
Useful properties and use of the European bathing suit

Useful properties of a bathing suit


Bathing suit graceful is an unpretentious plant that forms bushes no more than 100 cm high. This compact plant is common in Siberia, Altai, in the southern region. The swimmer prefers meadows and forest clearings, sometimes it can be found along the banks of reservoirs. Such a shrub blooms from mid-May to mid-June ….

The presented perennial plant with palmate leaves is used in folk medicine in the form of a tincture of flowers. Such a healing agent has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antiscorbutic effects. It is indicated for scabies and epilepsy, and is also prescribed for the treatment of dropsy. Saponins are found in the leaves of this rather poisonous plant. Often, a decoction of the herb is indicated for various gastric ailments. Outwardly, the swimsuit is used as an ointment to relieve inflammation and abscesses on the skin.

The use of a bathing suit

Such a plant as a swimsuit has a rather strong choleretic effect, and it also causes a slight dilation of the liver vessels. In addition, this plant helps to lower the tone of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and gallbladder. In ancient times, this herb was used externally as an anticancer agent. With scurvy, you can make such an infusion: take 1 teaspoon of flowers and pour 250 ml of boiling water. The mixture should be infused for at least one hour. After straining, it is recommended to take the infusion 4 times a day, 50 ml each.

With scabies, 1 teaspoon of crushed bathing suit roots should be poured over 200 ml of boiling water. After 2 hours, this infusion is filtered and taken 1 tablespoon up to six times a day. With angina pectoris, an infusion based on 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves in a glass of boiling water is shown. It is recommended to insist such a mixture in a tightly closed container for about 2,5 hours. It is recommended to take the drug 2 tablespoons at least three times a day. If you have cardiac edema, then pour 1 tablespoon of flowers into 300 ml of hot water. After one hour of infusion in a well-closed container, the mixture should be filtered and you can take it three times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Bathing suit flowers

Basal rosettes of palmate-lobed petiolate leaves, located on erect leafy stems, end with one or two rather large spherical flowers. The showy flowers of this delightful plant feature gorgeous, glossy petals ranging from lemon yellow to bright orange. As a rule, the flowers have a flattened or round shape. Each has at least 5 petal-shaped sepals overlapping each other, nectaries are located inside. Pistils and stamens are very numerous.

A healing decoction of grass and flowers is used as a powerful choleretic agent against edema and with serious liver disease. It has long been recommended in Altai to use a flower decoction for jaundice. In addition, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, such a remedy is used externally as lotions and baths.

European Bathing

The elegant European bathing suit is an ornamental horticultural crop, which, when growing, forms dense bushes about 60 cm high. The bright yellow flowers of this plant species are no more than 5 cm in diameter. The European bathing suit does not bloom for long – within three weeks. Flowering begins at the end of May. Such a perennial herbaceous plant has a fruit in the form of a combined leaflet.

The Asian Blume

The Asian swimsuit is very similar to European species. Such a plant has graceful double flowers of rich orange color with concave sepals and a large number of nectary petals. Asian bathing suit blooms for 2 weeks in early June.

Contraindications to the use of bathing suits

Such a poisonous plant as a swimsuit is capable of affecting the nervous system, so the use of roots requires special care.

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