Among the fans of strength training with experience almost everyone has tried a nutritional Supplement called “BCAA”. Many people know that they “help to grow muscles” and consist of multiple amino acids.
But what kind of amino acids, what is their role in increasing the strength and mass of muscles (and generally in the life of the organism), how to take BCAA – can explain not every trainee. This article is intended to help athletes and fitness enthusiasts to understand the topic BCAA, to understand their role in the life and training and learn how to take these amino acid complexes.
See also:
- Top 10 best whey protein: rating 2019
- Top 10 best gainers to put on weight: rating 2019
General information on BCAA
BCAA – the branched chain amino acids (the abbreviation of Branched-chain amino acids). Also a Russian colloquial speech they are called BCAA. Actually BCAA is a blend of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Recall that essential amino acids are those that our bodies cannot produce on their own and they come from food. Some people mistakenly believe that in a BCAA composition includes all the essential amino acids, but it is not. Eight essential amino acids and BCAAs there are only three.
Why these three amino acids? No special care manufacturers about consumers here, just to obtain a mixture of leucine, isoleucine, and valine are relatively easier technologically and as a consequence cheaper than to allocate each amino acid separately or to blend some other essential amino acids. From this point of view there was room for some doubt about the veracity of the advertising statements about chudozestvennoj BCAA’s to increase strength and volume of muscle. However, these three amino acids are indeed very important for protein synthesis and, in addition, performs several important functions in the body.
Why the need for BCAA?
As mentioned above, BCAA consists of three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, valine.
- Leucine. Is a major part of protein, is a regulator of protein synthesis, prevents decompensation of the muscles during long “idle” and the accumulation of excessive subcutaneous fat. There are reports that leucine promotes the synthesis of collagen, which leads to the strengthening of ligaments and joints.
- Isoleucine. Working “in conjunction” with leucine, ensuring its metabolism, is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and regulation of blood sugar levels.
- Valine. Serves as a source of energy, one of the most important components of the synthesis of tissue – muscle and not only.
Three amino acids with branched chains, among all types of amino acids that make up human muscles account for about 35% (and all essential amino acids – about 42%).
In General we can say that the composition of the BCAA though, and is determined largely by technological and commercial factors, three of these amino acids are really necessary for the functioning of the body and underestimate the significance of this cannot. Without these three amino acids the body is not that muscle is not built, but simply to maintain basic life processes cannot.
What are the benefits of BCAA?
We offer you a brief list of the main beneficial effects of BCAA, not just in sports but in the life of the organism at all (degree of proof for each item is different):
- They are required for synthesis of two very important amino acids: alanine (this amino acid is an important source of energy for the body) and glutamine (this amino acid is necessary for healthy nervous system and gastrointestinal tract).
- BCAA protects muscles from catabolism, primarily due to similar to leucine. In addition, BCAA support the synthesis of testosterone and growth hormone. Therefore, the “dry” bodybuilders often use these systems. It is believed that they help the muscles to “not fall down” on a low calorie diet.
- BCAAs stimulate insulin production. This increases the digestibility of proteins that may indirectly lead to an increase in strength and mass of muscles.
- The three amino acids included in BCAA is, as mentioned above, more than 1/3 of the amino acid structure of the protein. Here the expediency of accepting the obvious: BCAA is a building material for muscles.
- BCAA is credited with fat burning properties. This is theoretically possible but the current evidence base is weak.
- Complexes of BCAAs can increase the efficiency of certain types of sports nutrition: soy protein, gainers, etc. As in the previous paragraph, this is only a theoretical possibility, without evidence.
- If you have problems with the usual diet (for example, irregular, random snacking, fast food, low appetite, etc.) BCAA can help to correct this picture. Swallow a few tablets or capsules after meals is easy, and the value of such meal to the body immediately increases.
Harm and side effects BCAA
All amino acids included in BCAA’s are contained in natural products and substances are completely biologically compatible with the human body. Provided that the recommended dosages of any side effects normally not occurring BCAA is one of the safest sports supplements.
With a significant excess of dose and taken for a long time, allergic reactions are possible, but in practice this rarely happens. We recommend to buy and use a BCAA proven brands. The addition of “unknown” origin can be made of low-quality raw materials – from the use of such additives, of course, it is better to abstain.
Contraindications for receiving BCAA
The traditional contraindication for the admission of sports supplements (rather, it is not a contraindication even, a call for caution) – pregnancy and lactation for women and children up to age 14 years.
But truly contraindicated BCAA people with various diseases of the digestive system, pancreas, liver, kidneys and gallbladder. BCAA supplementation in this situation may exacerbate the existing problem and worsen the patient’s condition.
What foods contain BCAA?
Our food is a natural source of BCAAs. Here first we are talking about animal products that contain complete protein. This is a selection of meat, fish, seafood, milk, cheese, eggs etc. Contains the branched chain amino acids and soy: soy protein isolate can serve as raw material for the production of additives BCAA.
BCAA are also contained in many plant foods: grains, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, etc. But usually their number is much less than in foods of animal origin.
Common questions about BCAAs
1. Who do you need to take BCAA?
Historically, that BCAAs, as well as other sports dietary supplements to take in the first place representatives of various strength sports – bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, etc. the Popularity of BCAA in those who engaged in strength training, due to their claimed effects, namely the increase in the strength and mass of muscles.
However, this does not mean that representatives of other sports disciplines cannot use the branched chain amino acids. For example, runners (including runners), representatives of various martial arts, swimmers, crossfitter and other athletes can also use BCAA to improve athletic performance, accelerate recovery after exercise as a source of energy for aerobic exercises and prevent catabolism of muscles. Can also use BCAA people engaged in heavy physical labor. Theoretically, these amino acids are able to reduce the negative effects of “hysterical” physical labor.
2. BCAA help to gain muscle mass?
On the effectiveness of BCAA compared to protein drinks is debatable, but in General we can say that help. This is due to factors that have already been outlined above. Here they are again more concisely:
- Amino acids BCAA are the building blocks of muscles, accounting for more than 1/3 of the amino acid composition of the protein.
- BCAA prevent night muscle catabolism.
- They provide the extra energy for trainings, increasing their efficiency, which indirectly also leads to anabolic effect.
- BCAA are the precursors for synthesis of alanine and glutamine, which depends on the effective work of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, which is also important for growth of muscles.
- BCAA regulate the secretion of insulin, growth hormone and testosterone, an important “anabolic” hormones.
- In addition, there is still a number of less significant factors from the effects of BCAA that also can have a positive impact on the growth of muscle.
3. Do I need to take BCAA, if taking protein?
Can be formulated as: BCAAs can be taken in parallel with the protein (and creatine and other sports supplements), but of the need of such a reception, if the athlete uses high quality whey protein is highly questionable.
Whey protein shakes first, is much richer in amino acid composition (especially in BCAA amino acids only three), secondly, more cost effective (BCAA’s are on average more expensive). Besides, resulting from the simultaneous reception of these supplements excess of three branched chain amino acids may hinder their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and further absorption of their body.
If an athlete uses less quality and less valuable by its composition in proteins (for example, cheaper grades of soy or casein), the feasibility of BCAA’s is slightly higher. Probably, the branched chain amino acids complement is not quite complete and balanced amino acid composition of the protein “economy class”. In any case, the techniques of BCAA and a protein shake is best to post on time, not producing them at the same time – to increase the bioavailability of both products.
Protein will work in the diet of the athlete and without taking BCAA’s, but as far as BCAA’s will enhance the effectiveness of diet is debatable. The athlete, who is puzzled by the topic, it makes sense to experiment with these supplements, to evaluate the effectiveness of their joint admission and decide? if he needed to combine BCAA’s with protein in the future.
4. It is better to buy – a simple BCAA or amino acid complexes?
Difficult question, the universal answer for every trainee to give really hard. Simple Russian athlete, often in these difficult times of limited finances to make this choice, you must understand the following facts.
First, the composition of all three BCAA amino acids, so serve as a complete replacement for protein shakes they are in General not able, but the conventional amino acid complex usually has a much more rich amino acid composition, is comparable to the protein.
First, the price that BCAA’s that simple amino acid complex typically exceeds the price of protein.
Thirdly, all the benefits of a regular amino acid complex before the protein more or less important is it that the more rapid absorption of amino acids. Although not always necessary, there are special “night” proteins slow absorption against the night catabolism
Summing up the above, we can formulate the following:
- If there are no available funds to purchase the protein and/or weight gainer and creatine to exercise and grow in the sport that should be enough.
- Have a little more free money, and tend to be rather brutal power and/or masonboro training – add to their diet of protein, gainer and creatine and BCAA even.
- If weight is not particularly needed, but the goal – “smart” quality fitness form without power records, it is possible to use the conventional amino acid complexes and/or protein in moderation. In addition, you can use any fat burning Supplement, for example, L-carnitine. Whether in this case BCAA? It is unlikely, as their fat burning properties yet have a weak evidence base.
- In any case, intake of amino acids is better not to produce along with protein and gainer, so as not to impede the absorption of these products.
5. Do I need to take BCAA for beginners?
Very “green” newcomers who came for the first time in the hall, the people, without exaggeration, amazing. And is this awesomeness in their ability to grow and progress with any training programs and any food. Beginner, first workout in the bench press starts with a blank fretboard, then adds weight 50kg… and his “crush”. Three months later, that same person surely reaps 80 kg by 5-10 times (this is almost unchanged in appearance!). However time is such a wonderful progress set aside a little bit the first 2-4 months of training.
This happens due to a “neurological development” – Central nervous system learns to perform a particular exercise, practiced teamwork of muscle groups and technique. In addition, the weight used small – microtrauma of the muscle fibers of the low, and post-workout recovery is much faster than “advanced”. So the General advice is to start taking BCAA’s and other types of sports nutrition after the passage of this period of “easy success” in a couple of months. Prior to this, make no progress and always will.
6. Do I need to take BCAA girls?
Girls can take a BCAA Supplement, naturally adjusting the dosage based on its weight. All the principles of taking branched chain amino acids are the same as in men, there is no difference except girls are usually much more attention paid to the weight loss. And with that, you need to think – to bet on BCAA as the main “booster” for weight correction is not necessary, the evidence base is still rather weak. And of course, you need to refrain from taking BCAA during pregnancy and lactation.
How to choose and take BCAA
When choosing BCAA first thing you will encounter is what type of supplements to choose from – capsules, tablets, liquid form, powder. The vast majority of products of BCAA ratio of the three components of the classic a – 2:1:1 (two parts of leucine, valine and isoleucine – one).
1. BCAA capsules
Capsules are quite convenient and effective form of BCAA. Since the capsule is swallowed without chewing, with a higher amount of amino acids goes directly to the place of their absorption in the intestine, not settling on the tongue and the teeth.
The most popular BCAA product (not only in capsule form, but in General) is a product from the company Optimum Nutrition, which has good reviews from using it athletes and of a good quality for a normal price.
Optimum Nutrition BCAA 1000 Caps
Muscle Pharm BCAA 3:1:2
2. BCAA powder
Another convenient and popular form of BCAA intake is considered to be in powder form. Quality products here again, it is possible to allocate Optimum Nutrition and Ultimate Nutrition. Powder form interesting fact that is easier to visually determine the quality. These BCAA’s are poorly soluble in water, when wet turns white “slurry” form on the surface of the water film. The taste is real bitter BCAA.
Optimum Nutrition BCAA 5000 Powder
Ultimate Nutrition BCAA 1200 Powder
3. BCAA in tablet form
This type of BCAA are also quite popular. Of preformed products, you can highlight BCAA from primaforce and scivation BCAA.
Dymatize Nutrition BCAA
BCAA from primaforce
4. BCAA’s in liquid form
Liquid BCAA’s are less common. Advantages to solid counterparts it is difficult to say, perhaps a more rapid assimilation (and that is not a fact). Liquid form of BCAA you can use to prepare pre-workout energy drink, mix one serving with a sweet juice or just sugar water.
BioTech Liquid BCAA
Rules for BCAA intake
When it is advisable to take BCAA:
- in the morning after you Wake up – in order to prevent the consequences of the night catabolism
- prior to training
- if the exercise is fairly long – from one and a half hours and later, you can take a serving during workout
- after a workout
- on non-training days, after a morning reception, you can take another serving in the afternoon
There is no fundamental difference in the mode of BCAA intake between men and women there. The only recommendation is to amend the dosage, because girls for the most part still weigh less than men and train not so hard (of course, this rule has exceptions). And as mentioned above, women should refrain from taking BCAA’s during pregnancy and breast feeding – a common precaution for sports supplements.
The only category not exercising, which makes sense to take BCAA’s is people engaged in heavy physical labor. Without appropriate physical exercise BCAA is ingested, the body will not be simple in their needs.
The combination of BCAA’s with other supplements
BCAA blend well with other types of sports supplements, taking them can be run parallel. The only rule that you need to follow is to post at the time the reception of BCAA and supplements like protein, weight gainers and conventional amino acid complexes, as concurrent use may slow the absorption of both products. And, of course, do not overdo it with the total number of amino acids in the diet – just too much is ingested.
A good option can be the use of creatine with BCAA at the same time: both supplements need to dissolve in grape or any other sweet fruit juice and take immediately after training.
Do I need to basically take BCAA?
BCAA do have a number of useful properties and certain prospects in the sport. But it is still correct to include this kind of addition to “second stage”. Athletes, financial resources which are limited, to start taking sportpit better with different types of protein gainers and creatine; if finances allow to buy anything else you can add to your diet BCAA.
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