Baptism of a child, what is needed for the baptism of a child
Baptism of a baby is a great responsibility for both parents and future godparents. In order for the church sacrament to pass according to all the rules, you need to prepare for the ceremony in advance.
What is needed to baptize a child
According to some clergy, a baby should be baptized 40 days after birth. It is believed that up to this point his mother is “not pure” and cannot take part in the ceremony. In fact, the church does not limit a person at all – you can be baptized and “find God” at any time, both on the first day of life and in adulthood.
You need to properly prepare for the baptism of a child.
When planning to perform the ceremony, prepare everything that is needed according to tradition for the baptism of the child:
- pectoral cross consecrated in the temple;
- a new baptismal gown;
- candles;
- new towels;
- clean clothes for changing your baby.
Each church has its own customs, so be sure to check with the clergyman: how many candles and towels are needed, what is needed to obtain a baptismal document, whether it is possible to take photos and videos in the temple and other details.
There can be two godparents, or maybe one. In the latter case, it is important that the godfather is of the same sex as the child. A person who has the honor of becoming a godfather or mother must himself be a baptized, church-going Christian. The Church believes that the main duty of the godfather is to do everything that the child grows up to be a good Christian. Keep in mind: you cannot change your godfather, even if he suddenly turns from a good to a bad person. In this case, it is advised to pray for him with all your heart. There is only one exception – if the godfather changed his faith.
There is an opinion that the godmother cannot be an unmarried or pregnant woman. But this is not so – there are no restrictions on this matter. But there are still limitations. You cannot take as godparents:
1. Atheists and adherents of other religions, except in special exceptional cases, when they are allowed to take Protestants or Catholics as godparents.
2. Minors.
3. Unbaptized.
4. Married couples – godparents become spiritual brothers and sisters; in this case, they cannot share the matrimonial bed.
5. Church representatives: monks, priests.
You can baptize a baby on any day of the week, but you need to take into account the opening hours of the church and the existing schedule – in each church there are specific days and times for christenings.
Basic rules for parents to know:
- aunts and uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers and other relatives can become godparents, but not the biological parents themselves;
- for baptism, one godfather is enough, for boys – a godfather, for girls – a godmother;
- all participants in the sacrament, including guests, must wear a cross consecrated in the church and profess Orthodoxy;
- according to tradition, godparents buy towels, a cross and a sheet for swaddling a baby;
- baptismal clothes can be sewn or knitted by yourself;
- during the christening, the child will be given a new name – his heavenly patron, which will be used in church records;
- the ceremony is carried out free of charge, but, despite this, in some temples a reward is provided for it.
During christening, parents should not touch the baby, they are only allowed to observe the progress of the ceremony. But the clergyman can make an exception if the child cries and is capricious.
Things left after christening cannot be washed and thrown away, it is believed that they retain particles of the Holy World. There are cases when baptismal clothes were worn on a sick child, after which he miraculously recovered.
Baptism is not just a church ritual, but also a new birth of a baby – on this day he becomes a bright and sinless person. Despite the fact that now he is under the patronage of his Saint, parents and godparents are responsible for the spiritual education of the baby.