BB pregnancy test

The BB test is a highly sensitive system that allows you to determine pregnancy in the early stages. This product is produced in France, it is produced by Innotech International. There are two types of BB tests on the modern market – this is a test strip test suite.

How does a BB pregnancy test work?

The main feature that distinguishes BB tests from other similar devices is that the control strip reagent, according to the manufacturers, contains special antibodies (solid-phase polyclonal and monoclonal conjugated). They are able to react only with human chorionic gonadotropin, and the rest of the hormones produced by the female body will “pass” by. Due to this, a guaranteed reliable result is achieved, and the percentage of false answers is significantly reduced.

Another distinguishing feature of the BB pregnancy test is that it can detect hCG in a woman’s urine at a concentration of 10 mIU / ml. It is this system of early pregnancy diagnosis that can be called one of the most sensitive in the world. It can be used 3 days before the date of the start of menstruation.

Otherwise, the principle of operation of BB tests does not differ from the operation of other test systems. The device responds to hCG – a special hormone that begins to be produced in a woman’s body after the embryo is implanted to the uterine wall. At the beginning of pregnancy, this hormone is not present in the blood and urine, but gradually its level rises. Starting from the 10th day of pregnancy and every subsequent day, it doubles. Due to the high sensitivity of the BB test, pregnancy can be detected early enough. Therefore, we can say that the manufacturer of BB tests claims that it is his system that is recognized as the most accurate and universal.

Instructions for using the BB pregnancy test

In order to properly conduct a BB test, you need to read the instructions. The general rules for applying the testing system are as follows:

  • It is necessary to prepare in advance clean dishes in which urine will be collected.

  • The test itself should be opened immediately before use and kept away from sources of moisture.

  • The test is removed from the package and lowered for 5 seconds into the urine to a certain level, which is marked with a special strip.

  • Then the device is taken out of the container and laid out on a flat, dry surface.

  • After five minutes, you need to evaluate the result.

Using the BB test is very simple and intuitive, but this does not mean that you can deviate from the instructions during the testing procedure.

Evaluation of results

The presence or absence of pregnancy can be judged by the following indicators:

  • There is no pregnancy – one red line appeared on the test.

  • There is a pregnancy – two red vertical stripes appeared on the test.

  • The test did not work – not a single band appeared.

  • Unclear result – the stripes appeared, but they are blurry or not very bright.

If the result is not clear, it is recommended to test after two days. In the event that the test did not work, you can try the procedure on the same day. But for this you need to use a new strip and read the instructions more carefully.

Important Tips for Using the BB Pregnancy Test

In order for the test to give the most reliable results, you must follow some general rules:

  • The procedure is highly desirable to carry out in the morning. The fact is that after a night’s rest, urine contains the maximum amount of hCG, as it is very concentrated. Therefore, the risk of getting a false result will be minimal. While during the day a woman can consume a large amount of liquid, which will reduce the information content of the test. It is especially important to use the first morning portion of urine during an early examination (3 days before the onset of menstruation).

  • Before buying a test, you need to carefully inspect the packaging – it must be intact. It is also important to buy a test that has not expired.

  • The test should be used as soon as it is removed from the packaging.

  • It is impossible to immerse the test in urine below the marked line.

  • In no case should you hold the test with the tip up until the result is obtained.

  • If possible, before the procedure, it is highly desirable to wash with soap and dry with a towel.

  • The container to be used to collect urine must be dry and clean.

  • The result should be evaluated 3-5 minutes after the study, but no later than 10 minutes from its start. The result obtained after 10 minutes should not be taken into account.

  • The same BB pregnancy test is not reused – all devices are disposable.

Benefits of a BB Pregnancy Test

The BB test has a lot of advantages, for example:

  • The BB test has a high sensitivity to hCG, which starts from 10 mIU / ml. This allows you to diagnose pregnancy as early as possible at home.

  • The BB test is very easy to use. Evaluation of the results is also not difficult.

  • The BB test, according to manufacturers, rarely gives a false result.

  • The price of the BB test is quite acceptable – a strip can be purchased for 50-80 rubles.

Cons of a BB Pregnancy Test

If we consider the main disadvantages of the BB test, then the main one is the need to collect urine for research. Therefore, a woman will need to prepare in advance: find a special container, clean and dry it, retire for a long time in the restroom, etc.

One can also note such a minus of the BB test as its one-time use, while there are already reusable pregnancy tests on the market. Another disadvantage of the BB test is that it is impossible to determine the gestational age in weeks with its help. Although all the listed minuses of the device are overlapped by its low price.

Can a BB test be wrong?

Like any other pregnancy test, the BB test can also give false results.

The following factors may influence this:

  • The testing procedure was carried out with violations.

  • The test was stored incorrectly.

  • The test is expired.

In these cases, the test may simply not work.

The following reasons can lead to a false negative result:

  • A woman has diseases of the endocrine system or kidneys.

  • A woman has ovarian dysfunction.

  • The test was run too early. It is this reason that most often leads to the fact that an existing pregnancy is undiagnosed using a test.

As for a false positive result, the reasons for obtaining it may be as follows:

  • A woman develops a hormone-producing tumor in her body.

  • A woman takes medicines containing the hCG hormone. Most often they are prescribed for the treatment of infertility.

  • The woman has recently had a childbirth, miscarriage or abortion.

An unclear result can be obtained with an ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo is implanted in the fallopian tube. In such a situation, hCG is produced, but not in the proper amount.

In any case, when the test gives a positive result, you should seek the advice of a doctor. If the test is negative, and menstruation does not occur on time, a diagnostic procedure can be performed after 2 days. If the test again turns out to be negative, then you should not delay the visit to the doctor.

Thus, the BB test is an inexpensive, but quite effective device that allows you to determine pregnancy in the early stages. This testing system is characterized by high sensitivity and low price.

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