Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs

Barberry shrub, regardless of variety, looks decorative at any time of the year. That is why it is valued by landscape designers. But even novice gardeners will cope with the task, since planting and caring for a barberry bush is not difficult. The main thing is to choose a variety in accordance with the climatic conditions of the region.

Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs

How fast does barberry grow

Barberry grown for landscaping grows slowly during the first 2 years after planting. Adult shrubs annually give an increase, depending on the variety, by 30-60 cm. Therefore, one of the activities in caring for plantings is regular pruning.

Comment! It is important to understand that the successful development and growth of bushes is possible only if the right place and suitable soil are selected for planting.

What kind of soil does barberry like

Barberry is a plant that needs soil with neutral acidity. If this indicator does not match, lime, dolomite flour or wood ash are added to the soil.

Groundwater should be no higher than 1,5 m, as the shrub does not tolerate stagnation. For the same reason, it is not recommended to plant plants in the lowlands.

Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs

Terms of planting

Planting dates depend on the state of the root system:

  1. If the seedlings were grown in a container, then they can be placed in the garden at any time: in spring, summer, autumn. It is only necessary to shed the plants in order to take out the seedling without damaging the clod of earth. A cool day is chosen for planting a seedling. From the sun in the first days, the shrub is shaded.
  2. If the root system of the seedling is open, then planting the barberry in the ground can be planned for spring, until the buds have blossomed. At this time, the earth already has time to warm up. In autumn, bushes are planted after the leaves fall.

Suggested landing times:

  • spring – from March 20 to April 15;
  • autumn – from September 15 to October 15.

When choosing planting dates, you need to focus on the climatic features of the region.

How to plant barberry

Planting a shrub, for example, a yellow barberry, in the country and further care are simple processes, since the barberry is unpretentious. You just need to choose the right place, prepare the soil, buy or grow healthy seedlings on your own.

Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs

To make the plants look decorative, you need to leave at least 1,5 m between them. If you create a hedge, then the seedlings are placed at a distance of 40-50 cm.

Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs

Where to plant barberry in the country

For a shrub, a sunny place is chosen so that the barberry is illuminated almost all day. The fact is that a plant planted in the shade loses its decorative effect, bright foliage fades, becomes unattractive. In addition, growth and development slow down, flowering will be scarce and inconsistent.

Site preparation

2-3 weeks before planting the bushes prepare a permanent place. The soil is dug up, weeds and roots are selected. If the land is depleted, add humus, compost, wood ash. You can mix the soil with complex mineral fertilizers.

Seedling preparation

Seedlings can be grown independently, as the barberry propagates by seeds, layering, cuttings and root shoots. If you have to buy, then it is better to use the services of trusted sellers or contact a nursery, where the varietal diversity will allow you to choose the right plant.

The branches of the seedling should be without damage, without signs of the presence of insects and diseases. The nutrition system of a quality seedling is distinguished by the presence of a large number of adventitious roots. The cut on the stem should be greenish or whitish.

Warning! Plants with dry roots are not suitable for planting.

The day before planting, seedlings with an open root system are soaked in water. You can add potassium permanganate or any preparation for rooting. If the seedling is in a container, then it must be taken out and several vertical cuts made on a clod of earth to stimulate the formation of lateral roots.

Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs

Rules for planting barberry

And now about how the planting of barberry and further care in the open field are carried out.

Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs

Stages of work:

  1. Dig a hole 40x40x40 cm. If the soil is poor, then the seat is made a little larger so that humus and compost can be added.
  2. Fill the bottom of the pit with a drainage layer of pebbles, expanded clay or broken bricks, then pour a layer of sand.
  3. Mix the soil taken out of the pit with humus or compost, fill the pit almost to the top.
  4. Pour in water so that the soil is well wet. This work is done at least 7-10 days before planting.
  5. A deepening is made in the soil and a seedling is placed in it, having previously straightened the roots.
  6. Sprinkle the root system of the shrub at the level of the root collar with soil, slightly compact it.
  7. Plentifully water and mulch the near-trunk circle with peat or compost. This will greatly facilitate further care.
  8. Cut off part of the shoots, leaving only 4-5 buds at the bottom.

How to plant a barberry

Since the barberry is an ornamental shrub that pleases the eye at any time of the year, even in winter, I want there to be a lot of plants in the garden. If different varieties of barberry grow on the site or with friends, then you can propagate it:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • division of the bush;
  • root growth.

Reproduction work is quite simple, accessible to beginner gardeners. It is only necessary to take into account that each of the methods may have disadvantages:

  1. Cuttings take root for a long time.
  2. Barberry seeds are difficult to germinate, even from fresh planting material 20-40% of seedlings are obtained. In this case, the future shrub may lose varietal qualities.
  3. When receiving divisions, you can harm the root system.
  4. Not all varieties of barberries give growth.

If you wish, you can experiment to choose the method that suits the variety. For example, for planting a hedge of red-leaved barberry and further care for it.

Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs

How to care for barberry

Caring for a barberry in the garden does not take much time, it all comes down to traditional activities:

  • watering and feeding;
  • loosening the soil and mulching;
  • pruning;
  • protection from diseases and pests;
  • preparing shrubs for winter.

By performing the necessary agrotechnical measures, you can get a beautiful, unpretentious care shrub that will decorate the garden.

Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs

Watering mode

According to the description, adult bushes do not require constant watering, because they do not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. If it rains during the growing season, then additional irrigation is not required. As for the young shrub, it should be watered regularly until it takes root.

Attention! About a month after planting, the frequency of watering is reduced, water is added under the bushes in case of drought.

Loosening and mulching

When growing barberry and caring for it, it should be remembered that water should penetrate to a depth of up to 40 cm. To prevent moisture from evaporating quickly, the root zone of the shrub is sprinkled with mulch:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • compost;
  • sawdust.

The layer must be at least 8 cm.

Before mulching, the soil is well loosened so that oxygen enters the roots. The operation is repeated after watering. Weeds must be removed, as they not only draw out nutrients, but can also cause disease and pest infestations.

How to feed barberry

If during the planting of a barberry, for example, Thunberg, a sufficient amount of nutrients was introduced, then in summer and autumn the shrub does not need to be fed for 2 years.

In the future, the plant needs feeding, as it grows strongly. Both mineral and organic fertilizers are used as top dressing.

As a rule, nutrition is introduced into the root zone of the shrub in the spring, before flowering begins. If the plant is grown as a hedge, then barberry fertilizer is applied 2 times a year.

Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs


The shrub is good for pruning. Thanks to this procedure, the crown of the plant is formed, you can create any shape. The haircut scheme is shown in the photo.

Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs

In the first 3 years, in early spring, before the buds start to grow, you need to cut all the shoots into a stump to get a lush bush. Such a haircut is especially necessary for hedges.

In addition to formative pruning, plants need sanitary pruning when damaged, dry branches are removed, as well as shoots that are out of the picture. This haircut can be done at any time.

Anti-aging pruning is performed on old bushes that begin to degenerate. In the spring, you need to cut the stems, leaving no stumps. By autumn, young shoots will appear.

Advice! If there are thorns on the barberry bushes, then you need to work in tight gloves so as not to injure your hands.

Preparation for winter

When choosing seedlings for planting in the garden, you need to take into account the climatic features of the region. Some varieties do not have sufficient frost resistance. Such bushes will require additional care in the fall, associated with the shelter of the barberry for the winter.

Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs

Disease and pest protection

Shrubs rarely get sick and are affected by insects. But from powdery mildew, aphids and flower moths, it is not always possible to secure plantings. Preventive measures will be required.

Diseases and pests

Signs of appearance


The appearance of aphids can be identified by wrinkled and drying leaves.


The insect settles on fruit-bearing shrubs and damages berries

Mučnistaâ rosa

A whitish coating appears on the leaves and shoots

To combat diseases and pests, you need to use special tools that are sold in stores, for example:

  • “Aktara”;
  • “Karate”;
  • “Karbofos”.

Work must be carried out immediately, without waiting for the spread of the disease and the mass reproduction of pests. Otherwise, you can lose the barberry bushes growing nearby.

Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs

Features of planting and caring for barberry in the Urals

The Urals is a region with harsh climatic conditions. In winter, there are frosts below -25 degrees, and many varieties of barberry freeze at such temperatures. Plants require good shelter from spruce branches, sawdust or humus.

It is necessary to cover the shrub with non-woven material for the winter when the frosts become stable. It is not recommended to use a plastic film to protect the barberry from frost, since condensation accumulates under it in winter. And it can lead to aging and freezing of plants.

You should not plan to plant a barberry in the Urals in the fall, since a fragile shrub with a weak root system is not able to survive in such conditions and no care will save it.

Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs

Features of planting and caring for barberry in Siberia

Siberian gardeners who decide to decorate their dacha with ornamental shrubs should know that you need to choose varieties that can survive low temperatures, that is, frost-resistant.

For this region, the following varieties of barberries are recommended:

  • Canadian,
  • amur,
  • ordinary,
  • warty.

Shrubs require shelter for the winter within 3 years after planting. In the future, it will be enough to mulch the root system well. If the Thunberg barberry was planted on the site, then the plant must be protected from frost and wind throughout its life. Experienced gardeners recommend choosing dwarf varieties of barberry, as they are easy to cover.

Novice gardeners are interested in when it is possible to plant barberry bushes on the site for the inhabitants of Siberia. Planting seedlings, as in the Urals, should be planned for the spring. Over the summer, the plants will take root well and will be able to survive the harsh winter.

Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs

What to plant next to the barberry

The decorativeness of the barberry is difficult to overestimate. Past the bushes do not pass at any time of the year. In the spring, multi-colored leaves appear on the plants, then the shrubs are covered with clusters of yellow or pink flowers. In autumn, the color of the leaves becomes even brighter, and in winter you can admire the red berries that stand out against the background of snow.

Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs

Seedlings can be planted singly or next to different flowers, trees and shrubs. Plants with colorful leaves look great against the backdrop of evergreen conifers.

Bushes are planted along fences, on lawns or multi-level flower beds. To create alpine slides and rocky Japanese gardens, dwarf varieties of culture are indispensable.

Important! Barberry is a friendly plant by nature, gets along well with almost all garden and horticultural crops.

Barberry: planting and caring for ornamental shrubs

Although there are fruit plants, next to which it is not advisable to have plantings of decorative barberry. These are pears, apples and plums. What is the reason:

  1. First, the the root system of these trees is powerful, it occupies a large space. This means that the shrubs will not get the required amount of nutrients.
  2. Second, the the crown of apple trees, pears and plums is wide, it will block the sun over the barberry. And the description says that the decorativeness of the shrub in the shade is lost.


Planting and caring for a barberry bush will not cause much trouble even for novice gardeners. It takes a little work, but the result will please for many years. An unpretentious and bright shrub will become a real decoration of the site on lawns, along fences, in compositions with different trees and shrubs.

Autumn shrubs for the garden. Barberry Site “Garden world”

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