Be careful! 6 things you shouldn’t do at home during a thunderstorm

Lightning can penetrate even a closed apartment.

A thunderstorm is a very exciting phenomenon. We open windows to capture rainstorms and lightning bolts, share pictures of heavenly discharges on social networks. However, it was not in vain that our ancestors feared thunderstorms like fire. Indeed, during it, a powerful electrical discharge arises, which can cause a fire and injure a person even at home. Even lightning rods are not a hindrance for her! What shouldn’t be done at home during a thunderstorm?

Open windows

First, ball lightning can fly into the apartment. If strong gusts of wind are still raging outside the window, then it can easily be brought into the apartment by a draft. Secondly, it can discharge right at the window and light the curtains. By the way, it can even penetrate into an enclosed space through a switch, socket, etc. Lightning looks like a luminous ball with a diameter of several centimeters to a meter or more. And do not hesitate, it has great destructive power. If you encounter this phenomenon, try not to move. Hold your breath and slowly, one centimeter, leave the room.

Keep electrical appliances plugged in

A lightning strike can damage powered devices. After all, it is enough to hit next to the power lines, and immediately there will be a strong voltage surge in the network. It can burn even those units that are turned off, but the power cord has not been removed from the outlet.

Switch off units during thunderstorms

It is not for nothing that we have highlighted this as a separate item. Running and turning off your laptop, refrigerator and TV urgently during a thunderstorm is fundamentally wrong! Devices must be de-energized before lightning strikes. Otherwise, you can grab onto the wires and get an electric shock. 

Touch metal objects

Metal objects are especially attracted to lightning. Another terrible incident occurred during a recent thunderstorm in St. Petersburg – during a thunderstorm, a grandmother and grandson walked under an umbrella, which attracted the lightning. The boy died on the spot, and the grandmother was in a hospital in a critical condition. But it is not only the umbrella that is dangerous, and not only on the street. You can even get electric shock from a communication pipe. Therefore, stay away from risers, radiators and gas pipes.

Talk on a cell phone

There were many cases when lightning killed a person talking on the phone during a storm. Although many experts say that the cellular signal during a thunderstorm can be unstable or completely absent, it is better not to risk it. After all, a mobile phone also consists of metal parts and is quite capable of attracting an electric discharge. And even just in your hands it is better not to hold it.

Do the dishes, take a shower

Let us repeat that lightning striking or striking a house a few meters away can spread through water pipes as well. Therefore, you can get an electric shock from the plumbing. It should also be remembered that water is also a good conductor. You can get hurt while showering or washing dishes.

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