Barley for fishing

When planning a fishing trip for white fish, the choice is to choose which nozzle to catch. The most affordable, both in terms of price and method of application, is pearl barley. This type of bait catches many types of fish. Pearl barley is barley after primary processing, the husks and bran are removed from it. Porridge is very useful from barley, barley is added to pilaf, barley is added to pickle and other healthy dishes. For fish, this is also very tasty food and she feels it well. Barley is a dense grain of barley and its preparation has some subtleties in which the taste would not be lost. You can cook cereals in any aluminum or stainless utensils. But if you went out into nature: there is a tent, a thermos, food, a fire, but there are no home conditions, you can cook barley for fishing in a thermos. The main condition is the presence of pearl barley and fire for boiling water.

Grain selection and preparation

It is much easier to do this at home. To have a decent bite, the bait must be properly prepared and put on. It should be soft, fragrant, suitable for the taste of the fish. We approach the choice of cereals.

  1. Grains that are well cleaned without dust are suitable for cooking.
  2. The grain is light in color.
  3. Look at the date of harvest on the packaging (old grain harvested several years ago will not work).
  4. Check the absence of unsuitable impurities in the grain (garbage, foreign residents of the moth or bug species, as well as the presence of mouse tracks).

Let’s start cooking. At this time, a lot of additional kitchen appliances have appeared, such as: multicookers, double boilers, electric ovens, microwaves. However, on the stove in the pan is the most properly cooked barley. If you fish for a certain type of fish, you need to know whether this fish likes fragrant seasonings or not. There are types of fish that do not want to go for flavored barley porridge. So, you need to cook pearl barley without additives until tender.

In a saucepan for 5 cups of cold water, you need a cup of grains. Do not fall asleep cereals in boiling water, barley will be crumbly and hard. We also need soft grits, especially when fishing with a float rod. We slightly open the lid so that the porridge after boiling does not “run away” onto the stove. Stir a few times to keep it from sticking to the bottom. The cereal is cooked for about an hour. If after cooking in the pan there is a little water on the surface of the porridge, do not drain it. You just need to place a container of porridge in a warm jacket or baby blanket and leave it overnight so that the cereal absorbs water. Barley will take in the water and will be the desired consistency.

When going fishing in the summer, they prepare porridge for bait with flavors. When cooking cereals, add half a glass of ground sunflower seeds. Porridge for 1 glass of pearl barley. Add water and set to boil. After the barley porridge has cooled to room temperature, add drops of anise, garlic smell and rare honey to it. The nozzle is ready for use.

You can brew barley in a different way for a delicious bait. 3,5 cups of water are added to a glass of pearl barley and boiled, stirring until tender. Hot barley falls asleep in a tight plastic bag, adds a glass of fried bread crumbs, a drop of garlic and closes the bag. Hot pearl barley will release steam, at which the bag will swell, we braise the grits for 5 minutes, mixing with breadcrumbs. Then it is cooled and additionally flavored with smells. When spilling food on the water, crackers with pearl barley will slowly sink to the bottom, attracting the smell of fish.

Barley in a thermos

For fishing, barley can be prepared by steaming in a thermos. A large thermos is taken for convenient shaking of steamed barley. The container should not have foreign odors, it must be rinsed well. Before filling, the flask must be heated for 5 minutes with boiled water. For a thermos with a capacity of a liter, five tablespoons of pearl barley per 2,5 cups of water are enough. It is not necessary to fill the thermos to the very top, leave free space under the cork. If you use a capacious thermos, it will fit a glass of cereal and 3,5 cups of boiling water.

When filling the feeder, the method of steaming barley in a thermos lasts 2 hours, then it will be dense, it will not be washed out of the feeder. For fishing with a bait, the park period is extended by 2 hours. There is no exact time to know when all the water will be absorbed. Properly steamed barley in a thermos is the key to successful fishing.

We mix the cereal with toasted bread crumbs and food for aquarium fish, sunflower, anise and garlic oil. It should also be borne in mind that all fish love the smell of garlic.

Barley when catching carp

Fish that live everywhere: in dirty swampy water holes, in lakes, in rivers, in reservoirs, where there are banks overgrown with grass – this is crucian carp. He prefers barley over other complementary foods and loves its smell. When fishing for crucian carp, it is better to take a float rod with a rod 5 meters long. From the boat you will need spinning, a rod length of 2 meters. Gear must be chosen very sensitive.

The thickness of the fishing line must be chosen based on what kind of catch the calculation is, but a thick fishing line casts a shadow, which scares away the cautious carp. You need to choose a thin, strong fishing line. We fix the grains on the hook carefully so that they do not crumble and fly off the hook without reaching the place. Special instructions for preparing barley for crucian carp are not required – he loves barley in all its forms. But there are smells preferred by crucians. We add boiled barley sugar or honey, for the sweetness of the bait. Anise and garlic oil are added for aroma, the fish loves these smells.

Barley for fishing for bream

Breams, young scavengers, chebak (large breams in southern Russia) are the names of representatives of the carp family. This is the only subspecies. The silvery shade of the scales takes on a reddish tint in the neck and belly if the bream is an adult. The bream, which is three years old, has yellow golden scales. He is very cautious and shy, even a small cast shadow makes him go from place to place.

Bream, like crucian, love barley. Flower honey is an additive for her, bream loves floral scents very much. In a thermos, where pearl barley is steamed, you can add a coarsely chopped apple for smell, sweet to taste. You can add vanilla sugar as a flavoring agent, this is a good bait for bream. For fishing, immediately prepare barley with different types of aromas – this is useful for catching a cautious and shy bream.

We pour the prepared and seasoned pearl barley loosely on the intended habitat of the joint and wait. It seems that the bream is not interested in bait and do not rush to leave, look for another place. The bream is cautious and shy, the young swim up slowly to the bait, and the older ones follow them. It will take a little time until the adults drive away the young and begin to feast. Then the fishing will begin.

Barley for fishing

After a few large bream caught, there is a visible pause – a cautious fish is watching from the side. Do not leave the place, just change the nozzle on the hook for barley with bloodworms or maggots. After a few bites, pause again, change the nozzle again to pearl barley with other flavors. Of course, this is a hassle, but fishing for large individuals is worth it.


There are many recipes for making bait from this cereal. Each fisherman adds his own ingredients and proportions, suggested by experience, but there is no quick recipe, you need to work hard to make it work. Barley should not be soaked before cooking, it will change its shade, which the fish does not like.

  1. For different types of fish, there are aromatic additives to boiled cereals.
  2. Honey, vanillin, apple smell in boiled barley, bream loves it. You can add cinnamon powder, which will make barley fragrant and change color to light brown.
  3. Boiled groats with the addition of semolina, from the aromas of honey, anise oil and garlic – this is a bait for crucian carp. Season with raspberry syrup. Small balls are rolled from this mass and put on the hook of a float rod or loaded when fishing on a feeder.
  4. The bait is steamed in a thermos from a mixture of pearl barley and oatmeal. After cooling, season with sunflower or garlic flavor.
  5. A mixture of millet and pearl barley is prepared gradually: first, cereals, and after 15 minutes, millet, then until tender. After cooling, flavor and sweeten with vanilla sugar. Mix everything well, this is a bait and lure for carp works great.

Fishing with a float rod

The most exciting float fishing. The bait is put on the hook, and the fisherman sits in anticipation of a miracle, unblinkingly looking at the water. If a large fish pecks and fishes out, this is a delight. To do this, you need to choose the right tackle and bait. For such a bait, a different nozzle is used, in particular boiled cereals. When putting on a hook, put on oatmeal grains first and last, they are much more plastic and soft. The fish will always bite perfectly. When fishing with a float rod, you must consider the type of fish and the place where the fishing will take place.

There are species of fish that live in coastal places in thickets of grass. For such fishing, you need to choose a fishing line that is thin, but strong – a thick fishing line will cast a shadow visible to cautious fish. For fishing from the shore, you need to take picker tackle. This is quite long up to 6 meters, strong rod, thin, strong fishing line, very sensitive tip.

If fishing from a boat is used, then the presence of such a length does not make sense. The bait will not be thrown so far, you can use spinning, but sensitivity must be present.

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