Batun onion: planting, leaving

Batun onion: planting, leaving

What names have not been invented for this unique plant: Tatar, piper, Chinese onion. But in Russia it is better known as the onion. As soon as the last snow melts, bright green feathers appear on the beds, which will perfectly decorate your spring menu. Unlike conventional varieties, batun is a perennial plant and is used for forcing green feathers.

Methods of planting onions

The variety belongs to frost-resistant species and is able to withstand temperatures as low as –2 ° C. The soil for planting should be well fertilized with humus and complex mineral fertilizers.

The onion loves a lot of light – this must be taken into account when choosing a planting site

Features of caring for batun onions

There are three ways to breed a variety:

  • Planting seeds in the ground – sowing seeds is carried out from the beginning of March to June. Dry calibrated seeds are sown in beds prepared since autumn to a depth of about 2 cm. From above, the soil is mulched with peat or humus. If the seedlings have sprouted too densely, then their thinning is carried out.
  • Vegetative propagation – can be carried out while the onion is thinning. After separating several false bulbs, transplant them to a new place along with a clod of earth.
  • Growing seedlings – this method is used when growing annual greens. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in April, and at the beginning of June they are planted in open ground. Onions can be harvested in September.

Most often, the batun is grown as a perennial plant, but it can be planted annually to obtain a large amount of greenery. With proper care, the batun can produce a crop for 6-10 years, with the most abundant yield occurring in the 3-4th year of cultivation. Experts recommend annual rejuvenation of onion plantings, for this you need to dig up perennial plants and transplant them to another place.

The rules for caring for a batun onion include a standard set of garden work – loosening, weeding, watering and feeding the plant. This variety is very fond of moisture, therefore, during the summer drought, it must be watered at least every other day. Watering should be done at the root, and the ground should be well moistened to a depth of at least 20 cm.

Mulching the beds with black soil or peat will greatly facilitate the process of weeding and loosening the soil. The loosening process is carried out simultaneously with the weeding of the plant. It is recommended to loosen the soil after each rain or watering.

The first feeding is done one week after planting. For fertilization, it is best to use mullein diluted 1:10 with water. It is possible to fertilize with such a planting solution only once a season, since the batun has the properties of accumulating nitrate in feathers. For further feeding, experts recommend using ash – it will serve not only as a fertilizer, but also as a good prevention of plant diseases.

In terms of its healing properties, this variety is in no way inferior to others, and surpasses them in the content of vitamin C. The possibility of growing on a windowsill allows you to have this useful product on your table all year round. What could be better than bright summer greenery on the table during the cold winter season.

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