Basal temperature: how to measure correctly and make a schedule

Hello, my dear readers and visitors of the site! In the article “Basal temperature: how to measure correctly and draw up a schedule” basic information plus a video.

What is basal temperature

Basal temperature is the lowest body temperature after prolonged rest. Most often measured after sleep. There are several ways to measure:

  1. Rectally (anally) – in the anus (in the anus).
  2. Vaginally – into the vagina.
  3. Orally – in the mouth.

According to the recommendations of doctors, the most reliable information is provided by the rectal measurement. It is better to use a mercury thermometer. It shows less error in contrast to the electronic one. The study is carried out over three cycles using the same thermometer.

How to measure basal temperature correctly

In the evening, put the thermometer near your bed so that you don’t get up in the morning. After waking up (sleep should last at least three hours), without getting out of bed, insert the thermometer into the anus to a depth of at least 4 centimeters.

Do not move for five minutes, dream about beautiful things! Record the readings immediately after the measurement. The study is carried out daily at a set time.

If you started using the rectal method, then you cannot change it to vaginal or oral, because the results will be distorted. Choose one method that suits you best.

Basal temperature: how to measure correctly and make a schedule

For drawing up a schedule, it is more convenient to use a double sheet of paper in the box. The horizontal line shows the days of the cycle, the vertical line shows the temperature. One cell is a day and 0,1 degrees, respectively.

Draw a horizontal line at 37 degrees. It will help you to better read the graph. For a more accurate measurement, under the horizontal line of the graph, it is necessary to mark the selection (quantity and appearance).

Under the “highlight” line, place the “special cases” column. In this section, different situations occurring in life are noted. For example, air travel, illness, stress, naps, business trips, and so on.

In the follicular phase of the female cycle, the indicators are below the straight line. A day or two before the onset of ovulation, they fall by 0,2-0,4 degrees. And then the temperature rises above the axis by 0,2-0,4. This characterizes the luteal phase, during which there is a high likelihood of becoming pregnant.

Usually 1-2 days before menstruation, the body temperature drops, which indicates a drop in progesterone levels. If no decrease is observed and menstruation does not occur, then there is a high probability of pregnancy. The graph is used not only for planning pregnancy, but also for diagnosing hormonal imbalance.


In this video, additional information: what is basal temperature and how to measure it correctly

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