Bay leaf and peppercorns in a plate, omen, magical properties

Popular spices are more than just a natural food flavor. This is also a lot of signs and beliefs.

As a child, I was always happy when a bay leaf got into my plate. “To the letter,” said my grandmother affectionately. It was a real event to receive the letter back then. Now, in the era of the ubiquitous Internet, you no longer know where to go from spam. And the letters were different then. But the bay leaf has remained the same and is not going to give up its positions in the plates. And the properties of the predictor, like that of peppercorns, remained the same.

In general, there are many legends around the bay leaf, and superstitions will also be accepted. Did you know, for example, that if you put it under your pillow, your sleep will be calm and sound? And if you hang a bunch of flowers over the door, then there will always be abundance in the house. Rub in your hands, dreaming about the cherished at this moment – everything will certainly come true.

Since the first Olympic Games, this plant has been a symbol of the triumph of strength, perseverance and determination. It was the laurel wreath that adorned the heads of the winners. Therefore, if a bay leaf from a large pot of soup ends up on your plate, be sure it means something.

Once in the plate, the lavrushka really portends the news. It can come to you in any way possible – by e-mail, in the form of an SMS, a paper letter, a phone call, gossip, news in a conversation with a colleague, girlfriend, mother.

And if you are more careful, you can even determine the degree of mood of the upcoming message. Did you see the leaf before you started eating? This is great. Take it out and throw it away. The message will be joyful.

Found in a plate halfway through? Then the news, perhaps, will be with a slight shade of sadness or neutral, so to speak, informational, so that conclusions can be drawn and their behavior corrected.

But if you did not notice the lavrushka and put it in your mouth, and even chewed it, then there will be trouble. However, this outcome is very easy to avoid: just fish the bay leaves from the pan when the dish is ready. And then all the news will go exclusively to you. And they will be good.

Black pepper is the second most popular seasoning after salt. He probably is in every home, ground or peas. It can be added almost anywhere – even in soup, even in salad. But the abilities of black pepper are not limited to cooking alone. There are also magical properties.

The main one is to neutralize negative energy, as well as to protect your home from ill-wishers. Agree, real magic! Rumor has it that in ancient times people used it as a cure for cowardice, as they were sure that it gives courage in any situations, and also adds courage and excitement to life, revives a person’s passion and interest in everything around him. All you need is to put an odd number of peas in a bag made of natural fabric and carry it with you.

However, like any phenomenon, there is another side to the “magic of black pepper”. Like salt, it cannot be sprinkled. And if it happened so by accident, then, according to the signs, this is a quarrel. But, like everything with the same salt, everything is fixable. On the spilled pepper, you need to run your index finger crosswise, imagining that you are crossing out future trouble.

Even if you are a big fan of this spice, use it carefully, as a large amount of black pepper in food can provoke conflicts in a family or couple, the intensity of which will depend on the strength of your love for pepper.

The fact is that, according to astrology, the planet Mars patronizes black pepper, endowing it with the qualities of the elements of fire. Therefore, where black pepper is, it is always hot and even hot.

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