Barley porridge: health benefits and harms
An undeservedly forgotten traditional dish is gradually returning to our table. Barley porridge is not only tasty, but also has healing properties. It is used as a diet food for severe diseases.

History of barley porridge

Barley porridge is made from peeled whole grains of barley. If the grains are crushed, such porridge is called barley.

Barley is not capricious and grows in many climatic zones. Because of this, she was so popular in Our Country. Barley porridge was first mentioned in ancient Egypt. Barley is also mentioned many times in the Bible.

Barley porridge was considered “royal food” for a reason. Cooking it to a tender state was not easy, and took a lot of time. For the nobility, the groats were soaked, boiled for a long time, languished in the oven, so that the porridge became the most delicious.

But ordinary people often ate barley. It is very satisfying and was a good substitute for meat, which was rarely on the tables.

The composition and calorie content of barley porridge

Caloric value on 100 g123 kcal
Proteins2,5 g
Fats0,45 g
Carbohydrates28,5 g

The benefits of barley porridge

Barley porridge is one of the richest in various vitamins and microelements. Pearl barley is among the champions for the presence of chromium.

A lot of cereals and potassium, iron, calcium. Barley is much richer than wheat in terms of fiber content, therefore it is especially useful for digestion. Fiber enhances peristalsis, serves as a breeding ground for beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

The satiety of barley porridge is due to the high content of vegetable protein. It saturates the body for a long time and fights hunger. This is important during diets to reduce excess weight.

Barley porridge improves skin condition. And both when eating, and in the form of nourishing masks. This cereal contains a lot of lysine, which is necessary for the production of collagen. It is he who makes the skin supple, prevents sagging and the appearance of wrinkles.

Barley contains hordecin, a substance with an antibacterial effect. It helps to relieve inflammation and inhibits the growth of pathogenic flora. A decoction of cereals and barley porridge itself perfectly fights inflammatory diseases of the intestines and stomach, softens the mucous membranes. Barley is no less useful for liver damage.

Harm of barley porridge

Usually barley does not cause problems, but allergic reactions are possible. It is also better not to give porridge to children under 2 years old.

Barley porridge causes gas and constipation, so people with similar bowel diseases should limit barley in the diet, ”advises nutritionist-consultant Dilara Akhmetova.

The use of barley porridge in medicine

In medicine, pearl barley has firmly established itself in many medical menus. Barley porridge and especially a decoction of cereals are recommended for people with intestinal diseases. Barley will also help with gastritis, diseases of the pancreas. Sometimes porridge is included in the diet even in the stage of exacerbation of the disease. Barley is known for its enveloping, anti-inflammatory properties. Mucous decoctions accelerate the healing of inflamed membranes of organs.

Often barley porridge is also eaten when losing weight, due to its low calorie content. At the same time barley is nutritious enough to saturate the body even during diets.

For diabetics, as well as for vascular and heart diseases, the inclusion of barley in the diet can improve health. The cereal has a low glycemic index, does not cause rises in blood sugar levels, and also strengthens blood vessels.

The use of barley porridge in cooking

Barley porridge is inconvenient for long cooking. To speed it up, you can pre-soak barley overnight in cool water, which then needs to be drained, and rinse the cereal before cooking. So it will retain the maximum of useful substances, and it will take a little time to cook. After barley porridge can be eaten with butter, added to soups, salads.

Barley kutya in a thermos

Traditional Slavic dish, which was often present on the table. Nowadays, it is usually prepared for the holidays. This recipe does not even require cooking porridge.

Pearl barley150 g
Water450 ml
Saltto taste
Honey1 tbsp.
Nuts50 g
Raisins100 g
poppy food2 tbsp.

Rinse barley with water, put it in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Leave a place of 5 centimeters to the edge so that the cereal swells. Close the lid and leave for 4 hours.

At this time, pour separately poppy seeds and raisins with boiling water so that the water slightly covers them, drain after an hour. Grind poppy seeds in a bowl with a pestle or spoon into gruel.

Grind any nuts – walnuts or almonds work well. Open the thermos and drain the excess water from the barley, if any remains. Add honey, salt, nuts, raisins and poppy seeds to it, mix thoroughly. You can add a little water to make the porridge more moist.

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Barley cutlets

A hearty replacement for the usual cutlets for those who fast or do not eat meat. Serve with sour cream and herbs

Pearl barley250 g
Water600 ml
Onions200 g
Carrots200 g
Garlic3 denticles
Potatoes300 g
Salt, black ground pepperto taste
Breadcrumbs100 g

Rinse the groats and soak in cold water for at least a few hours. Drain the water and boil the barley until tender.

While the porridge is cooling, chop the onion and grate the carrots on a medium grater. Fry vegetables in vegetable oil until golden brown. Peel the potatoes from the skin and grate the tubers on a medium grater.

Pass the barley and garlic through the meat grinder. You can grind barley porridge with a blender. Add onion with carrots, potatoes, salt and pepper to the mass.

Mix and form patties with wet hands. Roll each in breadcrumbs or flour. Fry in a preheated pan in vegetable oil on each side until a crust appears.

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How to choose and store barley porridge

Pearl barley is sold in individual packages or by weight. It is better to choose pearl barley in the package, it protects the grain from moisture. Inspect the package – there should be no litter and grain pests inside.

Barley is usually harvested in August, so the best packing date is late summer. The grain will be as fresh as possible. Groats are stored in an airtight container in a dry place.

Ready barley porridge in water or milk can stand for a couple of days, but always in the refrigerator.

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