Banana liqueur recipes at home
  • Drink: Liqueur
  • How to serve: with ice
  • Main ingredients: banana, vodka, condensed milk, egg white
  • Preparation time: up to 14 days
  • Strength: up to 18°

Basic banana liqueur recipe

  • 1 large ripe banana
  • 0,5 l vodka or white rum
  • 300 g sugar
  • 120 ml of pure water
  • 5 cm vanilla pod or 1 tsp. vanilla extract

Peel banana and cut into small pieces. Add vodka and use a wooden spoon to press the banana to the bottom (interacting with air, the banana will turn black). Insist in a dark cool place for 2 weeks. Strain, filter, add syrup made from 300 g of sugar and 120 ml of water. Add vanilla pod or vanilla extract. Stand for another 1 month, then remove the vanilla (pod), strain and filter the infusion again. Hold for 1 more month.

Vanilla sugar or vanillin can be used in place of the vanilla bean or vanilla extract. The recipe article for Kalua coffee liqueur (after the first recipe) describes the principle of making vanilla extract, as well as the equivalent of vanilla sugar and vanillin. The above recipe is universal, you can play with the proportions. For example, the following proportions have been tested:

  • 2 medium bananas, 1 tsp vanilla extract, 240 ml of simple sugar syrup, 700 ml of vodka or light rum – to get Creme de Banana, the amount of sugar must be doubled;
  • 1 medium banana, 240 g sugar, 120 ml water, ¾ tsp. vanilla extract, 700 ml of vodka or light rum – keep a banana on vodka for 8 days;
  • 2 medium bananas, 350 g sugar, 180 ml water, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, 700 ml of vodka or light rum – bananas, along with sugar syrup and vanilla extract, leave for 3-4 days, constantly shaking the infusion.

You can also add a teaspoon of clove buds and / or a cinnamon stick to the infusion.

Velvet Banana Liqueur

An exceptionally feminine, delicate drink, which is a pleasure to prepare. In a matter of minutes, you will get a wonderful alcoholic drink that can be served almost immediately at the table. I have tested the recipe and recorded it in my favorites as a win-win option for a drink on the occasion of any celebration.

  • 300 ml vodka (50% alcohol)
  • 3 ripe banana
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 150 ml of whole milk
  • 1 Bank of condensed milk

In a 2-3 liter jar, add bananas, broken into small pieces, and crush them with a blender (submersible) until a homogeneous puree is formed. Add 2 egg whites and beat the mixture with a blender. Gradually add and whisk: a jar of condensed milk, 150 ml of fresh milk and 300 ml of vodka. We get a delicious liquor that can be drunk after 15 minutes of settling in the refrigerator. Cocktail liqueur does not need aging, but it will stay in the refrigerator for 1-2 months for sure.

Recipe in practice:

Banana split liqueur

Another cream liqueur. Banana split is a typical American dessert. This is an amazing combination of peeled banana and scoops of vanilla, chocolate or strawberry ice cream dipped in chocolate sauce.

This liqueur has all the main ingredients of a split: bananas, chocolate syrup and ice cream in the form of our simple creamy syrup. Liqueur is good as an ingredient in Banana Daiquiri. By the way, in 2004, the city of Latrobe, Pennsylvania, was certified as the official birthplace of the banana split, 100 years after the appearance of the dessert itself. So the recipe:

  • 500 ml light rum
  • 3 ripe bananas, peeled and finely chopped
  • 110 g cocoa beans (can be replaced with cocoa powder)
  • 1 vanilla pod (16 g vanilla sugar, 2-3 tsp extract)
  • 350 ml simple butter syrup

Mix rum, bananas, cocoa beans and vanilla in a suitable jar. Close the jar tightly, shake well and leave in a dark, cool place to infuse for 5 days. Then strain the infusion through a sieve or several layers of gauze into a clean jar, add a simple creamy syrup (you will find its recipe in the article about fruit and berry liqueurs, the link is in the list of ingredients of this recipe), mix well. After that, the liquor can be poured into a clean bottle and sent to the refrigerator for storage. You can try banana liqueur with cream after 1-2 days of aging. You need to use it within 1-2 months. If after a couple of weeks the cream from the syrup collects on the surface of the container, you just need to shake the mixture and enjoy the deliciousness further.

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