Even our ancestors made aromatic sets for the bath, because in the conditions of the steam room and sauna, all the aromas are enhanced, and the medicinal properties of plants increase tens and hundreds of times. I am glad that now the long-forgotten skill of composing aromatic compositions for the bath is being revived again. Aroma Royal Systems company produces aromatic bath series that can be used to treat mental and physical ailments.
Essential oils in the bath
In Russia, it was the custom to treat all ailments with a healing bath steam. Coniferous aroma was used to relax and calm the nervous system, mint and spruce were used for hardening, and for the treatment of colds, our ancestors inhaled medicinal steam from fir and juniper in the steam room. The molecules of aromatic oils, entering the human respiratory system, are instantly absorbed through the capillaries in the lungs and enter the blood. In the bath, the absorption process is enhanced, as the capillaries expand, as well as the pores on the skin, through which the effect of essential oils on the body also goes. In other words, you can just steam in the bath, breathe fragrant steam, and at the same time get healthy, become more beautiful and younger.
The benefits of the bath also lie in the fact that as a result of cleansing the pores, toxins and accumulated fluid are removed from the tissues, so the skin better perceives and actively absorbs all the nutrients and useful elements. It turns out that by inhaling aromatic oils in a bath or sauna, we get a more vivid effect than if we did it at home.
How to use essential oils
When visiting the steam room, observe moderation in the dosage of aromatic oils. On one bucket of water, drip no more than 2-3 drops of oil, if you find it too little, increase the dose, but gradually. Place the ladle near the stove so that the release of essential vapors is constant and long-lasting. At the same time, monitor your reaction and the condition of the skin, in order to avoid allergies. If you decide to try a new oil, the first visit to the steam room should not exceed 3-5 minutes, but gradually the time spent in the steam room can be increased to 30 minutes.
Water with essential oils should not be poured on hot stones — in this case, the water will evaporate very quickly or even ignite. In extreme cases, you can pour water on hot walls or spray it in the air through a spray gun. You can buy a special steam generator for baths and saunas with a container for essential oils, balms and dried herbs. To enhance the aroma, auxiliary means are also used, for example, a little sea salt or honey is dissolved in hot water, which help the aroma of natural oils to open up better. If you want to steam with maximum benefit, lightly moisten a birch broom in water with dissolved essential oils — the benefits for the body from such a procedure are huge!
The best essential oils for the bath
Eucalyptus oil seems to be created for the steam room, because it contains the substance cineol, which destroys viruses, bacteria, pathogens of dysentery, typhoid fever and other infections. If you are upset and can not calm down, and a sound sleep is a big problem for you, steam with thyme oil — on this day you will fall asleep instantly and will sleep very soundly. It is enough to inhale the aroma of thyme once a week in the bath and sauna to get rid of insomnia forever. Oils of lemon balm, chamomile, mint, mandarin and geranium are very good for solving these problems. If you, on the contrary, want to cheer up and improve your performance, use lavender and jasmine oil in the bath-they perfectly tone the body and lift the mood.
People suffering from respiratory diseases will appreciate the healing properties of cypress oil. If you drop a few drops into a cup of hot water and inhale the healing steam in the sauna, the mucous membrane of the lungs and bronchi will soften, sputum will be better removed, and the sinuses will be cleared. In addition, the cypress steam bath normalizes the hormonal balance in the body, restores the nervous system and improves metabolic processes.
Pine oil is very useful, it cleanses the skin, relieves the condition of patients with diseases of the respiratory system and effectively treats runny nose and sinusitis. Pine has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, and doctors especially recommend inhaling pine aroma to people who have suffered a heart attack. In men, pine essential oil vapors increase potency and increase sexual activity, which is a pleasant “side effect” of the therapeutic effect.
I would like to say a few words about the oil of melissa, which Paracelsus called the elixir of life, because it is an excellent tool for restoring strength, strengthening the immune system and treating many diseases. Inhaling the vapors of melissa essential oil strengthens the heart, normalizes blood pressure, puts in order the female reproductive function, rejuvenates the skin and has a beneficial effect on the appearance.
Aromatic bath compositions
The company Aroma Royal Systems offers for fans of aromatherapy a series of “Bath spirit” of three sets of essential oils. The wellness series with oils of bergamot, eucalyptus and fir strengthens the immune system, treats depression and is suitable as a means to prevent colds, in addition, eucalyptus relieves fatigue, strengthens strength and perfectly tones the body.
Soothing bath set of lemon balm, lavender and lemon relieves tension, while lemon heals and eliminates the effects of stress, dispels sadness and melancholy.
Women will love the aromatic sauna set “Harmony by nature”, because the unique composition of essential oils of juniper, geranium and grapefruit activates the process of fat burning, produces an anti-cellulite effect and normalizes metabolism. Geranium has the property of an antidepressant, juniper is a natural aphrodisiac, and the fresh and tart aroma of grapefruit reduces the appetite, so after such a fat-burning bath, you do not want to eat at all!
Pay attention to the interesting collection “Zodiac elements”, which can also be used in the sauna. Lavender, fir and lemon represent the element of water, tea tree, mint, eucalyptus are united in the elements of earth, lemon, lavender and juniper symbolize the element of fire, and mint, orange and eucalyptus are the elements of air.
You can choose aromatic collections before going to the sauna, depending on your mood and physical condition. “Air” oils give lightness, joy and lead out of severe depression, “fire” aromas warm and enhance blood circulation, “water” scents cool and soothe, and “earth” essential oils give strength, cheerfulness and fill with energy.
We make compositions for the sauna
If you want to create your own aromatic composition, use Aroma Royal Systems essential oils. Study the descriptions of all the oils, think about what effect you expect from visiting the bath, and make a collection.
For the treatment of colds, a complex effect of four oils — pine, fir, eucalyptus and mint-will help. They help with coughing, clear the airways well and relieve the symptoms of a cold. In the composition, you can add a couple of drops of citrus flavors that purify the air and relieve the patient’s condition.
If you are in a state of prolonged depression and apathy, have experienced stress and need to calm down, try to make a set of myrtle, lavender, bigaradia, ylang-ylang, frankincense, rose, mandarin, mint, valerian, marjoram, petitgrain, cumin and ho tree. They perfectly calm, reduce anxiety, depression and anxiety, eliminate fears, improve mood, charge with cheerfulness and positive emotions.
A trip to the sauna can be turned into a pleasant cosmetic procedure, because natural oils smooth out wrinkles, increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, fight acne and rashes, and improve the complexion. Use tea tree, orange, rose, lavender, jasmine, thuja, dill, fennel, and laurel oils for this purpose. Aromatic healing vapors also improve the condition of hair and nails, enhance sexuality and attractiveness.
Do not mix a lot of oils at once, three or four are enough, otherwise you will get an aromatic cacophony. Mixing oils is an art in which it is important to observe harmony and measure, in which good taste is manifested. A well-chosen fragrance collection is characterized by a strong impact on health and the psyche, as well as a subtle and refined aroma, in which each oil retains its individuality.
Use only natural oils purchased from reliable manufacturers for bath procedures. Artificial oils can be distinguished by a sharp unpleasant smell with chemical shades. Such oils are not suitable for inhalation and use in the sauna. Go to the sauna, gain strength and harmonize your inner world, because essential oils are created for this!