Barriers to getting pregnant multiply

However, scientists are adding substances to this group that can also inhibit female reproduction. Worse, they are in our environment and there is little we can do about it. Researchers tested blood and urine samples from 501 couples who were trying to conceive. Four substances were found in women and nine in men.

These substances make it possible for you to become pregnant fall by 20%. It is as dangerous a factor as smoking. One of these substances are polychlorinated biphenyls. They are located in meat, fish and dairy products. Scientists say it is impossible to avoid exposure to these substances. We may encounter them for the first time already in the prenatal period or while being breastfed. Experts, on the other hand, advise that a risk reducing factor may be reducing the amount of fats consumed. However, do not worry too much about the presence of these substances in our body, because it is actually impossible to prevent it. Doctors suggest couples wanting offspring should put more effort into reducing these negative factors that they can control. These include, first of all, choosing the right time for intercourse. Moreover, it matters smoking, eating a lot of fat and being physically active. source:

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