Bank massage for cellulite, reviews. Video

Bank massage for cellulite, reviews. Video

Cupping massage is one of the most effective ways to combat cellulite. Thanks to the vacuum effect that is created under the silicone container, blood rushes to the surface layers of the skin, destroying fatty plaques along the way.

Bank massage for cellulite, reviews

Cupping massage: what you need to know

Cupping massage is a rather simple but incredibly effective procedure. It does not require special skills, and everyone can master it. For the massage, you need special silicone jars, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Their price is low. You will also need a cream or oil. Both special products with an additional fat-burning effect (almond or pepper oil) and conventional ones that almost everyone have: olive or sunflower oil, body lotion, water-based cream, etc.

Silicone jars come in a variety of sizes. It is best to take small ones, they are comfortable to hold in your hands. Recently, silicone containers with a comfortable handle have appeared in pharmacies. They do not slip out during massage

The principle of operation of cupping massage is as follows: a vacuum is created under the silicone container, which attracts blood to the surface of the skin. Rising, it destroys the excess fat layer and its external manifestation – cellulite. In not too advanced cases, ten sessions are enough. If cellulite occupies a large surface, massage with cups will have to be done for three months or more.

You need to start with short procedures – two to three minutes for each problem area. Then the time gradually increases, reaching ten to fifteen minutes for each part of the body. A productive massage begins with five minutes per zone.

Cupping massage can be done every other day, excluding the days of menstruation. At this time, he is dangerous, bleeding may begin

The massage is best done in the bathroom. There it will be convenient to clean your hands of the massage agent so that the jar does not slip. Apply cream or oil to the problem area. Set the jar so that one and a half to two centimeters of skin is pulled inward. The force of pressure can be adjusted by squeezing and unclenching your fingers. Without lifting the silicone container from the skin, make rotational or zigzag movements along the lymph flow, that is, from the bottom up.

In the first two or three sessions, the sensations will not be very pleasant, there may even be bruises.

But then everything will pass, the cupping massage will not be painful. After working on all problem areas, rub the rest of the cream or oil over the skin. Wrap yourself in a warm robe or towel. After the procedure, you need to spend about half an hour in a room with a temperature of at least 25 degrees.

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