Bananas are recognized as excellent smoking cessation remedies

Bananas are recognized as excellent smoking cessation remedies

Bananas are recognized as excellent smoking cessation remedies

Scientists have long been trying to find natural or medicinal substances with which a person could overcome addiction to tobacco and hemp. And now they seem to have coped with the task. The fruit found by the experts is non-addictive and suppresses the substances that are responsible for the enjoyment. But the main thing is that it is available to everyone, without exception, since the “cure” for smoking is a banana.

According to doctors, tryptophan is a part of the banana. And he is able to overcome addiction to cigarettes and cigarettes. When ingested and absorbed by it, it forms kynurenic acid. The latter affects the brain, on those parts of it that produce dopamine, which is responsible for the feeling of pleasure and weakens the perception of impulses. As a result, a person, not getting pleasure from tobacco and hemp, stops smoking. The circle is closed.

The scientists tested the whole algorithm of the effect of bananas on the smoking organism on rodents and monkeys. After first causing the subjects to become addicted to addictions, the scientists then gave the respondents tryptophan. And they found out that kynurenic acid, which it forms in the body, actually suppresses the substances thanks to which people get pleasure from inhaling poisonous smoke. Why are bananas good in such cases? They are available to everyone, do not require significant investment of funds, do not cause addiction and do not have any side effects on the body. Therefore, experts advise smokers to use them if they decide to overcome addiction to harmful drugs.

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