Barberry Atropurpurea (Berberis thunbergii Atropurpurea)

Deciduous shrub Barberry Thunberg “Atropurpurea” of the Barberry family comes from Asia (Japan, China). It grows on rocky areas, mountain slopes. Taken as a basis for hybridization of more than 100 types of cultivars used in landscape design.

Barberry Atropurpurea (Berberis thunbergii Atropurpurea)

Description of barbaris Atropurpurea

For the design of the site, a dwarf variety of shrubs is used – the barberry “Atropurpurea” Nana (shown in the photo). A perennial crop can grow on a site for up to 50 years. An ornamental plant reaches a maximum height of 1,2 meters, a crown diameter of 1,5 m. The slow-growing species of Thunberg “Atropurpurea” blooms in May for about 25 days. Barberry fruits are not eaten, because of the high concentration of alkaloids, their taste is sour-bitter. The culture is frost-resistant, tolerates temperatures down to -200 C, drought tolerant, thrives in open, sunny areas. Shaded areas slow down photosynthesis, green fragments appear on the leaves.

Description of barbaris «Atropurpurea» Nana:

  1. The spreading crown consists of densely growing branches. The young growth of Thunberg “Atropurpurea” is dark yellow in color, as it grows, the shade becomes dark red. The main branches are colored purple with a slight admixture of brown.
  2. Decorative barberry “Atropurpurea” Thunberg gives red leaves, by autumn the shade changes to carmine-brown with a purple tint. The leaves are small (2,5 cm), oblong, narrow at the base, rounded at the top. They do not fall for a long time, they stay on the bush after the first frost.
  3. It blooms profusely, inflorescences or single flowers are located throughout the branch. They are characterized by a double color, burgundy on the outside, yellow on the inside.
  4. The fruits of “Atropurpurea” Thunberg are dark red in color, have an ellipsoid shape, the length reaches 8 mm. They appear in large numbers and remain on the shrub after leaf fall, in the southern regions until spring, go to feed the birds.
Attention! Barberry “Atropurpurea” is densely thorned, spines are simple up to 0,8 cm.

At the age of 5 years, the barberry stops growing, begins to bloom and bear fruit.

Barberry Atropurpurea (Berberis thunbergii Atropurpurea)

Barberry Atropurpurea Nana in landscape design

This type of culture is widely used in the design of sites by professional designers. Barberry Thunberg “Atropurpurea” is available for purchase, therefore it is often found in the personal courtyard of amateur gardeners. Barberry Thunberg Atropurpurea Nana (berberis thunbergii) is used as:

  1. A hedge to delimit zones on the site, the back of the rabatok, along the path to simulate the alley.
  2. A solitary plant near a pond.
  3. Concentrating object in rockeries, in order to emphasize the composition of the stones.
  4. The main background near the wall of the building, benches, gazebos.
  5. Designation of the boundaries of the Alpine hill.

In city parks, the view of Thunberg “Atropurpurea” is included in the composition with coniferous plants (Japanese pine, cypress, arborvitae) as the lower tier. Bushes are planted in front of the facades of public and private institutions.

Barberry Atropurpurea (Berberis thunbergii Atropurpurea)

Planting and caring for barberry Thunberg Atropurpurea Nana

Barberry Thunberg tolerates temperature drops well, return spring frosts do not affect the flowering and decorativeness of the shrub. This quality makes it possible to grow Thunberg barberry in temperate climates. The shrub normally tolerates excess ultraviolet radiation and dry weather, has proven itself well in the southern latitudes. Planting and caring for Thunberg’s barberry “Atropurpurea” are carried out as part of conventional agricultural technology, the plant is unpretentious.

Seedling and planting preparation

Barberry Thunberg “Atropurpurea” is planted on the site in the spring after the soil warms up or in the fall, a month before the onset of frost, so that the shrub has time to take root. The site is determined with good lighting, in the shade the barberry will not slow down growth, but will partially lose the decorative color of the leaves.

The root system of the shrub is superficial, not very deep, therefore it does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. The seat is chosen on a flat surface or hill. In lowlands with close groundwater, the plant will die. The best option is the east or south side behind the wall of the building. The influence of the north wind is undesirable. Soils are chosen neutral, fertile, drained, preferably loamy or sandy.

For spring planting, the site is being prepared in the fall. Dolomite flour is added to acidic soils; by spring, the composition will be neutral. Chernozem soil is lightened by adding peat or a sod layer. Annual seedlings are suitable for spring planting, two-year-old – for autumn reproduction. Thunberg barberry planting material is selected with a developed root system, dry and damaged fragments are removed before placement. The seedling should consist of 4 or more shoots with a smooth red bark with a yellow tint. Before planting, the root system is disinfected with a fungicide, placed in a solution stimulating root growth for 2 hours.

Barberry Atropurpurea (Berberis thunbergii Atropurpurea)

Planting barberry Thunberg Atropurpurea

The Thunberg barberry is propagated in two ways: by planting in a trench, if they plan to form a hedge, or in a single hole to create a composition. The depth of the pit is 40 cm, the width from the root to the wall of the hole is not less than 15 cm. Nutrient soil is preliminarily prepared, consisting of soil, humus, sand (in equal parts) with the addition of superphosphate at the rate of 100 g per 10 kg of the mixture. Landing sequence:

  1. A recess is made, a layer (20 cm) of the mixture is poured onto the bottom.
  2. The plant is placed vertically, the roots are evenly distributed.
  3. They fall asleep with soil, leave the root neck 5 cm above the surface, if they plan to plant the bush by division, deepen the neck.
  4. Water, mulch the root circle with organic matter (spring), straw or dry leaves (autumn).
Advice! Landing work is recommended to be carried out in the morning before sunrise or in the evening, after sunset.
Barberry Thunberg Atropurpurea nana. Landing 2016

Watering and top dressing

Barberry Thunberg “Atropurpurea” is drought-resistant, can do without watering for a long time. If the season is with intermittent rainfall, additional irrigation is not required. In hot, dry summers, the plant is watered with plenty of water (once every ten days) under the root. Young barberries after planting are watered every day in the evening.

В первый год вегетации барбарис Тунберга подкармливают весной, используя органику. В последующие годы подкормку проводят трижды, ранней весной – средствами, содержащими азот, к осени вносят калийно-фосфорные удобрения, после сброса листвы рекомендуется органика в жидком виде под корень.


One-year-old shrubs are thinned out in the spring, the stems are shortened, and sanitary cleaning is carried out. The form of barberry Thunberg “Atropurpurea” is supported by all subsequent years of growth. Pruning is carried out in early June, dry and weak shoots are removed. Low-growing species do not require the formation of a bush, they are given an aesthetic appearance in the spring by removing dry fragments.

Preparation for winter

Thunberg’s Atropurpurea barberry grown in the south does not require shelter for the winter. Mulching with peat, straw or sunflower husks will suffice. In temperate climates, in order to prevent freezing of roots and shoots, the plant is completely covered for up to five years. More often use spruce. The high-growing barberry of Thunberg requires more thorough preparation for winter:

  • shoots are pulled together with a rope;
  • make a construction in the form of a cone 10 cm more than the volume of the bush from the chain-link mesh;
  • voids are filled with dry leaves;
  • the top is covered with a special material that does not allow moisture to pass through.

If the Thunberg barberry is more than 5 years old, it is not covered, it is enough to mulch the root circle. Frozen parts of the root system for the spring-autumn period are completely restored.

Barberry Atropurpurea (Berberis thunbergii Atropurpurea)

Reproduction of barberry Thunberg Atropurpurea

It is possible to breed the common barberry “Atropurpurea” on the site using the vegetative and generative method. Reproduction of culture by seeds is rarely carried out due to the length of the process. In autumn, planting material is collected from fruits, kept for 40 minutes in a solution of manganese, and dried. Planted in a small garden. In the spring, the seeds will sprout, after the appearance of two leaves, the shoots dive. On the preliminary bed, the Thunberg barberry grows for two years, in the third spring it is transferred to a permanent site.

Vegetative way:

  1. Cuttings. The material is cut at the end of June, placed in fertile soil under a transparent cap. Give a year for rooting, planted in the spring.
  2. Layers. In early spring, the lower shoot of one year of vegetation is bent to the ground, fixed, covered with soil, and the crown is left on the surface. By autumn, the plant will give roots, it is left until spring, it is well insulated. In the spring, seedlings are cut, placed on the territory.
  3. By dividing the bush. Autumn breeding method. A plant not younger than 5 years old with a deepened root neck. The mother bush is divided into several parts, seated around the territory.
Important! The Thunberg barberry will bloom only if there are several varieties on the site, the plant needs cross-pollination.

Diseases and pests

Common insects that parasitize Thunberg’s barberry: aphids, moths, sawflies. Eliminate pests by treating the barberry with a solution of laundry soap or 3% chlorophos.

The main fungal and bacterial infections: bacteriosis, powdery mildew, leaf spot and wilting, rust. To eliminate the disease, the plant is treated with: colloidal sulfur, Bordeaux liquid, copper oxychloride. Affected barberry fragments are cut and removed from the site. In autumn, the soil around the crop is loosened, dry weeds are removed, as spores of the fungus can overwinter in it.


Barberry Thunberg “Atropurpurea” – an ornamental plant with a bright red crown. It is used to design plots, park areas, the foreground of institutions. A frost-resistant deciduous shrub is grown throughout the Federation, except for the zone of risky farming.

Barberry thunberg Atropurpurea nana. Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy seedlings

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