Basic nutritional rules after 30

After 30 years, metabolic slowdowns inevitably occur, and habitual food or the wrong meal time can significantly affect your weight and well-being. Before you start dieting, change your eating habits, and the threat of extra pounds will disappear by itself.

Increase the amount of protein

Protein helps muscles to be in good shape, and with intense exertion, it participates in their growth and the construction of the relief of your body. In addition, protein perfectly saturates, prevents the deposition of fat, and you will not want to eat a lot of fatty foods.

Excellent sources of protein are fish, lean meats, eggs, dairy products. Eat plenty of protein for lunch and dinner.


Eat the right fats

It is not worth giving up completely from fats – after 30 your skin and hair definitely need hydration, which, among other things, is given by the correct fats in the diet. The state of the hormonal system also requires the mandatory presence of fats in the diet.

Replace animal fats with vegetable fats – oil, nuts, avocados.

Add more vegetables

It’s time to pay more attention to vegetables, besides, the period of rejection of vegetables for taste preferences is long over – you can already cook delicious dishes from them.

Vegetables contain a lot of fiber, which helps to remove waste products from the body and not gain excess weight. Focus on salads, stews, bake, stuff and add to your usual dishes.

Limit sweets

Alas, you will have to restrain your passion for sweets. Now any extra dessert will harm your figure due to the slowed down metabolism. However, it is also not worth giving up desserts altogether – this threatens with a breakdown and uncontrolled eating of sweets in even greater quantities.

Keep track of the time when you allow yourself sugar – let it be the first half of the day. And cut back on the amount – this will give your brain a signal to satisfy your desire, but you will not overeat fast carbs.

Adjust your diet

First, analyze when, how much and what you eat. After 30 years, a chaotic diet can lead to undesirable consequences.

Eat often, in small portions, preferably at the same time, so that your metabolism does not slow down so quickly. For breakfast, recharge with carbohydrates, add protein to carbohydrates at lunch, and leave only proteins for dinner. Snack on fruits and nuts, dairy products – and you don’t have to worry about feeling hungry and overweight.

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