Batch-cooking, meal planning: how to better organize meals? 

The first steps in food diversification (around 4 to 6 months) establish a new rhythm in the kitchen! Your little one tastes his first purees, he discovers the textures and the tastes. And, to support him in this learning at his own pace, you must be available. Especially since the first spoonfuls are not necessarily appreciated immediately … In the first stages, a little trick is to have on hand, a stock of small pots that you will only have to reheat in a bain-marie. Then, to concoct his little dishes, what better than organic and seasonal fruits and vegetables! This does not prevent you from alternating with ready-to-use preparations, studied to meet baby’s specific needs *.

To help you cook a variety of dishes, consider equipping yourself witha multifunction robot-cooker which steams (to preserve vitamins and nutrients), blends, thaws and sterilizes ** of conservation jars and molds, to freeze your preparations, and freezer bags to get ahead of the chore of peeling fruits and vegetables.  

Batch-cooking: cook for the week in one go 

Batch-cooking, this method which consists of “cooking in batches”, comes from Anglo-Saxon countries. She suggests spending only 1 hour, 2 hours or 3 hours in the kitchen on Sunday, for example, to cook meals for several days. A convenient way to save quality time with your baby during the week. For example: if you cut courgettes into slices to prepare a puree, plan enough to concoct a gratin and / or a quiche for the rest of the family. Each dish or precooked ingredient is stored in airtight contents and in a cool place. When it comes to mash, think big! Preserving molds and even ice cube trays provide an ideal storage solution. Remember to label them well …

Plan your menus and shopping list: with tools

Don’t have time to improvise? So, set aside a little time at the start of the week to detail all the menus for the week. They will take into account your baby’s nutritional needs and the varieties of seasonal fruits and vegetables that he may discover during his development stage. Practical, for dessert or snack break, there are organic dairy products, plain and without added sugars and / or fruity specially designed to support apprentice gourmets in their development *. 

Did you know ? Meal planning tools can be found online to draw inspiration and respect the recommended intakes for your child. Once the menus for the week have been established, use a app to make your shopping lists or pre-register your list and order online.

Menu ideas to organize yourself month after month: 

For a 4-5 month old baby: menu to discover

For a 6-7 month old baby: menu to discover

For a baby aged 8 to 11 months: menu to discover

For a baby aged 12 to 17 months: menu to discover

For a baby aged 18 to 24 months: menu to discover

* In accordance with the regulations on baby food

 ** Please note: sterilizing mash removes vitamins 

DME, or child-led diversi fi cation, consists of letting your baby discover and eat, on his own, certain foods of suitable texture and size. Dr Arnault Pfersdorff, pediatrician-resuscitator in Strasbourg and specialist in diversi fi cation, answers Dorothée Saada’s questions, to help all parents who want to get started! 


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