Banned after 30. Five things you should avoid!
Banned after 30. Five things you should avoid!Banned after 30. Five things you should avoid!

Aging is a natural process that does not bypass anyone – including men! Although women seem to be more concerned about the effects of the passage of time, men also have some reasons to be concerned. Unfortunately, after the age of thirty, certain changes occur in the body, so we should also change some habits. Check what the body does not forgive after turning thirty!

What changes are we talking about? First of all, from now on, the level of the sex hormone testosterone in the male body gradually decreases. Now it will decrease by 1% per year. The result is primarily a deterioration of well-being, fatigue, greater nervousness, a decrease in potency and libido, as well as sleep problems. Men also often begin to gain weight because muscle mass decreases and body fat increases, they are also more prone to depression. A decrease in testosterone levels can therefore have quite unpleasant effects, but this is not only what this aging of the body is about – there are also other causes.

Fortunately, you can change your lifestyle to some extent, which will certainly be good for your health. In this way, you will ensure your well-being and youth for longer!

  1. Not enough sleep – doctors say that we sleep too little, because on average only 6 hours. The correct amount of sleep is from 7 to 8, because then we feel much better. If you don’t get enough sleep often, you cause hormonal imbalance. The result is hunger pangs, which make you gain weight, as well as problems with memory, concentration, mood deterioration and more frequent headaches.
  2. Too much salt – if you often add salt to various dishes and you cannot even imagine a tomato or soup without an additional amount of this ingredient, you must be careful. It is recommended to consume only a flat teaspoon of salt a day, and it is hidden in many products: chips, fast food, ready-made powdered sauces, ketchup or bread. It is therefore very easy to exceed these minimums. Excess salt causes water retention in the body, and from this a short way to atherosclerosis and hypertension. As you know, elevated blood pressure is no joke – it reduces the amount of blood reaching the brain, and over time it can lead to a ruptured or clogged artery and a stroke.
  3. Sedentary lifestyle – after the age of thirty, the flexibility of joints and muscles decreases, more and more people at this young age come to doctors with problems with the spine. More and more professions are based on sitting behind a desk, so it is worth developing some good habits – instead of driving, go to work on foot, instead of using the elevator – take the stairs, try to go for walks on weekends, sometimes go to the swimming pool, or take up martial arts or go for a bike ride. Just move! You don’t have to do sports professionally, but remember that the more you move now, the less health problems you will have in the future.
  4. You are not in control of your health – with the body, like with a car – sometimes you just need to do a general inspection. Treat your health as a priority and even if you don’t feel that something is wrong with you, visit your doctor once a year. Check cholesterol, sugar, blood pressure, blood and urine tests. Also check for testicular cancer – this cancer usually affects people between the ages of 20 and 40.
  5. Beer for dinner – unfortunately, beer is the cause of the characteristic “beer belly” that is so often visible in men of a certain age. This liquor is very caloric and additionally stimulates the appetite. You don’t have to give it up completely, but it’s definitely better to limit it. Instead, opt for an occasional dry red wine that won’t do as much damage to your body and isn’t as caloric.

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