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Are you struggling with an infection again this season? Or maybe you’ve been with a runny nose for months? If so, you should have a blood test to check your basophil levels. What are they and when can they indicate allergies, thyroid problems or leukemia?
The immune system – how does it work?
The immune system is one of the most important systems in our body. As it protects us from viruses and bacteria, it is extremely important that it functions properly. Interestingly, we do not achieve full efficiency until the age of 18-20. During the earlier years from birth, the cells of our body produce the so-called immune memory, i.e. the registry of viruses with which we have had contact so far.
How it works? Resistance to viruses and bacteria we buy thanks to vaccinations and illnesses. It is enough for a given virus or bacterium to cause an infection to develop once, for our immune system to attack it the next time and fight it before the disease develops.
However, if an infection begins to develop, it has to deal with the additional protective barriers our body produces. Belong to them:
- Acidic mucous membranes and skin, making life difficult for many microorganisms;
- Phagocytes, aka food cells. Found in the lymph nodes, they absorb and digest infected viruses or bacteria when they come across any infection-causing viruses or bacteria. What’s more, phagocytes are responsible for the release of pyrogens – substances that are responsible for the development of fever in the body. As you know, elevated body temperature inactivates many harmful microorganisms;
- Lymphocytes. If the microorganisms establish themselves for good in the body, white blood cells – lymphocytes – start to fight them. They begin to produce antibodies designed to neutralize viruses, bacteria and fungi. One type of lymphocyte is basophils.
What are basophils?
Basophils, i.e. basophils, are basophils, belonging to the group of leukocytes. Their main task is to support the work of the immune system against attacks by bacteria, viruses and fungi. They arise and multiply in the bone marrow, making up about 1 percent. the number of all white blood cells in your blood.
In addition to supporting the work of the immune system, they are also responsible for production of heparin – the substance responsible for blood clotting. Heparin is not the only substance produced and stored by basophils. They are also responsible for the production of serotonin, which affects the transmission of signals between brain cells, and histamine, whose task is to expand blood vessels and facilitate blood flow.
Studies carried out in recent years have confirmed that basophils are active in cases of allergies. They have special receptors, thanks to which immunoglobulins E can attach to them. In combination with allergens, substances responsible for the appearance of allergic reaction. Then the patient develops sneezing, runny nose, shortness of breath, and in extreme cases even anaphylactic shock.
Basophils – the course of the study and norms
To determine the basophil concentration, a blood sample is taken from the patient’s vein. The amount of basophils is defined as a component of the leukocyte concentration. Along with other markings, they are part of the morphology. Performing the test usually does not require any preparation. Fasting is not necessary unless your doctor tells you otherwise.
The following results are considered the norm of basophil concentration:
- 0-1 percent total white blood cell counts;
- 100-150 µl / l, that is from 100 to 150 basophils in a microlitre of blood.
Both too low and too high levels of basophils in the blood are considered abnormal and may indicate a malfunction of the body.
Basophils below normal
Low basophil concentration in the blood it is called basopenia. It is a condition that occurs extremely rarely in patients. In most cases it occurs in patients who have undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Chronic stress, pneumonia and acute rheumatoid fever may also be responsible for basopenia.
Low basophil levels It is also observed in people addicted to cocaine and in patients taking hormonal drugs, antiepileptics, antidepressants, steroids and antibiotics.
Often, basopenia is asymptomatic. Sometimes, however, the patient complains of a sore throat and chills. Enlarged lymph nodes and high fever may also be characteristic.
Basophils above normal
High concentration of basophils is referred to as basophilia. It occurs most often during an allergy and right after an infection. In addition, high levels of basophils are observed in people with hypothyroidism, myeloid leukemia, Crohn’s disease, lung cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, diabetes and tuberculosis. Unfortunately, basophilia does not have any characteristic symptoms.
It must be remembered that prophylactic morphology, which includes the determination of the level of basophils in the blood, should be performed at least once a year. Based on its results, we will be able to find out if our body is functioning properly, and in the event of any irregularities, take appropriate treatment. However, we should remember that both the analysis of the results and the determination of the treatment path should lie with the attending physician.
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