Bathing is forbidden after cyanobacteria bloom in Lake Miłkowski

Due to the bloom of cyanobacteria, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station banned swimming in the Miłkowski Lake at the communal beach in Miłki in the Giżycko poviat. This is the first such ban introduced in Masuria this holiday season.

Janusz Dzisko, the voivodeship sanitary inspector in Olsztyn, informed PAP on Wednesday that a large bloom of cyanobacteria was observed in the water of Miłkowskie Lake, which may be dangerous to the health of dripping people. As he added, the ban on bathing in this place can be lifted only after the end of the threat, confirmed by water quality testing.

Our experience shows that such a situation may last, depending on the weather, from a week to 10 days – he assessed.

The mayor of the Miłki commune, Stanisław Wąsiakowski, assured in an interview with PAP that on the communal beach there were already signs warning about the prohibition of bathing. In his opinion, long-lasting heat and strong eutrophication of the reservoir contributed to the bloom of cyanobacteria. For years, we have had a problem with the cleanliness of the water in this place. We are already working on a lake reclamation project that we want to start next year – he said.

According to sanitary services, this is the first time that a temporary ban on bathing in Masuria has been introduced this summer, due to the occurrence of cyanobacteria. The beach in Miłki is one of 181 places used for bathing in the region, notified to the Sanepid before this year’s season.

Toxins secreted by cyanobacteria can irritate the skin and cause food poisoning. Bathing in blooming water causes a rash, fever and vomiting, sometimes even muscle tremors and difficulty breathing. If these symptoms occur, medical attention is needed. (PAP)

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