Barista: who is it and what does it do

In modern everyday life, a huge number of newfangled and little-known words are used. This is due to the development of various technologies, business, the emergence of new professions. Among the relatively new terms, you can find the Italian word barista. Find out who he is and what he does below.

The Barista Profession: From the Beginnings to the Present Day

The invention of coffee machines and coffee machines made it possible to significantly speed up and reduce the cost of the process of preparing drinks. The equipment made it possible to offer everyone a wide variety of coffee variations:

  1. Glasses.

  2. Americano.

  3. Espresso.

  4. Latte.

  5. Cappuccino.

The only condition is that to service the vending machines you need people with specific skills that allow you to operate the machine and quickly prepare a variety of drinks. Later, specialists working with coffee machines were called baristas.

Main responsibilities

The literal translation of the word “barista” means “working at the bar.” As part of their activities, a specialist must be able to perform a set of specific tasks and have certain skills:

  1. Aesthetic and artistic abilities – stylish design, exquisite serving of the finished drink, drawings on the foam.

  2. An impeccable understanding and knowledge of coffee blends – the ability to combine varieties, to know the principles of preparing one or another type of coffee.

  3. Possession of cooking recipes (from 40 and more) and classic methods of making cappuccino, espresso, americano.

  4. A competent approach to the equipment – starting the unit into operation, cleaning, prevention.

  5. Multitasking – throughout the day, the barista must keep in mind the pressure of the coffee machine, the temperature of the water, the safety of the fillers, the degree of grinding and the readiness of all drinks.

  6. Sociability and friendliness – in many ways, the level of income depends on tips, therefore, it is very important that the barista knows how to interact with the public and guests.

Career ambitions

The barista career is predominantly a linear movement. That is, improving skills makes it possible to move to work in coffee shops and restaurants of a higher level for the same position. This does not mean that the income of a high-class specialist will always be at an average level. In fact, barista salaries and tips in high-end establishments are well above average. The peak of his career is the position of a coffee master, a specialist who masterfully masters the art of making coffee and has his own database of unique recipes.

Interesting Facts

  1. In the dictionary of the Russian language, the word “barista” is missing.

  2. The World Barista Championship is an annual international barista championship.

  3. Baristas from Russia have won the championship several times in the categories Coffee-Alcohol, Turkish Coffee and Captesting.

  4. In 1999, T. Polti was able to prepare 680 cups of coffee on two coffee machines in just an hour. No one has been able to break this record yet.

How to become a barista in Russia

Most large coffee shops and coffee drink franchises offer specialized training courses. You can also learn the barista profession directly at the workplace under the guidance of an experienced colleague. There are also specialized educational institutions:

  1. Russian branch of SCAE.

  2. Academy of Coffee Art.

  3. Baltic Institute of Tourism.

There are also specialized courses abroad. They are held under the auspices of the Specialty Coffee Association of America and the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe. The duration of training varies from a few days to a couple of months.

Barista is a modern and popular profession. In Italy, coffee virtuosos enjoy great respect and demand. Now in Russia, young girls and men can learn a profession and become a coffee maker.

Barista Skills & Latte Art Techniques

Relevance: 16.06.2018

Tags: Encyclopedia

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