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Surgery will help not only improve the quality of life, but also prolong the happy years. The effectiveness of bariatric surgery in the treatment of diabetes mellitus has been proven by research.
According to the WHO, today type 300 diabetes affects about XNUMX million people around the world. Most often these are people of mature and old age, leading a sedentary lifestyle and prone to obesity.
The first thing that is recommended for a patient with type 18,5 diabetes mellitus is to control their weight. That is, reduce it to a normal BMI (body mass index, which is calculated as weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters). The normal BMI is 25–XNUMX, everything above is obesity.
The most effective method of combating obesity today is bariatric surgery – an operation that limits the amount of food eaten and reduces the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract.
However, when carrying out such operations in people who were not only overweight, but also diabetes mellitus concomitant, it was noticed that the disease was receding.
We talk about the possibilities of modern surgery in the treatment of diabetes mellitus with the candidate of medical sciences, surgeon
Alexey Olegovich Soloviev
– Quite. Three years ago, in 2014, the European Surgical Associations ruled that obesity surgery could be used to treat type 2017 diabetes. In our country, at the beginning of 2015, the Ministry of Health included surgical methods in the algorithms for treating diabetes, and such a concept as surgical treatment of diabetes appeared. We have been doing bariatric surgeries at the Movement clinic since 98. They are of different types. Biliopancreatic bypass surgery is one of the most successful operations with 90 percent effectiveness in treating diabetes mellitus. Technically, it is difficult, after which the absorption of substances, including useful ones, is disrupted. Therefore, the patient is prescribed the intake of vitamins, microelements. But on the other hand, all this is incomparable with the risks of diabetes. If we want to achieve an effect on diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to carry out shunting, which allows us to shorten the path of food passage. The initial part of the small intestine, the jejunum, is excluded from the digestive system, due to which it is possible to achieve an incretin effect, the task of which is to stimulate the body’s production of its own insulin. By performing mini-gastric bypass surgery, we can expect a remission of diabetes with a 95-XNUMX% probability.
The advantage of the clinic “Movement” – bypass surgery in Volgograd is done only here
– Body mass index 35 and higher, the presence of diabetes mellitus is an indication for surgery.
90 percent of people with diabetes are obese
– The cure rate is 92–95 percent. But we still call it remission, since diabetes mellitus, as defined by the WHO, is a chronic disease. The doctor simply does not have the right to withdraw the diagnosis. But on the other hand, we really see changes. On the third day after the operation, the patient develops normoglycemia, that is, the sugar level is normalized. A good indicator is considered when the dose of the drug is reduced by 20 percent. We reduce it by 75 percent, or the patient can switch to a tablet preparation from injections. Of course, control of blood sugar levels and constant monitoring by doctors are not canceled. Just the other day I operated on a patient who has been suffering from diabetes for 34 years. It is very difficult for him now. He perceives everything that happens to him as super stress. Yes, he is feeling better and already has a tendency to lose weight. But over the years of illness, his kidneys, heart, lungs were damaged, his eyesight was impaired. Now it is possible to normalize sugar and increase life expectancy, but to restore the functions of damaged organs – alas, not. And when a patient is sick, the question – whether to operate on him now or wait ten years – should not be raised. Understand that diabetes won’t go away by itself. The drugs you are taking do not cure, they only lower your blood sugar. You will lose time and gain a lot of complications that are so dangerous for diabetes.
The operation went well! In the operating room of the Movement clinic
– Not a secret. 180 thousand rubles. Before it, it is necessary to conduct a series of examinations that will “pull” 10-15 thousand rubles. But I always say: you need to be able to count money! For example, the patient I have already mentioned spent 30 thousand rubles on insulin every month. He is now gone from insulin. I believe that people should be aware of the opportunities opening up to them to improve the quality of their lives and its duration.
Bariatric surgery is at the same level of safety as surgery to remove the appendix and gallbladder. In other words, they are safe.
By the way
On October 19, the Dvizhenie clinic hosted a regional conference dedicated to the possibilities of surgical treatment of type XNUMX diabetes. It was supported by the Volgograd State Medical University and the Volgograd Region Health Committee. The conference was attended by the chief endocrinologist of the region Alla Anatolyevna Vachugova; Irina Nikolaevna Barykina, assistant of the therapy department of the faculty of advanced training of doctors of Volgograd State Medical University, who has been dealing with this issue for a long time; candidate of medical sciences, member of the International Federation of Obesity Surgery, bariatric surgeon Maria Olegovna Solovyova. Professor Yuri Sedletsky, who is called the patriarch of bariatric surgery in Russia, honored the conference with his attention.
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Working hours of the clinic “Movement”:
Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 20:00 pm,
Saturday – Sunday: 9:00 am – 14:00 pm.
Our address: 400107, Volgograd, st. Rionskaya, 2.
Phone (8442) 266-266.