Bananas: health benefits and harms – you need to know!

😉 Hello, my dear readers and guests of the site! The article “Bananas: Benefits and Harm to Health” contains interesting information about bananas. How to choose? How to store? Hope you learn something new and useful for yourself.

A bit of history

Botanically speaking, a banana is a berry! Banana is one of the most ancient foods. He was mentioned in the Bible, in documentary records about the life of Alexander the Great.

How do bananas grow? On a palm tree? No dear friend. You are mistaken. It is a gigantic herb, ranging in height from 5 to 15 meters. I would say that bananas grow on a very tall bush.

Bananas: health benefits and harms – you need to know!

The word “banana” in translation from Arabic means “finger”. His homeland is the island – the Malay Archipelago. Then bananas gradually appeared in all tropical countries. Today these fruits are very popular all over the world. There are about 500 varieties, which are divided into two groups:

  1. Dessert (eaten raw).
  2. Plantains (require heat treatment).

Useful properties of bananas

100 grams of the product contains:

  • carbohydrates – 21 g;
  • proteins – 1,5 g;
  • fat – 0,5 g;
  • calorie content – 96 kcal.

Vitamins C, B1, B2, PP. Potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, pectin, glucose, fructose, sucrose.

  • application in cooking, medicine, cosmetology;
  • convenient natural “packaging”;
  • affordable price;
  • the best fruit for a snack – satisfies hunger;
  • with anemia;
  • reduces blood pressure in hypertensive patients;
  • with edema, fluid is excellently removed;
  • serotin – the “hormone of joy” suppresses depression, improves mood, reduces fatigue;
  • with heart disease;
  • gastritis (enveloping action);
  • eliminate heartburn;
  • with constipation – pectin and fiber improve intestinal motility;
  • go to feed livestock, they are loved by animals of southern countries;
  • a banana leaf can serve as a food plate, fan, or umbrella.

Banana harm

Contraindicated in people with latex allergy. Latex proteins are structurally similar to plant proteins in banana.

This fruit tends to thicken blood and is contraindicated in:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • varicose veins.

How to choose?

Choose fruit that is yellow, with no brown spots on the skin. Or yellow-green. No angular ribbing. If the longitudinal “ribs” stick out, the banana was not allowed to ripen on its own. Exception: in the cold season, you can buy fruits with a spotted skin.

How to store?

Do you want to buy bananas in reserve? Then slightly greenish fruits are suitable for you. It is better to buy not divided, but in bunches. Do not store them in the refrigerator! They do not like light, they love very light coolness in a dry place. They do not tolerate polyethylene, it is better to replace it with paper.

And finally. Remember to wash any fruit thoroughly, even if it is peeled. It is possible that the fruit fell to the ground several times or was stored, to put it mildly, not in sterile boxes. Everything is visible under the microscope!

Bananas: benefits and harm to health ↓ video

Bananas. Benefit and harm.

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