barley flakes

Barley flakes are popular not only among adherents of diet food. Many adherents of a healthy lifestyle also give preference to them, alternating them with other such specific cereals, among which wheat-barley combinations also found their consumer.

There are also those customers who like to eat such cereal for breakfast. Their preparation does not require significant time and culinary skills.

These consumers like to stock up on barley, buckwheat, and other varieties of cereal to consume different variations throughout the week.

But most simply pour rye additives into a box of barley treats in a minimal dosage, making the energy value of the finished mixture higher. And if you pour wheat goodies into the box, you can create a balanced breakfast in one fell swoop.

History of origin

Historians believe that Asia is the birthplace of barley. From there, people brought the fashion for such simple and at the same time satisfying cereals, highly appreciating the nutritional value of an agricultural crop previously unfamiliar to them. Even today, in the Himalayan region, people actively grow such cereals.

The main advantage of culture is called unpretentiousness. It thrives well even in the fields in fairly dry regions.

Barley will also survive if planted on soil that does not have a rich chemical composition for regular feeding of emerging plants. He is not even afraid of a dizzying height at a level of about 5 thousand meters above sea level.

According to archaeological reports, the ancient Romans at one time actively leaned on dishes from this valuable cereal. Even the thinkers of that time did not bypass the representative of the flora, devoting scientific treatises to them. Even then, the sages believed that adding such grains to the daily diet contributes to the development of mental activity.

Today, modern technologies make it possible to create easy-to-digest flakes from whole grains. To do this, developers resort to a special system that involves only a few stages. And although it is believed that whole grain porridge will be of great benefit, this does not mean that flakes cannot boast of a positive effect on the body.

Initially, the harvested crop must be cleaned of husks, adhering dust and other dirt. After the preparatory procedure, the grains are sent under a special press. With its help, it turns out to convert the grain into flakes familiar to everyone. And this is where the fun begins. For some parameters of benefit, processed barley has higher rates.

Also, the billet additionally goes through the stage of steam treatment. Such production secrets allow you to simply cook the purchased mixture without the need to constantly monitor the process, standing at the stove.

If lean porridge has managed to get pretty bored with eaters, there are many homemade options for enriching it with new flavors. To implement the plan, just add to your own plate:

  • berries;
  • fruit;
  • nuts;
  • honey;
  • jam or homemade jam.

Moreover, if the composition was initially neutral, that is, the manufacturer did not add some filler there on his own, then instead of walnuts, you can pour a handful of salted peanuts on a plate. Some people generally like the confrontation between salty and sweet tastes.

And the mass remaining at the bottom of the saucepan should not be in a hurry to throw it away if you can’t finish eating. To give her a second life, you must first learn how to prepare various cosmetics. Barley masks perfectly help restore the condition of the skin, forced to withstand numerous negative external factors.

Not only a dietary product

Most of the inhabitants are accustomed to the fact that this kind of product is positioned as a diet, which was facilitated by the ubiquitous advertising. But in fact, such breakfasts or even snacks will appeal to those who need an additional source of strength and energy.

Thanks for this opportunity should be a balanced composition, which provides for a huge vitamin complex, consisting of vitamins of groups: PP, B, E.

This gives reason to consider processed grain no less useful than flour obtained from it. This is mainly due to the loading dose of natural protein. It gives the eater a feeling of fullness, which is an indispensable feeling during active physical activity or during a diet.

Usually, the manufacturer prints the recipes for the preparation of a semi-finished mixture on the packaging for the convenience of the consumer. They differ little from each other, except that the time may fluctuate, which directly depends on the fineness of the resulting barley plate.

Usually, the instruction provides for the need to boil water, and then pour it with a suitable amount of the mixture, based on the volume of liquid. Then the container is covered with a lid so that the workpiece is thoroughly steamed, giving all the nutritional value. For this, 5-10 minutes is enough.

If you plan to give a simple breakfast to children, then it is better to use hot milk instead of water. The semi-finished product swells perfectly in it. And instead of sugar, you should put a couple of tablespoons of natural honey. You can also chop the banana coarsely there to make the baby more fun to eat.

If you regularly pamper yourself with such breakfasts, you will be able to guarantee yourself the stabilization of metabolism. Scientists say that this food on an ongoing basis allows the body to quickly and easily get rid of salts of heavy metals, as well as other toxins that poison the body from the inside.

Also, goodies, even if made in the microwave, will turn into a real salvation for all those suffering from diabetes, or various degrees of obesity. Due to the presence of a large supply of dietary fiber, the product provokes the launch of cleansing processes, saving a person from unnecessary elements that interfere with healthy weight loss.

Goodies that have a budget cost should be present in the daily diet of both young children and the elderly. Doctors say that with a cumulative effect, the components of the mixture become a reliable shield for the body, strengthening the immune system. This property is especially useful for all those who often fall ill with respiratory diseases in the winter.

Additionally, the product strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves the condition of the hair and has a beneficial effect on the growth of the nail plates.

Flakes are also considered an excellent prevention of ailments associated with destabilization of the digestive tract. But all this is possible only on the condition that those who want to improve their health use only high-quality products that have been certified and do not have harmful chemical additives. Because of this, many consumers prefer to buy ready-to-eat breakfasts only in the departments of supermarkets that offer organic food.

The only significant harm that such a product can bring is overeating, which provokes heaviness in the lower abdomen and even nausea. You should also be wary of food allergies. Otherwise, light breakfasts are positioned solely as a healthy alternative to sandwiches.

Diet bagels

If the cereal in its pure form is rather tired, then it’s time to do culinary experiments in order to please yourself and the rest of the family with new treats. One of the simplest recipes for this is bagels, which are baked directly in the microwave.

For cooking, you will need to take the following ingredients, strictly observing the verified proportions:

  • kefir – 500 g;
  • buckwheat flour – 50 g;
  • wheat food bran – 50 g;
  • barley flakes – 50 g;
  • cinnamon – a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • favorite dried fruits in the optimal amount;
  • soda – one fifth of a teaspoon.

The instruction for repetition is quite simple and begins with the need to pour kefir, soda and cinnamon into a bowl, mixing the mixture thoroughly. After that, bran, buckwheat flour with flakes are poured there. At the last stage of the preliminary stage, wheat flour is poured in, after which the kneading time begins.

Experts recommend reaching the condition when the dough will not stretch, but tear. To prevent the workpiece from sticking to your hands, you will need to add flour according to the circumstances.

Having rolled out the layer, it is cut into triangles along the total diameter. Almost at the very edge, the selected dried fruits are laid out, and then the bagel rolls to the center of the cut layer.

Next, the “draft” is laid out on a microwave oven plate, previously lined with parchment paper. Usually, four minutes of being in the included microwave is enough for cooking.

puff goodness

Another option for a fairly simple recipe is puff pastry. For her, you will need to prepare in advance:

  • Xnumx curd;
  • 50 jams;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 20 g of cereal;
  • 100 g flour;
  • 30 d Sahara.

As for jam, you can choose according to your own desire, but experienced chefs advise starting with a peach or apricot version.

First you need to grind the flour, cereal, sugar and butter into crumbs. After that, the crumbs are poured out in an even layer on a baking sheet and sent to warm up in the oven.

To achieve optimal results, it should be preheated to 180 degrees.

The crumb should be baked for about 10-15 minutes, and every five minutes the baking sheet must be removed to mix the resulting mass, preventing burning. As soon as the crumbs have turned golden, the baking sheet is taken out. Sweet lovers will have to find a beautiful jar or glass that has a fairly wide mouth. There, layers are laid out according to the following scheme:

  • jam;
  • cottage cheese;
  • chit.

It is better to serve the dessert immediately, as there is a high risk of it soaking soon. And to save time, you can prepare at least a kilo of crumbs before the guests arrive.

It keeps well for several days after baking in a dry place under a closed lid in a jar.

Cosmetological application

In addition to being the basis for a revised diet in favor of a healthy lifestyle, cereals can be used for cosmetic procedures at home.

As soon as such a mass gets on the skin, it begins to nourish the cells, starting the long-awaited metabolic processes.

Beauty professionals advise using these masks in courses to achieve maximum productivity.

The main advantage of this cereal care is the ability to make the skin less dry. Since the cells finally receive the required percentage of healing moisture, the skin begins to look healthier.

Also, trace elements are responsible for the visible effect of improving the complexion, which contribute to the healing of small wounds or microcracks.

With the constant use of home remedies, it will even be possible to save aging skin, making it more toned. Externally, smartness is expressed in clearer contours of the oval of the face.

Another secret is improved subcutaneous microcirculation. It is she who guarantees a healthy complexion, which cannot be achieved artificially by any decorative means.

There are separate recipes for barley scrubs that do not damage the top layer of the skin, but only gently remove the dirt accumulated during the day and “clogged” road dust.

With effective cleaning of the pores, it turns out to stabilize long-deaf cellular respiration. This allows the face to breathe, which translates into a decrease in rashes, redness and other inflammation.

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