Balsamic Sauce

Many have heard of such an exquisite Italian seasoning as balsamic, or balsamic vinegar. It has a bright and rich aroma and a traditional sweet and sour taste with a light fruity note. And about its useful properties and can not speak. It is in demand in cooking, and in medicine, and even in the cosmetology industry. But not every hostess has heard of such a product as balsamic sauce. Often it is called balsamic cream or balsamic glaze. Nevertheless, today it is becoming quite popular not only due to its original taste, but also properties that are beneficial to the body.

History of origin, composition and types of product

The origin of balsamic cream sauce is closely related to the origin of its main ingredient – balsamic vinegar. This seasoning was first mentioned in 1046, when it was presented to the future King Henry II as a gift. For a long time it was considered an aristocratic product and was available only to wealthy people of noble origin. This vinegar comes from the Italian province of Modena. Initially, it was used exclusively for medicinal purposes, hence its name “balsamic” – used for the preparation of balsams.

Italy also has the idea of ​​obtaining an exquisite viscous sauce based on this product. Its difference from vinegar is that it contains additional components, on which the characteristic density and ductility of the product depend. It is not surprising that this sauce was widely used in gourmet Italian cuisine, as well as among English gourmets.

Balsamic cream is a thick, viscous liquid with a bright aroma of berries and a light sour-sweet vinegar note. Its color varies depending on the ingredients that make up its composition, but the classic sauce has a rich wine-brown color.

It is prepared from balsamic vinegar, which during cooking is boiled to a state of viscous mass. Also, it may include grape must, flour and some lemon juice. As the liquid evaporates, the sauce acquires a uniform, thick, creamy consistency. From here came one of his names – cream. Sugar is not put in real balsamic sauce; grapes should give it sweetness. Often, various fruits and berries, honey, various herbs and figs are added to it. Depending on the components, the shade of the sauce can also change: white, dark, pink and so on. Stores sometimes contain balsamic sauces with the taste of strawberries, chocolate or caramel.

The most common types include:

  • classic cream sauce;
  • creamy;
  • fruit;
  • olive;
  • honey;
  • berry.

Chemical composition and product benefits

The energy value of balsamic sauce is 166,7 kcal. The protein component is about 0,1 grams, and 46,7 grams is allocated to carbohydrates. This cream contains almost the same beneficial substances as in vinegar. It has a wonderful vitamin component and a rich mineral complex. It contains organic acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body, polyphenols, which are strong antioxidants, pectins and ash. It is saturated with B vitamins, contains a lot of vitamin A, as well as ascorbic acid and tocopherol.

The mineral complex is represented by:

  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • manganese.

Balsamic sauce has all the useful and medicinal properties due to its rich composition. However, it is worth noting that at high temperatures they practically do not remain. But this cream is not customary to heat-treat.

In ancient times, wounds were treated with balsamic, since it was famous for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Even the famous Lucretia Borgia in the distant 1503 used it as an effective cure for plague. Balsamic sauce is used as a diuretic, and has a strong choleretic effect. It can also be used as an appetizer, snacks served with it before the start of a meal noticeably stimulate appetite. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and helps to eliminate dangerous toxins and toxins from the body.

The use of balsamic cream in the autumn-winter period will not be superfluous, since it significantly strengthens the immune system and restores the body’s natural defense against seasonal colds and viral infections. In addition, it perfectly removes various inflammations and has a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms.

Balsamic dressing has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, stimulates the growth of blood cells and can increase blood coagulation.

Balsamic, thanks to its vitamins A and E, plays an important role in the cosmetology field. Literally two or three drops of sauce can turn any cream into a wonderful nourishing, regenerating and anti-aging remedy. Sometimes it is used in masks and hair balms to promote their growth, reduce hair loss and strengthen the roots.

Cooking application

Balsamic sauce is truly a universal seasoning. It goes well with both first courses and desserts. With it, you can give a refined taste to meat dishes, fish dishes and seafood. And he is a delicious marinade. Products pickled in balsamic cream with herbs acquire a refined, refined taste and pleasant aroma. It reveals the familiar taste qualities of dishes, dilutes them with luxurious notes and gives them new elegant shades.

It is recommended to use it as a dressing for various vegetable salads, as well as to include cold snacks in the recipe. It goes well with various cheeses of elite varieties, so its use in a cheese plate is welcome.

Baked dishes using balsamic sauce acquire a shiny appetizing glaze and have an original flavor. Using a cream, you can beautifully decorate various desserts. Just pour them with this sauce, creating unique patterns. For such purposes, ice cream, waffles, sweet pancakes, fruit and berry desserts are well suited.

Cooking Balsamic Sauce at Home

This product can be freely chosen at the supermarket, but the price is rather high, so you can try to cook it at home. This is a laborious process, but worth it.

So, for cooking, the first thing you need is balsamic vinegar of good quality. It must be poured into a gravy boat and simmer for about forty minutes. Stir the sauce periodically so that it does not burn. At the end of the process, the volume of the product should decrease by about three times.

The resulting mass must be poured into a pan and put to boil on a very small fire. When small bubbles appear on the surface, remove the cream from the stove and strain it through a sieve.

This sauce is good to use as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes. This product is valuable in that it does not contain synthetic preservatives and thickeners, in contrast to store options. To prepare balsamic sauce, you do not need to save on vinegar, as a result, the dish will have a completely different taste than expected.

Thus prepared sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. It is advisable to place it in a glass container.

Sweet Balsamic Sauce with Lemon Flavor

To prepare a dessert version of the cream you will need:

  • balsamic vinegar – 0,5 cups;
  • cane sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • liquid vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice – 1 tablespoon;
  • ground black pepper – a quarter of a teaspoon.

Pour vinegar into a sauceboat and cook over low heat until its volume is halved. Mix the remaining ingredients separately until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then add this mixture to vinegar and send to the fire again. Cook until thickened and the appearance of characteristic vesicles.

Harm and contraindications

The use of balsamic sauce is prohibited with increased acidity of the stomach, problems of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, peptic ulcer, and also with liver diseases. It is also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components that make up the product. It should be remembered that the store’s sauce options contain various chemical thickeners and preservatives that will not bring benefits to the body.


Balsamic sauce is essentially considered a derivative of balsamic vinegar. Its recipe is diverse. Sometimes it is prepared simply by evaporation of vinegar, sometimes various thickeners are added in the form of flour or starch. Often it consists of various fruits or berries, as well as honey or various herbs. This seasoning gives the dishes a refined, luxurious aroma and pleasant taste. This is a universal product. It can be served with both meat and various desserts. In addition to its taste, this sauce has a number of medicinal properties that are widely used in medicine and cosmetology. A natural product can not cause serious harm to the body, but it also has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to use it for exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. And also it can cause allergic reactions if there is intolerance to any component in the sauce.

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