This July in Chelyabinsk does not look like July at all – no time for beach worries. All thoughts are only about how to keep warm. A bath is best suited for this purpose. The bathhouse attendant, physiotherapist and massage therapist Mikhail Komissarov told about different ways to please your body.
– Russian bath is a bath with an air temperature of 60-80 degrees and a humidity of 80%. This temperature regime is not suitable for everyone. Someone may be better suited to other types of baths. It is necessary to take a steam bath while lying down. The temperature in the steam room is unevenly distributed because the warm air rises. If a person is sitting, then his head is in the heat, and his legs are in the cold. And if it lies on a shelf, it warms up evenly.
What you need in the steam room:
Steam the eucalyptus broom in boiling water and cool in ice water. Spray the resulting eucalyptus broth on the hot stones. Put a broom under the face. Cover your legs with a chilled birch broom. The eucalyptus broom will serve as a natural inhaler that is beneficial to the lungs. And a birch broom will cool your feet, as they heat up faster and hardest. This will help you stay in the steam room longer and steam more evenly. Using the services of a bathhouse attendant, you need to properly steam with an oak broom. After that, massage will be appropriate – both general and problem areas.
Batry Bank, st. Rusakova, 7v
Recreation center “Rus”, st. Truda, 64a
“Russian sauna on the wood”, Vatutina, 4
– This sauna is very useful. In fact, this is not so much a way of rest as physiotherapy. The principle of its action is based on the direct effect of infrared radiation on the human body and heating it in this way. Before you venture into such a procedure, you need to consult your doctor.
Golden Fish, per. Mineral, 4
“Pizzburg”, st. Komarova, 127a
“Oasis”, st. Chicherina, 34
– Many people think that a sauna and a Finnish bath are one and the same. This is not true. There are many types of Finnish baths, which differ from each other in terms of temperature and humidity. Usually a Finnish sauna is hot and dry. This is well suited for those who find it difficult to tolerate the steam room, since dry heat is easier to withstand than wet heat.
What you need in the steam room:
It is best to use oak brooms for steaming. Traditionally, everyone uses birch, but they are more rigid – the ends of the branches split, after soaring, traces remain on the skin, like from lashes. This is too harsh a method. Oak leaves are wide, soft, they are convenient for catching up steam. In addition, they contain beneficial tannins that have a good effect on the skin.
“Saunas in Cuba”, st. Zwillinga, 25
“Titan”, st. Kaslinskaya, 101a
“Sauna on Consumer”, st. 1st Consumer, 17
– The Turkish bath, or hammam, is built on the principle of a series of rooms. In every room, the air temperature rises. An obligatory hammam attribute is a soap foam massage performed by the attendant. The client is placed on a stone table and rubbed with a hard fiber sponge. Then they are covered with foam and go directly to the massage.
What you need in the steam room:
As you go through the halls of the hammam, it is customary to drink tea. In general, drinking green tea or herbal teas after steaming is very beneficial. The only rule is to exclude alcohol, even beer. Drinking alcohol is a very strong burden on the body. But sprinkling alcohol on the stones in the steam room is a very good idea. The main thing is that there is not too much alcohol in the tincture. Do not sprinkle essential oils on the stones – they will start to burn. Better to spray them on the hot walls of the steam room.
“Harmony”, Kopeyskoe highway, 5a
“Galaxy of entertainment”, Komsomolsky prospect, 16
Matrix, Sverdlovsky pr., 7a
– The cedar tree itself has a positive effect on health. Therefore, this type of vaping is used as a healing procedure, as well as for weight loss.
What you need:
You can pour a decoction of herbs into a cedar barrel. Sometimes we dilute the coniferous concentrate in water. You can also add essential oils there, only you need to carefully dilute them in water, otherwise they can severely burn the skin.
“Natural health resort”, st. 250th anniversary of Chelyabinsk, 15a
“Habibi”, Komsomolsky pr., 39a
“AtlantidaSPA”, st. Molodogvardeytsev, 17
– A water bath is a very convenient option for hardening. After steaming, you can jump into the lake. If, of course, your health allows you. Before you take a steam bath and jump into the water, you need to analyze your health. Better to measure the pressure. It is worth getting used to the contrasting temperatures gradually. But if everything is done correctly and without fanaticism, the body completely relaxes. All thoughts go out of my head.
What you need in the steam room:
You can also steam with a fir broom. It should not be steamed in too hot water – it will be cold enough. From a fir broom, you can make a “hut” over your head – it perfectly cools and allows you to enjoy the smell of the forest. A few brooms make a comfortable bedding.
“Pevo”, st. Novorossiyskaya, 77
Water, water, water everywhere
I carry everything with me
– A very good option for outdoor recreation. You can put it next to a lake or river. Another good option is a bath-tent. It can also be placed on the beach.
What you need:
You can apply honey and salt to the steamed body. Honey will help to saturate the skin with vitamins, salt – to expand pores and draw out toxins.
Bath on wheels “ZilBanych”