Basic mathematical signs and symbols

Below is a table with the main mathematical symbols and signs: root (√), greater than (>), less than (<), equality (=), etc. Also, their brief description and examples are given for better understanding.

знак» style=»min-width:auto; width:auto;»>Символ /


NameMeaning / descriptionExample
=equallyequalitynot equalinequalityapproximately equal toapproximate equality/roundingmoreA is greater than B<lessA is less than Bmore or equalA is greater than or equal to Bless or equalA is less than or equal to B()round bracketsthe expression inside the brackets is considered first[]square bracketsthe expression inside the brackets is considered first+plusaddition signminussubtraction sign±plus or minusboth operations are performed: addition and subtraction±minus plusboth operations are performed: both subtraction and addition*starmultiplication×Xmultiplicationpointmultiplication÷obelusdivision/slashdivision:colondivisionhorizontal linefraction (division)againstformremainder of the division.pointdecimal separator,commadecimal separatorpowernumber A in powers of Ba^bcircumflexnumber A in powers of B√aSquare rootcube rootnth root%percentageppm
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