Barley beer recipe


  1. Barley, 5 kg.
  2. Sugar, 1 kg.
  3. Water, 30 l.
  4. Malt, 1 kg.
  5. Dry yeast, 20 gr.

Note! We prepared moonshine several hundred kilometers from settlements. In the city, this would turn out to be one of the cheapest types of home-made alcohol, the cost of which is about 500 rubles per liter.

The cooking process

The main difficulties at first arose with barley, which, before it became the basis for alcohol, had to be carefully prepared:

  • First, we thoroughly washed the grits, trying to remove all debris.
  • Then barley was poured with clean water and left for a day in the warmest room of the lighthouse. While we climbed along the coast in the afternoon in search of geological samples, the keeper stirred them and periodically changed the water.
  • After a day, we drained the water, and the grains themselves were laid out on a baking sheet with a layer of about 10 cm.
  • The groats were again left in the warm room of the lighthouse. This time for a week. And again the keeper stirred it so that mold would not inadvertently appear.
  • Then barley was placed in the oven, where it was about an hour. In urban conditions, stoves can now be found infrequently, so I think you can use an oven at home.

Important! The door of the oven or oven should be slightly ajar so that excess moisture can completely evaporate from the grains.

  • After preparing the barley, the preparation of the mash began. To begin with, it was necessary to heat 20 liters of water to a temperature of 50°C.
  • Barley was poured into it and the temperature of the liquid was raised to 60°C.
  • By simple manipulations with firewood, this temperature was maintained for 15 minutes.
  • Perhaps the lighthouse keeper decided to play a trick on us, or maybe not, but then he said to increase the temperature of the water to 65 ° C and boil the mixture for another 15 minutes.
  • Next, the gruel was brought to a boil and left in this state for an hour and a half.
  • After that, we cooled the liquid to 65 ° C (oh, our new friend liked 60-degree temperatures, and for some time the thermometer for liquids came in handy not only for work).
  • Separately, 3 liters of water were heated and malt passed through a meat grinder was added to it.
  • The mixture was stirred until a homogeneous mass was obtained and added to the chilled barley gruel.

Note! In the process of cooking, malt and barley must be constantly stirred. If this is not done, the grains may burn, which will worsen the taste of moonshine.

  • The container was covered with a lid, heated to 60°C and left for 2 hours.
  • Next, we slightly raised the temperature, added sugar and 7 liters of water.
  • The liquid was cooled and poured into a container for fermentation.
  • Yeast was added and the container was closed with a rubber glove.
  • Braga was infused in a dark room for 12 days.
  • After this time, we passed the mash through a gauze filter and poured it into a moonshine still.
  • When the fortress in the jet dropped to 25 vol. product selection has been completed.
  • The alcohol was slightly diluted and the secondary distillation began. The first 10% of moonshine was thrown away as usual.

Upon completion of all manipulations, the alcohol was bottled and put away in a cool room for 3 days. This is done to improve the taste.

Note! It is better to store moonshine in a glass or wooden container.

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