Basic massage techniques for neck chondrosis

Basic massage techniques for neck chondrosis

Massage with chondrosis must be carried out in the subacute stage. Sometimes the procedure can be carried out in the acute stage of the disease, in which case the doctor’s task becomes a reflex effect on the pain localized in the spine due to the impact on healthy parts of the body. In the first sessions, the massage is carried out with sparing methods to prevent excessive tension in the muscles, which helps to avoid additional pain.

In the case of cervical chondrosis, massage is performed on the patient in a lying or sitting position, and the second option is used only in exceptional cases using a special massage chair. In any position of the body, it is necessary to achieve complete relaxation of the muscles of the back and neck, which is an indispensable condition for the patient.

[Video] Unique Neck Massage Technique:

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