Banana jam: how to cook a delicacy in a slow cooker and without with lemons, apples, kiwi, gooseberries for the winter

No one can surprise anyone with jam made from apples, pears, raspberries or strawberries. But the combination of these fruits and berries with bananas will be called non-trivial even by gourmets. What recipes are worth taking note of, and what kind of banana jam to cook in a slow cooker – you will learn about all this from our article.

Preparation of ingredients

Banana jam: how to cook a delicacy in a slow cooker and without with lemons, apples, kiwi, gooseberries for the winter

Before putting into practice your first recipe for banana jam, properly prepare for this process. Carefully choose fruits for preparing such a preparation. Bananas can be overripe, but keep in mind that in this case they will completely boil and turn into a tender puree, while firm and elastic fruits will not lose their shape. First peel the bananas and then cut them into small pieces. Such fruits are crushed both into circles and into miniature cubes.

Now start preparing the other jam ingredients. Kiwi, apples, gooseberries go well with bananas. A rich taste and aroma is also characteristic of a mix with citrus fruits. Remember that cooks pay special attention to the selection of dishes for making banana jam. A good choice is an enameled container with a dense and thick bottom.

Video “Recipe for delicious banana jam”

In this video you will learn how to make fragrant banana jam.

Fragrant BANANA JAM with caramel 🍌 Banana JAM ✧ Irina Cooking

Step-by-step recipes

Surely each of us has tried a banana, and knows what a tasty, fragrant and healthy product it is. Jam from such a fruit is already from the category of fantasy for many housewives. In the meantime, experiment boldly, following popular recipes, and the category of homemade preparations will be replenished with a couple of new desserts.

With kiwi

Banana jam: how to cook a delicacy in a slow cooker and without with lemons, apples, kiwi, gooseberries for the winter

Make banana kiwi jam and get the perfect combination of sweetness and pleasant sourness. You will need bananas, kiwi, sugar and lemon or orange juice. Peel bananas and kiwis. It is important to chop half of the peeled kiwi with a blender or grate. The rest of the fruit is cut into cubes. Don’t forget to drizzle a handful of sliced ​​kiwis with citrus juice.

Cut bananas into cubes and add to kiwi, cover it all with sugar and put on fire. During the cooking process, syrup is released, if it is not enough, add water. When the jam boils, remove the foam and boil it for 10 minutes. The resulting dish is rolled up in jars and stored for the winter.

with lemons

Banana jam: how to cook a delicacy in a slow cooker and without with lemons, apples, kiwi, gooseberries for the winter

Jam from bananas and lemons attracts with a bright taste and rich aroma, and there are many benefits from such a dish. For 10 bananas you will need 1 lemon and 1 kg of granulated sugar. Peel the banana and cut into cubes or rounds. The lemon is thoroughly washed, then cut off on both sides.

Cut the zest into neat strips, and chop the pulp into cubes. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Leave the mixture for several hours. After that, bring the composition to a boil and simmer on fire for 15 minutes.

In the multivariate

Banana jam: how to cook a delicacy in a slow cooker and without with lemons, apples, kiwi, gooseberries for the winter

For this dish you will need bananas, apples and granulated sugar. Choose sour apples as they complement the flavor of the jam. Dry them a little, and then place them in a slow cooker and cover with half the sugar.

The mixture should simmer for about an hour, at which time you are preparing the bananas. Add chopped bananas to the mixture and select the “Pilaf / Buckwheat” mode. It will cook in 30 minutes.

With apples

Banana jam: how to cook a delicacy in a slow cooker and without with lemons, apples, kiwi, gooseberries for the winter

If you make jam from bananas alone, the consistency is homogeneous and attractive in appearance, but at the same time too sweet. That is why cooks add sour apples to such jam. Wash them, cut into pieces and immediately pour lemon or orange juice – then the flesh will not wind up and become yellow.

Now sprinkle the apple mass with sugar and leave for an hour. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil, cook for another 5 minutes and remove from heat, let it infuse for at least 12 hours. Repeat this procedure twice more. Before final cooking, grind the mixture with a blender.

with gooseberries

Banana jam: how to cook a delicacy in a slow cooker and without with lemons, apples, kiwi, gooseberries for the winter

Many chefs use a simple recipe for banana and gooseberry jam. The mixture will turn out to be tasty and nutritious, since the gooseberries contain vitamins P, C, B9, E, iron and carotene. Sort the berries and wash thoroughly. Now it is important to grind the fruits, for which they are kneaded with a fork or ground with a blender. Wash bananas in warm water, then remove the peel, and cut the fruits into circles.

Mix the crushed ingredients, then sprinkle with sugar and leave for an hour or two. The resulting mixture is put on fire and brought to a boil. Simmer this jam for 5 minutes so that the beneficial components do not evaporate. Now it remains only to let the dish cool.

Such jam is boldly rolled into jars and stored until winter.

Follow these basic recipes for making delicious banana jam to spice up your winter dessert menu.

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