Barberry Thunberg Erekta (Berberis thunbergii Erecta)

The modern decor of the home garden is complemented by unique plants that are bred at home. The photo and description of the barberry Erekta fully corresponds to the geometric elegance of the lines of the shrub in real life. For a summer cottage, the plant is unpretentious and perfectly emphasizes the vertical composition of garden design. The severity of the lines and the compactness of the plant attract amateur gardeners, agronomists, as well as landscape designers.

Description of barberry Erekta

A plant from the Barberry family. Japan and China are considered to be the homeland of this variety. The shrub grows in a columnar manner, has an original shape. The advantage among relatives is the change in the color of the leaves during the entire period of growth and flowering of the shrub. Thunberg has analogues in the form of Harlequin and Red Chief varieties.

Barberry Thunberg Erekta (Berberis thunbergii Erecta)

In growth Erekta reaches 1,5-2 m, the diameter of the shrub is about 1 m. The foliage is bright green, closer to autumn the color changes to bright orange or red. During the first year, the plant grows by 10-15 cm. The growth of the shrub depends on the availability of nutrients in the soil. The barberry of Thunberg Erekta blooms from May to June with numerous bright yellow flowers, which are collected in small racemose inflorescences.

The barberry variety Thunberg Erekta grows well in the sun and in partial shade. The plant grows on soil with any acidity, resistant to frost and drought. Moderately moist soil is desirable for good growth. After flowering, the bushes are strewn with bright red fruits. Harvest ripens in September, the berries do not sprinkle until frost. The fruits can be eaten in dried form. The shrub is easy to cut, it takes the desired shape during growth.

Important! The barberry variety Thunberg Erekta does not tolerate high soil and climate humidity. Landing is designed for the 4th climatic zone of the strip.

Barberry Erekta in garden design

With the presence of columnar barberry bushes, the landscape design of the garden acquires a complete image. The number of shades is constantly growing due to the crossing of varieties. Evergreen bushes emphasize the minimalist landscape, and planting bushes in a row visually expands the garden. The plant goes well with other undersized shrubs. In a flower bed, the Thunberg Erekta barberry occupies a dominant position due to its color and size, so planting more than 3 bushes is not recommended per flower bed.

Barberry Thunberg Erekta (Berberis thunbergii Erecta)

Prickly varieties are planted along the perimeter of the fence, which provides additional protection against rodents. The Erekta variety has a memorable color, so its presence in a garden with an oriental theme will not be superfluous. Also, excessive planting of barberry in the garden will make it look busy. A plant with a changing color is used to level the landscape in the form of piece or group seating.

For the northern regions of Our Country, agronomists have developed frost-resistant varieties that also tolerate high soil moisture well:

  • Korean;
  • whole;
  • ottawa.

In other regions, for landscape design I use the classic and above varieties of barberry. There are also options for design projects where the landscape is completely covered with bushes of the Thunberg Erekta variety.

Planting and caring for barberry Thunberg Erekt

The time for planting a barberry depends on what the owner of the plant is planting. Erekta shrub saplings are best planted in spring; seeds should be sown in early autumn. During autumn, the seeds adapt to the climate and tolerate frosts well. The soil for planting must be disinfected, have compost or manure fertilizer mixed in.

Advice! You need to know the acidity of the soil.

High acidity of the soil is reduced by an admixture of lime or clay. The lack of acidity does not affect the growth of the plant.

Seedling and planting preparation

Thunberg Erekt seedlings for planting in growth should be at least 5-7 cm. With these parameters, the plant already has a strong root system, which allows planting the plant both in autumn and early spring. Before planting, the barberry is inspected for damage, dents on the stems, withered or rusty leaves. It is necessary to immediately dispose of diseased seedlings, as infection of other bushes may occur. Saplings in the photo of barberry Erekta:

Barberry Thunberg Erekta (Berberis thunbergii Erecta)

Also, seedlings are watered with a growth stimulator 2-3 days before planting. In this case, the plant will grow well even without the admixture of fertilizers in the soil. The landing site should be well lit by the sun or have partial shade. Landing in a sunny place should be accompanied by timely watering. The shrub is planted with single seedlings at a distance of 1 to 2 m. The site is cleared of weeds, dug up at the level of a bayonet shovel.

Advice! For a hedge, shrubs are planted in a row at a distance of 50-70 cm; for this method of fencing, thorny plant varieties are used.

Rules of landing

Before planting, the soil is mixed with sand, compost and humus. The soil should be loose, but not soft. Barberry is planted in single holes, which are dug 15 cm deep. Fine gravel is poured into the bottom, so the roots will get more space for growth. Seedlings can be cleared from the ground or planted along with the soil in which the Thunberg Erekt barberry grew.

Watering and top dressing

The first watering is done immediately after planting. Barberry Thunberg Erekta does not tolerate strongly moistened soil, so watering is carried out every 3-4 days. The first year, watering should be timely, although it is better to monitor the state of soil moisture and water only when it is really necessary.

Barberry Thunberg Erekta (Berberis thunbergii Erecta)

Top dressing is done with microelements in the first year of life. In subsequent years, nitrogen fertilizers are added for good growth. In early spring, they are fed with superphosphates. Erekta will survive the winter with little damage if potassium or urea solution is added to the soil.


Primary pruning is done in late autumn: damaged and dry shoots are removed. Dry branches of Thunberg Erect are characterized by a light brown color. After two years of growth, the Erekta barberry is thinned out. With the onset of spring, old shoots are pruned at a level of 3-4 cm from the base of the roots. On a hedge, pruning is easier, as the shoots of the plant are directed upwards.

Preparation for winter

Judging by the description, the barberry of the Thunberg Erekta variety is a winter-hardy plant, but the shrub is prepared for winter like an ordinary tree. As soon as the air temperature drops to -3-5 ° C, the barberry is covered with spruce branches, tarpaulins or wrapped in cloth. Some gardeners completely cut the bushes and sprinkle with dry sawdust or leaves. Bare branches are also collected in a bundle and tied with a rope, then wrapped with a thick cloth. Outside, the base of the bushes is covered with spruce branches. With the onset of spring, the shelters are removed, pruning is done 3-4 days after the removal of the coating. So the barberry quickly gets used to the climate.


Varieties of barberry Thunberg Erekt are propagated:

  • seeds, which are contained in berries;
  • young cuttings, that remain after winter pruning;
  • rooted shoots;
  • dividing the shrub during seating.

Seeds are collected in late autumn, dried and planted in single pots. So the plant grows until the onset of spring. Seeds are planted to a depth of 3-4 cm. After pruning, cuttings are placed in water until the first roots appear. Barberry cuttings are planted in moist soil. A hole is dug above the roots, into which a branch or cut cutting is inserted. Then sprinkle with earth and water every 3-5 days. The adopted branch becomes strong and grows parallel to the rest of the stems of the Erekta barberry. The shrub is divided when transplanting to a new place. One bush can be divided into 3-4 parts, however, it is necessary to monitor the integrity of the barberry root system.

Barberry Thunberg Erekta (Berberis thunbergii Erecta)

Diseases and pests

Barberry Thunberg Erekta is susceptible to leaf rust disease. After planting, the plant is treated with a solution of diluted potassium permanganate or chemicals. Powdery mildew infects the plant, therefore, at the first sign of the disease, the bush is completely destroyed. From powdery mildew, the plant is treated with a diluted sulfur solution.

Barberry is often attacked by aphids. In early spring and summer, Thunberg Erekt bushes are sprayed with tobacco dust.


The photo and description of Erekta barberry do not fully convey the perfection of this plant. The shrub is unpretentious in care, seedlings cost gardeners the minimum price. Erekta shrubs are often bred to level landscape design. Barberry creates a balance in the combination of plants of different sizes and colors.

Barberry thunberg Erekta. Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy seedlings

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