Barberry Red Pillar (Berberis thunbergii Red Pillar) is a columnar shrub used for ornamental purposes. Barberry Thunberg is found naturally in the mountainous regions of Japan and China. Its varieties appeared in Our Country around the 50s of the last century.
Description of barbaris Red Pillar
The height of the columnar shrub of the Thunberg barberry of the Red Pillar variety is no more than 1,5 m, the crown diameter is 0,5 m. The shoots are strong, straight, as the Red Pillar barberry develops, it acquires a spreading crown, falling apart on the sides. The annual increase is insignificant. Barberry Thunberg is densely thorned, so when working with it, accuracy is required. The spines are small but quite sharp.
The leaves of this variety of barberry are red-purple, which corresponds to the name Red Pillar, inside the bush are darker with a greenish tinge. In the autumn months, the color of the leaves changes, the shrub with an orange-red crown becomes bright, elegant.
The shade of the foliage of the Red Pillar barberry varies depending on the season and the availability of sunlight. In shaded places, the foliage loses its brightness and turns green. Therefore, decorative varieties of Thunberg barberry, which have red or yellow foliage, are grown in well-lit areas.
The beginning of flowering of the Thunberg barberry of this variety depends on the region of growth and falls on the end of May – the beginning of June. The flowers on the Red Pillar variety are solitary or collected in small brushes (up to 6 pcs.) Yellow in color, a reddish tint is noticeable on the outside.
The ripening of the fruits of the Thunberg barberry occurs in the autumn months. Ellipsoid-shaped fruits turn red in September-October. This gives the Red Pillar shrub an extra beauty.
Barberry Thunberg Red Pillar (shown in the photo) is recommended to be grown in regions with a temperate climate. Saplings are frost-resistant, but in the conditions of the north they can freeze. In regions with cold winters, it is necessary to cover not only young shrubs, but also mature seedlings of the Thunberg barberry.
a brief description of
Before planting the variety of shrub you like, you need to familiarize yourself with the description of each of them, for example, the Thunberg Red Pillar barberry is used only for decorative purposes, and its fruits are unsuitable for food. Recommendations for the care and reproduction of the Red Pillar Thunberg barberry will help create a beautiful design in the garden.
Winter hardiness, drought resistance
Barberry Thunberg belongs to varieties with good frost resistance. Red Pillar normally tolerates frosts down to -15 ÷ -20 ° C, in regions with colder winters it can be grown on condition that the bushes are covered with insulating materials.
The variety belongs to drought-resistant shrubs, in an open sunny area it acquires a bright color of foliage. Only young seedlings are watered weekly to speed up the rooting process. Adult shrubs of this variety are allowed to be watered 3-4 times per season.
Yield and fruiting
The yield indicator for the Thunberg barberry does not play a big role. Bushes of this variety are decorative, so they are planted in order to create a beautiful landscape. Fruit ripening occurs in the autumn months: September, October. The taste of the fruit is bitter, so they are not used for food. Birds feast on the harvest of berries. The fruits do not fall all winter.
Disease and pest resistance
The variety is highly resistant to diseases and pests. From insects, moths and aphids can pose a threat, and from diseases, powdery mildew. To rust grade Red Pillar shows good resistance.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Each variety has its pros and cons. Barberry Thunberga Red Pillar is distinguished by its beautiful appearance, columnar shape and bright fruits. The main positive qualities of the variety:
- decorative. The appearance of the shrub varies depending on the season, the color of the foliage in summer and autumn is different. During the period of fruit ripening, the bush becomes even more elegant and brighter;
- undemanding to the soil;
- drought tolerance;
- frost resistance, in regions with a temperate climate, shelter for the winter is not required.
Among the disadvantages are the following:
- the presence of small but sharp spikes;
- loss of the columnar form in an adult plant. The barberry shoots of this variety begin to decay with age and the appearance changes;
- freezing of young shoots during severe frosts in winter, therefore, in regions with low temperatures, shrubs need shelter.
Breeding methods
Barberry Thunberg varieties Red Pillar can be propagated by several methods:
- seeds;
- grafting;
- layering;
- division of the bush.
The seed propagation technology consists in the following points:
- in autumn, fully ripened fruits are harvested from the branches. Do this before the onset of frost;
- the bones are separated from the pulp, washed in water and placed in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Then the seeds are dried and stored in a cool dark place until the next autumn;
- in September, the bones are laid out in pre-prepared pits on the site. Deepen the seeds by no more than 1 cm, cover with soil;
- in the spring, a bed with seeds is inspected and thinned out, between adjacent shoots there should be at least 3 cm;
- shoots grow in the garden for two years, then the shrubs are transplanted to a permanent place.
Cuttings are performed as follows:
- cuttings are cut from an adult shrub, their length should be 10-15 cm;
- the lower leaves are removed, and the upper ones are shortened with scissors;
- cuttings are placed in a solution that promotes root formation – Epin, Kornevin, etc .;
- cuttings are planted in boxes with nutrient soil and transferred to greenhouse conditions;
- so that the shoots do not suffer from mold and other fungal diseases, the greenhouse is ventilated.
The layering method for the Red Pillar barberry variety is shown in the photo.
To propagate a bush by division, an adult plant at the age of 4–5 years is dug out of the ground, the root is separated with a pruner, the wounds are covered with a special solution and the resulting bushes are transplanted into pre-prepared pits.
Rules of landing and care
Barberry Thunberg Red Pillar belongs to light-loving plants, so shady areas are not suitable for growing. The best option is the southern part of the territory, a small penumbra is allowed.
Landing dates are individual and depend on the climatic conditions of the region. In spring, planting is carried out after the ground has thawed and warmed up to +8 ºC, and there is also no threat of return frosts. If the shrubs are not grown in the form of a hedge, then at least 1,5 m is left between adjacent seedlings of the Thunberg Red Pillar barberry. For a single-row hedge, they dig a trench, and for a two-row hedge, they dig holes arranged in a checkerboard pattern.
Thunberg barberry seedlings of this variety are undemanding to the quality of the soil, but with excessive acidification of the soil, 200 g of wood ash or 400 g of lime are added per linear meter.
The seat is prepared in advance:
- The hole should be approximately 40 cm deep and 50 cm in diameter.
- If the soil is clayey, the hole is additionally deepened by 10 cm and covered with a layer of pebbles or rubble. This layer will serve as drainage.
- A nutrient mixture is poured into the pit, consisting of 1 part of humus, 1 part of soddy land. Add 100 g of superphosphate and sprinkle with earth.
- The roots of the seedling are straightened along the mound of earth inside the hole, covered with earth from above, tamping tightly.
- The root neck cannot be covered with earth, it should be at the level of the soil.
- 4-5 buds are left on the plant, the excess length of the shoot is cut off with a sharp pruner.
- Barberry watered.
- The trunk circle is mulched with peat or improvised materials.
Thunberg Red Pillar barberry seedling care includes watering, fertilizing, insect protection, shelter for the winter and pruning. Without these measures, the bush will lose its decorative effect and may die from drought or frost.
Pruning of ornamental shrubs is carried out in order to give shape and remove frozen, broken, damaged shoots. Formative pruning is carried out in the autumn, sanitary pruning in spring and autumn – as damaged branches are identified.
Barberry Thunberg varieties Red Pillar does not need frequent watering. In case of severe drought, the earth is moistened with warm water, which is brought under the root of the plant. After watering, the soil is loosened and mulched.
Additional fertilizing
Barberry can be fed with nitrogen fertilizers no more than once every 3 years. Fertilizers are applied in the spring. 1 g of urea is added to 25 liter of warm water.
Before flowering, you can use complex products. In autumn, a solution consisting of 10 g of potash and phosphate fertilizers is applied under each bush.
It is recommended to use diluted infusion of mullein or bird droppings as fertilizers. For Thunberg barberry shrubs, top dressing from compost and humus is useful.
Protection against rodents, pests, diseases
In autumn, after mulching the soil with sawdust, spruce branches are laid out around the bush, it will protect against the invasion of rodents.
In the spring, to protect Red Pillar seedlings from aphids, they are sprayed with a soapy (1 piece of laundry soap) or tobacco (400 g of shag) solution (10 liters of water).
From the invasion of the moth, barberry bushes of the Red Pillar variety are treated with special preparations, for example, Decis.
Fungal diseases (powdery mildew) require the treatment of shrubs with a solution of colloidal sulfur. If the shoots are severely affected, they are cut and burned.
Preparation for winter
The first three years, barberry seedlings of this variety must be covered for the winter. In the northern regions, even adult Thunberg barberry bushes must be wrapped with insulation so that young shoots do not suffer from frost. For strapping, burlap, lutrasil, spunbond are used. From above, the resulting cocoon is tied with ropes. To protect against snow and wind, you can install a wooden frame.
Barberry Red Pillar is an ornamental shrub used in landscape design. It is planted as hedges, and is also used in group compositions. It goes well with herbaceous and coniferous seedlings.