Bay leaf: health benefits and harms, video

😉 Greetings to my regular readers and visitors of the site! The article “Bay leaf: benefits and harms to health” – contains basic information about this unique plant.

His Majesty Bay Leaf

This fragrant leaf is known to everyone, it lives in every home, but few know that it is called “according to the passport” Laurus noble. The word “laureate” and the names: Laura, Laurus, Lawrence, Lorenz are also in honor of His Majesty!

In ancient Greece, the heads of the winners were decorated with laurel wreaths. The laurel branch symbolizes greatness and glory. Laurel was revered in antiquity. In 776 BC, the champions of the first Olympic Games were crowned with laurel garlands.

The homeland of the evergreen plant is the Mediterranean. In Russia, for 250 years, laurel has been growing in the Crimea and in the southwestern regions of the Krasnodar Territory.

Bay leaf: health benefits and harms, video

Composition and calorie content

100 grams of fresh leaves contains:

  • calories – 313;
  • proteins – 7,6 g;
  • fats – 8,4 g;
  • carbohydrates – 48,7 g;
  • dietary fiber – 26,3 g;
  • water – 5,44 g.

Bay leaf contains essential oil, tannins, resins, bitterness. Vitamins A and B, potassium, iron, zinc, ascorbic acid. Due to this composition, it is widely used in cooking and medicine.

The healing properties of bay leaves

  • the fathers of medicine Hippocrates and Avicenna valued this plant as a cure for many ailments;
  • is the strongest antiseptic;
  • diuretic (decoction);
  • for inhalation for colds;
  • promotes blood thinning;
  • normalizes blood sugar (light decoction);
  • cleans the blood from urea;
  • removes salts from the body;
  • heals joints;
  • sinusitis treatment (hot compresses from the decoction);
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • from sweating of the legs (baths with the addition of a decoction of leaves to the water);
  • prevention of fungal diseases of the feet (foot baths from a decoction of leaves):
  • has a hypnotic effect;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • fresh leaves scare away insects in the house (cockroaches, moths);
  • widespread use in cooking as a spice for marinades;
  • wonderful air freshener! Set fire to a dry leaf. Its smoke will clear the air of unpleasant odors. This is what the ancient Romans and Greeks did.

Laurel oil

  • widespread use in aromatherapy: sedative;
  • wound healing agent;
  • for headaches (apply to the temples in a circular motion);
  • for hair treatment;
  • for rheumatism – rubbing with the addition of rosemary oil;
  • disinfection of premises;
  • with neuralgia (adding to the bath);
  • scares away mosquitoes, ants, mosquitoes.

Bay leaf: contraindications

Bay leaf: health benefits and harms, video

There are almost no contraindications, but:

  • decoction treatment is contraindicated in people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • decoctions are not recommended for breastfeeding and pregnant women;
  • essential oil helps people with high blood pressure. Hypotensive patients should be careful;
  • important! In order to avoid the bitter taste of food, when preparing the first courses, “lavrushka” is added in 5 minutes. until ready. Then the sheet is taken out.

How to store?

It is better to store the herb in an airtight glass jar or in a special container. In a dry and dark place. Do not store dry seasonings for more than 1 year.

Learn more in this video on “Bay Leaves: Benefits and Harms”

Bay leaf. Medicinal properties and contraindications.

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