is to wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly with warm water. However, there is a large group water-insoluble pesticides, hydrophobic (used to protect crops from rain that could wash the plant protection product away). Water with the addition of soda or acetic acid can help to significantly reduce pesticide residue levels.

A 2017 study, the results of which were published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, showed that a solution made of a liter of water and two teaspoons of baking soda, used for 12-15 minutes, is significantly more effective at reducing pesticides than bleach. It has been proven that this solution can remove up to 96 percent. pesticides.

Pesticides in vegetables and fruits – report from Poland

In 2018, the Polish research report of the InHort Institute of Horticulture was published. The tests included 1100 samples checked for presence residues of plant protection products in agricultural produce (including 606 fruit samples and 467 – vegetables). Research has shown that in 25,8 percent. plants were not detected pesticides, and 70,5 percent. it contained them to an extent that did not exceed the permissible limit. In turn, 3,7 percent. samples exceeded it. Standards were violated in 13 out of 606 fruit samples and 28 out of 467 vegetable samples.

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Residual funds were recorded in all samples of the head and Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, kale, broccoli, horseradish and leek. However, in 80 percent. Research materials found them in gooseberries, apples, strawberries, dill, parsley and onions. No plant protection products were found in peaches and lettuce.

Despite many social doubts regarding the negative impact of the permissible amounts of pesticides in food on human health, it should be remembered that the European Food Safety Authority, in cooperation with the European Commission, is responsible for overseeing the entire process, monitoring, investigating, and in the event of exceeding the standards – eliminate the products in question. Pesticides consumed in large amounts are dangerous to human health. It is advisable to thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits, as well as select products from reliable sourcesIt must be remembered that limiting their consumption may have negative health effects. Vegetables and fruits are essential to the human body.

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