Basopenia: what is it and how to treat it?

Basopenia: what is it and how to treat it?

Basopenia is a decrease in the level of basophils less than 0,01 * 109 g/l. Basopenia accompanies the development of infectious processes, ulcerative stomatitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia. This condition is associated with a high risk of developing severe complications, including sepsis, hepatitis, peritonitis, etc. Treatment of this clinical and hematological syndrome requires the elimination of the causes that provoked it.

Basophils are granulocytes that are found in human tissues and in peripheral blood. Basophils are determined within the framework of the leukocyte formula. Therefore, a decrease in basophils will be accompanied by a decrease in leukocytes in general. To calculate their number, blood sampling for clinical analysis is required.

Basophils are produced by the bone marrow. Their average lifespan is a week.

With the development of inflammation, basophils, together with other leukocytes, go to its focus and direct their efforts to neutralize it. Basophils are responsible for the production of histamine (takes part in the fight against an allergic reaction), serotonin (a hormone responsible for suppressing stress) and heparin (this substance reduces blood clotting). Basophils carry prostaglandins, which, together with histamine, eliminate the allergen. During this invisible struggle, an inflammatory process develops in a person, which can have various manifestations.

If the level of basophils is reduced, then this indicates an insufficiency of the immune system. After all, it is they, together with other white blood cells, that are the first to be sent to the focus of inflammation. Although, to a greater extent, basophils are responsible for allergic reactions of an immediate and delayed type. Basopenia requires additional examinations and clarification of the reasons that led to a decrease in the level of these cells.

Reasons for the development of basopenia

Basopenia: what is it and how to treat it?

The following conditions can lead to the development of basopenia:

  • Suppression of their production in the bone marrow. Such a violation can be caused by the influence of ionizing radiation on the body, the use of cytostatic drugs and other drugs. Potentially dangerous drugs include: Levomycetin, Gentamicin, Streptomycin, Penicillin, Colchicine, Aminazine.

  • Immune reactions of the body with the formation of antibodies in the blood. They begin to attack their own white blood cells, which leads to their death. Provoking the development of such a reaction can be taking certain drugs, for example, Amidopyrine, Analgin, Aspirin, drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis, diabetes, helminthiases. Also, a decrease in the level of basophils in the blood can be observed with rheumatoid arthritis, thyroiditis, systemic lupus erythematosus and other collagenoses.

  • Infections can lead to basopenia. Among the dangerous conditions: malaria, infectious mononucleosis, typhoid fever, yellow fever, hepatitis, polio.

  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, aplastic anemia can provoke a decrease in the level of basophils in the blood.

Basopenia can develop during pregnancy when the volume of circulating blood in a woman’s body increases. Most often, this situation occurs in early pregnancy. If a woman suffers from folate deficiency anemia or B12 deficiency anemia, then her level of basophils will also be reduced. To normalize these indicators, you must follow a diet and take vitamin complexes.

Symptoms of basopenia

Basopenia: what is it and how to treat it?

The symptoms of basopenia depend on the cause of this disorder. If basopenia is of an immune nature, then the disorder develops acutely and is accompanied by a decrease in the level of leukocytes in general. A person’s body temperature rises, there is a sharp weakness, sweating and pallor of the skin integuments increase.

The mucous membrane of the mouth undergoes pathological changes. On the gums and the inner surface of the cheeks, ulcers and areas of necrosis form, the pharynx and tongue, tongue and hard palate become inflamed. In parallel, pains join, which intensify during the swallowing of food and during its chewing. Nearby lymph nodes become inflamed. The liver and spleen may increase in size.

With a decrease in the production of basophils and other leukocytes in the bone marrow, a person will notice the following symptoms:

  • Nose bleed.

  • Increased bleeding gums.

  • Formation of bruises and hematomas.

  • The appearance of blood in the urine.

If the intestines are involved in the inflammatory process, then the patient develops diarrhea, bloating increases, cramping pains appear. The severe course of the pathology may result in perforation of the intestinal wall and the development of peritonitis.

There is also a high risk of developing hemorrhagic pneumonia, with further abscess or gangrene of lung tissue. Complications of the pathology also include sepsis, acute inflammation of the liver parenchyma, mediastinitis.

Diagnosis of basopenia

Basopenia: what is it and how to treat it?

A doctor may prescribe an analysis for basophils in the following cases:

  • During a scheduled check-up.

  • During the examination before the operation.

  • If you suspect an infection, inflammation or blood disease.

  • To monitor the effectiveness of the treatment.

In childhood, a decrease in the number of basophils can provoke disturbances in the endocrine system and in the processes of hematopoiesis, which increases the likelihood of leukemia. If basophils are reduced in a woman against the background of complete health, then it makes sense to conduct a pregnancy test.

As a rule, studies on basophils are not carried out separately. They are counted within the boundaries of the leukocyte formula. The construction of this formula is carried out as part of a detailed clinical blood test. Basophils are referred to as BAS or BA. However, in the results of a blood test, they will be in the group of GRN granulocytes or MID monocytes. If the indicators of these populations do not go beyond the permissible norm, then an additional calculation of basophils is not carried out. In case of any deviations, the doctor prescribes a second analysis with the calculation of the leukocyte formula in a blood smear under a microscope.

Norms of basophils in the blood

Basopenia: what is it and how to treat it?

The level of basophils in the blood does not change significantly depending on the age of the person. However, certain indicators of the norm still exist:

  • The norm of basophils in newborns is 0,75%.

  • Upon reaching the child of 1 month, their level in the blood decreases to 0,5%.

  • In children from 2 months to a year, normal basophil levels are 0,4-0,9%.

  • For children under 12, these values ​​remain at around 0,7%.

  • In adolescence over 12 years old and up to 21 years old, the level of basophils is kept at around 0,6-1%.

  • In adults, the normal content of basophils in the blood is equal to 0,5-1%.

Immediately after the baby is born, the level of basophils in his blood will be elevated. This is due to the development of immunity. During the first month, these values ​​will decrease slightly, and by the age of 12 they should stabilize.

How to pass the analysis?

Basopenia: what is it and how to treat it?

In order for the results of the study to be as reliable as possible and not to require repeated blood donation, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • You need to donate blood on an empty stomach. To do this, 8-12 hours before the procedure, you should refuse to eat. You can only drink water.

  • The day before the procedure, you can not play sports, you need to minimize the impact of stress on the body, do not lift weights. In general, it is necessary to lead a measured lifestyle.

  • From the menu it is desirable to exclude spicy, salty and fatty foods, alcoholic and tonic drinks, carbonated water.

  • If a person is forced to take any drugs, then before taking a blood test, he must warn his doctor about this.

Compliance with these rules will allow you to get the most reliable results on the level of basophils and other blood parameters.

Treatment of basopenia

Basopenia: what is it and how to treat it?

Treatment of basopenia should be based on the causes that provoked it. For this patient is subjected to a comprehensive examination.

Separately, it is necessary to note the period of pregnancy. At this time, a decrease in the level of basophils in the blood is a variant of the norm, since this occurs due to an increase in blood volumes. No specific treatment is required, after a while the blood counts will return to normal on their own.

If the pathological causes of a decrease in basophils in the blood in an adult have not been identified, then it is necessary to direct efforts to strengthen the immune forces of the body. To do this, they try to avoid stress, put regime moments in order. It is important to give up bad habits, eat right and exercise. Eating meat and fish dishes, vegetables, fruits and cereals will make up for the deficiency of nutrients in the body, which will positively affect the composition of the blood.

If, in addition to basophils, the patient has a sharp decrease in other blood populations included in the leukocyte formula, then this requires hospitalization of the patient. He is placed in an isolated ward, where aseptic conditions are observed. This will eliminate the likelihood of developing infectious complications, since a low content of leukocytes in the blood affects the state of immunity. It can decrease so much that any disease, even a common cold, can lead to pneumonia and death. Particular attention to such patients should be given to the oral cavity. It is rinsed as often as possible using aseptic solutions.

If a person is taking myelotoxic drugs, then treatment should be reviewed. Without the abolition of these drugs, it will not be possible to restore the level of leukocytes to normal. Antibiotics and antimycotics can be prescribed to prevent purulent and fungal infections. In severe cases, a leukocyte mass transfusion is performed. Immunoglobulins are administered intravenously.

When immune and autoimmune pathology becomes the reason for the decrease in the level of basophils and other leukocytes, the patient is prescribed glucocorticoids in high doses. If a large number of antibodies to their own cells circulate in the blood, then plasmapheresis is performed. Perhaps the use of drugs aimed at stimulating leukopoiesis.

With the development of severe septic complications, the prognosis worsens significantly. To prevent the development of basopenia, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. If a person is forced to take drugs with a myelotoxic effect, then he needs to regularly donate blood for analysis. At the first signs of violations, adjustments should be made to the treatment regimen.

A decrease in the level of basophils in particular, but with a normal value of the leukocyte formula in general, does not pose a threat to human health and does not require any specific treatment. Basophils, as a separate blood population, are of clinical interest if their level begins to rise and a person develops basophilia. This condition is more dangerous than basopenia.

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