Basic cleaning rules that work

Basic cleaning rules that work

Have you ever had such a situation that you seem to be cleaning your apartment, millimeter by millimeter cleaning cabinets and shelves, but there is still such chaos around you, as if you have never held a rag in your hands? We have prepared the basic principles of cleaning, taken from the book “Magic cleaning. The Japanese method to put things in order at home and in life ”by Mari Kondo, who, we are sure, will help you to put your house in order once and for all and get rid of junk.

In fact, the author’s main idea boils down to the need to get rid of unnecessary things that litter your home and your life. And even if it will not be easy from the very beginning, but you can throw out one thing every day, so by the end of the year you will get rid of 365 unnecessary items. Unfortunately, this method is too long and, in order to get a visible result, you need to act decisively and push your apartment right away.

It’s worth starting with the fact that every day you do not clean one specific room (otherwise you will be cleaning for ages), but sort your things into categories. For example, fold socks to socks, go through home clothes and ruthlessly throw away what has become unusable, think over the competent storage of seasonal clothes (and shoes). In the same way, it is necessary to sort through books, magazines and newspapers (they must be disposed of without regret), important papers and letters, trifles, photographs, souvenirs and sentimental things.

Listen to your intuition and ask yourself if you have used any of the items lately. Do you really need them or nothing bad will happen if you remove them from your life?

Surprisingly, in fact, cleaning an apartment is closely related to the analysis of rubble in our lives. And as soon as you cleanse your home, you will immediately switch to the more important things that are happening in your life, and you can, for example, solve the problems that have been postponed for so long. After all, the main idea that the author is trying to convey is: “order in the house = order in personal life.”

Another main secret that will help keep the apartment clean is to properly store things for which a certain place should be allocated. Storage should be organized as simply as possible, you should not scatter objects throughout the house or arrange boxes and boxes for small things throughout the apartment.

Do not stack things in piles, it is better to store them vertically – this way they will take up less space, will not deform and stay in perfect condition longer. But bags are best stored in … another bag! Thus, you do not have to allocate a special shelf for this accessory, you just need to fold them into each other and place them in the largest and most voluminous model. New clothes also need to be unpacked immediately and the labels cut off. But it is better to send small things and jewelry to the chest of drawers so that they do not come across the arm at the most inopportune moment and are collected in one place.

And last, but not least, advice – surround yourself with things that make you truly happy. Remember that order attracts good luck and helps change your life for the better.

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