It seems that everyone knows everything about healthy eating and dietetics. Well, maybe not everything, but the basics for sure. However, the multitude of products that wrongly boast about the dietary effects of products and the pace at which they disappear from store shelves show that the topic has not been exhausted.
Everyone knows that on a slimming diet you should choose wholemeal bread, wholemeal bread, but not brown! Such a color of the loaf does not necessarily mean its slimming qualities. The popular blackberry is recommended due to the large amount of dietary fiber that swells in the stomach, giving a feeling of fullness and a powerful dose of vitamins and minerals. Its counterfeit owes its brown color to the addition of ammonia caramel, which can cause hyperactivity, contributes to liver and stomach diseases and fertility problems, and ammonia-sulphite caramel, which, on the other hand, causes hyperactivity, diarrhea, and increases intestinal activity. It may also contain toxic compounds which, in high doses, cause changes in the blood picture, muscle spasms, and disturbances in vitamin B6 metabolism in experimental animals.
Undyed wholemeal bread should be heavy, slightly moist.
For more information on the choice of bread, see the article on the effect of bread on weight loss.
Product slim and fit
Not everyone is aware that the terms fit, fitness and slim have nothing to do with reducing the caloric content of a product. What’s more – they can be an even worse choice on a slimming diet than their traditional counterparts. Just a definition and “light”, too (light) is legally regulated and applies to products that contain a minimum of 30% less of a given ingredient (calories, fat or sugar) than their counterparts.
It is also worth mentioning that even if we actually find a reduced calorie product, it does not have to result in weight reduction. Research shows that people who like this type of products subconsciously eat more – after all, if dietary, why limit yourself? This is a vicious circle. More on this can be found in the article on light foods.
Muesli has become a symbol of recently fashionable life fit. Wholemeal flakes, dried fruit, nuts – good health. We are already aware that it can be quite caloric, but so what, since muesli in a dairy product is a great injection of energy for the whole day. After such a breakfast, we feel full for a long time, and carbohydrates are released gradually, which reduces the risk of hunger pangs. And indeed it would be so, if it were not for the fact that in the stores most muesli is a conglomerate of cereals, a minimum of nuts and candied, and with a bit of luck dried fruit and sugar, glucose-fructose syrup, malt, salt, flavors, emulsifiers, whey … Only one company of the muesli we have analyzed recently did not contain glucose-fructose syrup. And it is these additives that make our seemingly healthy breakfast has nothing to do with dietary food.
Let’s read the labels, looking for muesli with the most natural composition. The safest solution is to prepare it yourself. Just mix your favorite whole grain flakes, bran, dried fruit, nuts, seeds, and occasionally add a teaspoon of natural honey before consumption to get delicious and wholesome muesli.
Becoming familiar with this type of information should be the basis for starting to think about weight loss and healthy eating. Producers prey on our ignorance. Even if most people now think it’s nothing new, why are the products pseudo-diet appear like mushrooms after the rain, and there are many amateurs of them?
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Photo 1 of the text is from: Photo credit: muffinn / Foter / CC BY
Photo 2:
Photo 3 of the text is from: Photo credit: WordRidden / Foter / CC BY