Barley porridge: benefits and harms to the body
Barley porridge is a rich dish made from barley groats, which contains many useful mineral and organic trace elements.

History of barley porridge

Several centuries ago, barley groats were worth the weight of a diamond. Barley was considered the most valuable cereal; with the help of its grains, the weight of precious stones was measured.

In ancient Our Country, barley porridge was cooked in milk, butter was added to it. The cell was especially popular in winter, when the body needed a lot of energy to work in the cold.

Today, barley, from which barley groats and pearl barley are made, is considered a cereal for feeding livestock.

But Japanese scientists have already proven that the composition of barley porridge is as balanced as possible. It has the optimal amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. So in Japan, barley is not only eaten in the form of porridge, but also drunk. Barley drink cleanses blood vessels and works as a natural antibiotic.

Composition and calorie content

Caloric content for 100 grams324 kcal
Proteins10,4 g
Fats1,3 g
Carbohydrates66,3 g

The benefits of barley porridge

The cell is rich in B vitamins, which normalize the functioning of the nervous system, nourish the brain, and have a beneficial effect on appetite and sleep.

Vitamin PP is responsible for blood circulation, improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Vitamin E affects all biochemical processes inside the body.

Hordecin, an antibacterial substance, is used to treat fungal infections. The protein contained in the cell is indispensable for the body. It blocks the aging process, fights viruses, infections and various internal inflammations.

There is a lot of fiber in barley porridge, which helps to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins and toxins, and normalizes the functioning of the stomach. Regular consumption of yachka relieves constipation.

Harm of barley porridge

Barley porridge is contraindicated in people with glycine enteropathy. It is also not recommended during pregnancy. Excessive consumption can cause premature birth.

Barley porridge is not friendly with egg white. Therefore, when using one product, exclude the other.

Do not forget about individual intolerance. If there is an allergy to cereals, then most likely there will be an allergy to a cell.

Before introducing barley porridge into your diet, consult a nutritionist. The doctor will determine the optimal portion of the product with the maximum benefit for your body.

The use of barley porridge in medicine

– Almost the entire composition of barley is preserved in the cell. There are also vitamins A, E, PP, vitamins of group B are quite widely represented. Minerals are contained: potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, copper. All this has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. B vitamins contribute to normal well-being, mood, and help with irritability. Helps to concentrate and regulate the work of the brain. Potassium removes excess fluid from the body, strengthens the heart muscle. Magnesium is responsible for the normal state of the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, relieves stress. The cereal contains fiber, which gently cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. Eliminates excess cholesterol, radionuclides, endotoxins. There is a lot of vegetable protein in the cell. Viscous barley porridge can be used for diseases of the stomach. It has an enveloping effect, – said nutritionist Elena Solomatina, candidate of medical sciences.

Cooking application

Dietary barley porridge is prepared on the water. It is often baked in the oven with butter, sugar and nuts. Porridge goes well with honey, jam, sour cream and milk. Also, porridge can be served with meat stew.

Barley porridge for breakfast

One of the easiest breakfast options. The porridge turns out viscous and tender. The dish can be served with honey, jam, nuts and dried fruits. The only “disadvantage” of barley porridge is the cooking time. Get up an hour early in the morning

Milk900 ml
Barley grits8-10 heaping tablespoons
Sugar2 tablespoons
Salt1 pinch
Butter50 g

Rinse the cereal under the tap. Bring the milk to a boil and add the cereal to it. Add salt and sugar. Cook over low heat for about 40 minutes, stirring regularly. Add butter, turn off the stove and let the porridge brew.

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Cell with liver

The dish turns out to be hearty and healthy. Chicken liver and canned peas add tenderness and piquancy to the porridge. You can serve the dish with a vegetable salad.

Barley grits130 g
Green pea90 g
Carrots1 piece.
Onions1 piece.
Chicken liver180 g
Garlic3 denticles
Ground black pepper and saltto taste

First we prepare the liver. Peel and chop carrots, onions and garlic. We cut off excess fat and ducts from the liver, cut it into thin slices. We stew all prepared ingredients in a slow cooker in water and vegetable oil. After 20 minutes, add barley groats to the mixture. Salt and pepper to taste. And leave the dish to cook for another 45 minutes. After turning off the multicooker, add peas.

How to choose and store

When choosing barley porridge, pay attention that it is sold in a plastic bag. This container protects the product from moisture.

The ideal color of barley groats is light. The bag should not contain litter and suspicious lumps. If they are, it means that moisture still got in.

Check the expiration date and production date. It is good if the porridge is made during the ripening period of cereals – August. It also suggests that the cereals were not stale.

Storage conditions. Keep barley porridge in a dark, dry place – in a sealed container.

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