Barberry Thunberg Darts Red Lady (Dart’s Red Lady)

Barberry Thunberg Darts Red Lady is a plant with decorative properties. It is valued for its unusual leaves that change color throughout the season. This variety has high winter hardiness and rarely gets sick.

Description of barberry Darts Red Lady

Barberry Thunberg – a species of the genus Barberry, grows in nature in the Far East. It is also grown in Europe and North America. The variety is planted in gardens and parks throughout Our Country. The shrub grows successfully in the middle lane, in the Urals and in Siberia.

According to the description of the Thunberg barberry, Darts Red Lady is a deciduous shrub. The crown is wide and rounded. Plant height from 1 to 1,5 m, crown size – up to 1,5 m. Growth is average, about 10 cm per year. On the trunk and shoots there are needles collected in bundles.

As can be seen in the photo, the branches of the Barberry Darts Red Lady variety are ribbed, arc-shaped, reddish in color. In an adult bush, the branches become dark brown. Kidneys are ovoid, reddish in color. The leaves are small, rounded, located on the petioles. The leaf plate reaches 2 cm in length and 1 cm in width.

Barberry Thunberg Darts Red Lady (Darts Red Lady)

The flowering of the Red Lady variety begins in the second half of May. The flowers are small, yellowish with red stripes with a faint aroma. Foliage is purplish in summer, turning orange-red in autumn. In autumn, small coral-colored fruits ripen. They remain on the shoots until spring.

Planting and care

The successful development of the Thunberg barberry largely depends on the observance of the terms and rules of landing. A suitable place is prepared for the Red Lady variety, the structure and quality of the soil are improved. After planting, the barberry is provided with good care: watered, fertilized, cut the crown.

Seedling and planting preparation

Barberry Thunberg prefers sunny areas. In the shade, the shrub of this variety develops slowly, and the foliage loses its rich color. It is best to choose a place on the west or south side, protected from the cold wind. Barberries are planted next to the house, fence or on the lawn. Shrubs form a hedge.

Advice! This variety of barberry with bright red leaves looks effective against the backdrop of evergreens.

Barberry Darts grows on any soil, but it develops best in loamy soil. The main requirements for the soil are fertility, friability, moisture and water permeability. If the soil is too heavy on the site, then it is improved with the help of coarse river sand. Excess water in the soil is a killer for barberry.

Barberry Thunberg Darts Red Lady (Darts Red Lady)

Strong and healthy seedlings of the Red Lady variety are suitable for planting. They are evaluated visually for the absence of mold, cracks and other damage. If the roots of the plant are overdried, they are kept for 5-6 hours in clean water. In order for the barberry to take root better, a root formation stimulator is added to the water.

Planting barberry Thunberg Darts Red

Barberry Turberg varieties Red Lady are planted in late autumn, when the leaf fall has passed. It takes a few weeks for the seedling to root before it gets cold. In regions with a cold climate, planting a variety is postponed until the next season. Barberry is kept in the cellar or dug in on the site. Planting is carried out in the spring, until the buds on the trees swell.

The order of planting the barberry Darts Red Lady:

  1. A hole with a diameter of 0,5 m is dug on the site. 1,5 m is left between the bushes. For growing hedges, 1 shrubs are placed per 2 m.
  2. Expanded clay drainage is placed at the bottom.
  3. To fill the pit, a substrate is prepared from fertile soil, humus and river sand.
  4. The pit is covered with soil and left for 3-4 weeks for the soil to shrink.
  5. Before planting a seedling, fertile soil is poured into the pit in the form of a hill.
  6. A barberry is placed on top, its root system is straightened and covered with earth.
  7. The soil is compacted, and the seedling is watered with warm water.

After planting, the barberry Darts Red Lady is cut off, 3 buds are left on the branches. In order for the seedling to take root faster, it is watered every 10 days with warm water. To prevent moisture from evaporating, pour humus or peat.

Barberry Thunberg Darts Red Lady (Darts Red Lady)

Watering and top dressing

Barberry varieties Darts Lady – unpretentious shrub. It is watered only in severe drought. The rest of the time, the culture has enough rainfall. A layer of humus or peat is poured into the trunk circle. Water is taken warm or settled: it is poured under the root. Periodically loosen the soil and weed weeds.

The culture responds well to top dressing. For the first years, seedlings of the Thunberg variety have enough fertilizers applied during planting. In the future, it is best to use organic. In autumn, they dig up the soil under the bushes and make compost.

During the season, the Thunberg bush of the Darts variety is fed according to the scheme:

  • in early spring, mullein infusion is brought under the bush;
  • in June, barberries are watered with a solution of superphosphate and potassium sulfate (30 g of each substance per 10 liters of water);
  • in late autumn, fertilize with wood ash or superphosphate.

Mineral complexes are suitable for feeding the Thunberg barberry. Choose special fertilizers for ornamental shrubs. They contain all the necessary substances.


Due to pruning, the crown of the barberry Thunberg Darts Red is formed. It is carried out in the spring before sap flow near the trees. It is allowed to cut the bush in the fall, when the leaf fall has passed. Be sure to eliminate weak, frozen and dry shoots. Anti-aging treatment involves the removal of old branches growing inside the crown.

Advice! Barberry Thunberg Darts Red does not tolerate cardinal pruning and takes a long time to recover.

For hedges, formative pruning is performed. Shoots are cut to 1/3 of the length. Young bushes are pruned annually, adults – every six months.

Barberry Thunberg Darts Red Lady (Darts Red Lady)

Preparation for winter

Barberry Thunberg is resistant to winter frosts. Occasionally, shoots freeze, which are removed in the spring. In order for the bush of the Darts Red Lady variety to better endure the winter, preparation is carried out in late autumn. The soil is watered with warm water. Wet soil freezes worse and protects the roots from the cold. The soil is mulched with humus or peat.

Young Thunberg barberry is covered with agrofiber. A wooden frame is installed above the seedlings and a covering material is attached to it. It is not recommended to use polyethylene, which does not allow air and moisture to pass through. In the spring, after the temperature rises, the shelter is removed.


Breeding methods for barberry Thunberg Darts Lady:

  • Seeds. The most labor intensive option. First, the seeds of the Darts Red Lady variety are harvested, ripening in fruits. Of these, only 15 – 40% have germination. The seeds are cut into the shell and planted in the ground in the fall. Shoots appear in spring. After 2 years, Thunberg seedlings can be transplanted to the right place.
  • Cuttings. Branches 15 cm long are cut off from the Thunberga Lady shrub. Lignified shoots or green annual cuttings are chosen. The branches are kept in a solution of a growth stimulator, after which they are planted in boxes with soil. When the cuttings take root, they are transferred to an open area.
  • Layers. In the spring, a long strong branch is chosen from the Thunberg barberry. It is fastened with brackets and covered with earth. The entire season, layering is watered and fed. In autumn, the seedling is separated from the bush and planted.
  • By dividing the bush. The method is convenient when transplanting Thunberg barberry. The rhizome is divided into parts with a knife, the sections are treated with charcoal. The Red Lady variety is propagated by dividing the bush in autumn and spring.

Barberry Thunberg Darts Red Lady (Darts Red Lady)

Diseases and pests

The variety is resistant to diseases and pests. At high humidity, the culture can suffer from fungal diseases: spotting, powdery mildew, rust. Spotting has the appearance of dark spots on the leaf plate. Gradually, the foliage dries up and falls off. A solution of copper oxychloride is effective against the disease. For 10 liters of water, measure 30 g of the substance and spray the leaves of the barberry.

Powdery mildew has the appearance of a whitish coating that occurs on the leaves and shoots of the Darts Lady variety. From the disease, a solution of colloidal sulfur is used. Signs of rust are orange spots on the leaf plate. On the underside of the leaves are fungal spores. The disease develops rapidly, which leads to drying and falling of the leaves. To combat rust, Bordeaux liquid is used for spraying.

Barberry Darts Red attracts aphids and moths. Aphid colonies live at the top of the shoots, where the leaves curl, and feed on the juices of the bush. The moth feeds on the fruits of the plant, which fall prematurely. Pests damage the decorative effect and hinder the development of the bush. To control insects, insecticides Actellik or Spark are used. From folk remedies, spraying the bush with infusion of tobacco dust is effective.


Barberry Thunberg Darts Red Lady is an ornamental plant that will decorate any garden. It is grown in regions with different climates. The plant requires a minimum of care, it is not very susceptible to diseases and does not freeze out in winter. The variety is grown throughout Our Country.

Thunberg barberry Darts Red Lady 🌿 review: how to plant, barberry seedlings Darts Red Lady

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