Barley, buckwheat, potatoes – pampering: I share the recipe for moonshine on peas for those who like to experiment

I had a friend, a well-known moonshiner throughout the district, who was distinguished by special enthusiasm and ingenuity. They joked about him that he can make alcohol from everything that comes to hand.

Buckwheat moonshine? Sure, not a problem! How many pearls are left? Let’s go there. Moreover, he did not hide his secrets of production from anyone, but, on the contrary, willingly shared them with anyone. Once he invited me to join him in the preparation of pea moonshine.

The story was shared by blog reader Victor.

What ingredients and equipment will be needed

I heard about this for the first time. Barley, buckwheat, potatoes – we passed, we know, but for moonshine to be driven from peas – it was something new.

In general, soon my friend and I were already going to the store for the necessary products:

  1. Peas, 1 kg – 60 rubles.
  2. Sugar, 2 kg – 90 rubles.
  3. Water – 12 liter.
  4. Pressed yeast, 100 gr. — 90 rub.

Note! Do not take tap water for moonshine. It has a bad effect on taste. It is better to use spring.

Peas, as the comrade said, must be peeled. Otherwise, the mash from it will be of poor quality.

The cooking process

And so the products were purchased, and we came to the workshop, as my friend proudly called his apartment, in which a moonshine still stood in a place of honor.

Soaking peas

The equipment was quickly prepared, then we went directly to the production of alcohol:

  • The peas were poured with water so that it covered the seeds by a few centimeters, and left in this position for 4 hours. As the comrade explained, if the peas are pre-soaked, they will ferment much better in the future.
  • Prepare sugar syrup. To do this, it was necessary to mix 2 kg of sugar and 3 liters of water in a saucepan. The whole thing was brought to a boil and then cooled.
  • Spread the yeast.
  • Peas were placed in a fermentation container, syrup was added, diluted yeast was added and 7 liters of water were poured into it.

Note! Do not completely fill the container with mash. You need to leave room for foam, which will definitely stand out. If this is not done, the container may explode.

  • A water seal was installed on the container, and we put it in a dark, warm place and left it there for a week.
  • After this time, the mash was filtered through cheesecloth and poured into an alembic.
  • The first distillation was carried out without dividing into fractions. The selection was completed when the fortress in the jet fell below 35 degrees.
  • The distillate was diluted to a strength of 20% and distilled again, already divided into fractions. As usual, the first 10% of the output, which are hazardous to health, was drained.
  • The main fraction was taken until the strength of the product fell to 40%.
  • They diluted the moonshine and let it brew for another 3 days.

Total – 10 days and the moonshine is ready.

What happened as a result

My friend had one good tradition – those who helped him in the manufacture of a new type of moonshine, he always called for a tasting.

This time, I was the one to help. Naturally, I tried pea moonshine on the same evening that the infusion process was completed. And I must say the new type of alcohol did not disappoint me at all.

Well, now you can drink.

The liquid was almost transparent, maybe a little hazy. In taste, as well as in smell, notes of peas were felt, which gave moonshine its zest.

What can be added / replaced in the recipe

After a few drinks, my friend and I started talking. He said that we were preparing a classic recipe for pea moonshine. I asked if there are other cooking options?

It turns out, yes, there are many. For example, sour cream can be put together with sugar. This will slightly affect the taste.

In general, what is not added to pea moonshine: malt, milk, etc. It all depends on the preferences of the person.

However, if the moonshiner just needs to speed up the fermentation process, you can add turbo yeast to the liquid instead of the usual ones. You will have to overpay a little for them (you won’t find them cheaper than 210 rubles), but they allow you to save a few days when insisting on mash.

In general, that day I got acquainted not only with the classic recipe for pea moonshine, but also with several, so to speak, secondary ones. Do you know any unusual ways of making alcohol?

Dear readers, remember that alcohol abuse harms your body. Take care of yourself!

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