Bath … according to the mood

This simple method of water therapy is available to everyone and has an instant effect. Essential oils, flower petals, sea salt… Pleasure for the body and relaxation for the soul.

The bathroom is often the only place in the house where you can really enjoy privacy. To ensure yourself a few minutes of peace, it is better to take care of the details in advance. Dim the lights, turn off the phone or take headphones to listen to relaxing music, put a special cushion or rolled up towel under your head to avoid neck strain… For the full effect, do not mix therapy with hygiene: when taking a bath, it is better not to use soap and shampoo, so as not to destroy the action of oils and phytocomponents.

Shower can be taken in advance. Preliminary exfoliation of the skin with a loofah, a soft brush made of natural bristles, will make the penetration of healing components easier, and the effect of the bath more noticeable. Hot or cool? It all depends on the result we want to get.

From 30 to 37 ° C – hot bath. It is better to take it in the evening. It relieves fatigue and muscle tension, improves sleep and helps speed up the process of removing toxins. Duration – 20 minutes.

From 24 to 30 ° C – a warm bath. It helps with nervous tension and tones the skin. Duration – 10 minutes.

Below 24 ° С – cold bath. It has a tonic effect, strengthens blood vessels, increases blood circulation. The invigorating effect is guaranteed. Duration – no more than two minutes.

There are contraindications for taking baths. These are diseases of the blood and a tendency to bleed; tumors; heat; some heart diseases; dermatitis and epilepsy. And one more rule: you can take a bath no earlier than two hours after eating or at least one hour before it.

milk bath

Detoxifying milk bath with wormwood

1 liter of freshly prepared wormwood decoction (3 tablespoons of herbs per 1 liter of boiling water)

1 liter of hot milk of normal fat content (3,5%, it is better not to use sterilized)

Water temperature: about 36 °C

Duration – 20 minutes

After bath: you can not take a shower and do not apply lotion, it is best to wrap yourself in a terry bathrobe and relax for 20 minutes.

sea ​​bath

Sea salt baths have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and analgesic effects;

They have a stimulating effect on the immune system, activate the activity of the pineal gland (pineal gland), normalize sleep;

Promote the removal of excess fluid from the body; are considered an excellent addition in the treatment of skin diseases (psoriasis, acne, eczema, dermatitis).

Bath with honey and lavender for good sleep

150 g honey per 200 g sea salt

4 tbsp. l. low-fat almond oil for skin care

7 drops lavender oil

Water temperature: 38 °C

Duration – 15 minutes

After bath: you should rest for 20 minutes, wrapped in a bathrobe, then take a shower without detergents, apply a moisturizing body lotion.

flower bath

Petals or flower buds are added to the water: jasmine, roses, orchids, lavender, wild rose, mallow, lotus or chamomile. Flower bath miraculously improves the psycho-emotional state; in the East, it is believed that contemplation of flowers, a symbol of earthly purity, contributes to this.

Bath with roses, restoring peace of mind

  • 7 drops of rose essential oil dissolved in 1 tbsp. l. almond oil for skin care
  • 75 g fresh rose petals or a decoction of dried rosebuds (sold in tea shops): 1 tbsp. l. per 0,5 l of water
  • Water temperature: about 36 °C
  • Duration – 20 minutes

After bath: you can not take a shower and not apply lotion.

wine bath

Baths with wine relieve nervous and muscular tension, strengthen blood vessels and activate blood circulation. In addition, they remove toxins, increase immunity and protective functions of the skin.

Bath with red wine to improve blood circulation

  • 1 l dry red wine
  • 150 g honey
  • Temperature: 36-38 ° C
  • Duration – 25 minutes

After bath: you can take a contrast shower and apply body lotion.

Plant motifs

There are at least two options for preparing baths. The first is to simply add the essential oil, remembering that it must first be dissolved in milk or honey. Peach, wheat germ, almond oil will do, especially if dry skin bothers you in winter. During the bath, it will begin to be absorbed into the skin along with the essential component; no need for body lotion afterwards.

The second option is herbal decoctions. 3 tablespoons of herbs per liter of water are placed in enameled dishes, poured with boiling water and kept on low heat for 15-20 minutes. No complex water baths are needed, but can be left to infuse for several hours. 1 liter of infusion is enough for the desired effect.

For example, a coniferous bath is suitable for raising the mood and tone. A couple of branches of pine or spruce is enough for a decoction. You can add citrus fruits to the needles: put crushed tangerine peels in a gauze bag and hang it under running water or throw it into a filling bath. Boiling them is not required: they easily give off essential substances.

Juniper is very effective for relieving fatigue and stress: you can use not only its needles or finished oil, but also berries – they are sold in the spice departments in supermarkets. To get a good decoction, they need to be ground in a coffee grinder. At the first signs of a cold, a bath with decoctions of lavender, sage, eucalyptus – or with the appropriate essential oils, especially if they are dissolved in a small amount of honey, will help.

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