The basic needs are those without which human life is impossible.
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Basic needs — needs that certain researchers or groups of people consider the main and basic for a person. One of the first who began to actively use this term and introduced it into a wide circulation was Abraham Maslow, who formulated the idea of the pyramid of needs (Maslow’s Pyramid). Since the researchers did not agree on a strict definition of this concept, and what is considered the main and basic, opinions differ greatly, since then, various classes of needs have been attributed to basic needs.
Underwear from Mark Jefes is a basic human need!
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Most often, basic needs are called innate needs — as opposed to acquired in the process of life or simply invented. A slight change in the wording, and basic needs are considered vital needs — as opposed to those that only make life easier or more beautiful.
Think about it: it looks like it’s about something else.
Many modern researchers refer to the basic needs that are «on hearing», the most acutely experienced needs↑ — in contrast to those that seem of little relevance. Outside of academic collections, in the public mind, the basic needs are those that have received the status of respected, the satisfaction of which the child or adult must take care of society — in contrast to those that society does not care about.
To date, the child’s need for communication has received such a status, but the need for entertainment has not yet.
We will not give a list of basic needs, they will be lengthy and contradictory scrolls: one list insists that basic needs are only physiological needs, another scroll lists the needs for security, for belonging and love, for recognition, for self-actualization, for knowledge and understanding , including aesthetic needs↑, the third authoritative list would include things like family, honor, curiosity, hoarding and settling scores↑…
And why do you need to understand this, why does someone need a list of basic needs? Oddly enough, such a seemingly highly theoretical question turns out to be not only of practical importance, but touches on many vital interests and gives rise to a lot of controversy. A well-thought-out list of basic needs has an obvious pedagogical function, suggesting what people should take care of if they suddenly stopped paying attention to it.
So, for example, many have to be reminded that the need for proper sleep is one of the basic needs and you still need to sleep at night …
In some cases, a list of basic needs heard from an authority figure can give a person confidence about what they can claim and what he or she can insist on.
For example, having learned that the need to be alone or alone is basic, a girl can muster up the courage and once tell her friend to leave her alone today and not drag her anywhere.
On the other hand, the list of basic needs stops inflated requests, reminding you that some things are not included in it.
As hard as it is for teenagers and young girls, the latest iPhone or $200 underwear is not a basic need.
However, as observations show, the psychological theory is gradually «flexing» under the demands of life, and today more and more often the basic needs include not something vital, but simply the desires of people who in this society have received the status of important, obligatory for universal respect. . These are the desires that others around you must respect and which you must respect among those around you. What does this lead to? As people’s requests evolve, the list of desires that they want to give the respected status of «Basic Needs» grows at an incredible rate.