Balneology – what is it?

The term “balneology” comes from two words: the Latin “balneum”, which means “bath”, and the Greek “logos”, or “science”. It is one of the oldest methods of treatment that primarily uses the healing effects of groundwater. The full definition according to the Polish Society of Balneology and Physical Medicine states that not only for treatment and rehabilitation, but also for prophylaxis, and sometimes even for diagnostics, balneology uses natural healing raw materials such as: mineral waters, peloids (from the Greek “pelos” – ” mud »- geological formations that are crushed and used mixed with water, eg peloid, clay), healing gases and climatic qualities. Balneology is also referred to as spa medicine or natural medicine. This science has been developed since ancient times.

In Poland, the most famous center for treatment balneology is Ciechocinek and it is there that the abovementioned Polish Society of Balneology and Physical Medicine has its headquarters, the roots of which date back to 1858.

Treatment methods and treatments used in balneology

Same balneology is a very broad concept, so it would be difficult to list all of them indications for its application. First of all, keep in mind that balneological treatmentit must be used regularly over a long period of time to be effective. It is used primarily to alleviate ailments and treat chronic diseases – rheumatology, neurology, gynecology, pulmonology, dermatology, cardiology and many others. It does not effects immediate, but systematic use balneological treatments after some time the effects are more durable than after the use of drugs, and at the same time not burdened side effects. Therefore, the important qualities of the patient should be perseverance and patience.

Balneotherapy uses healing waters in many ways. The basis of most spa treatments are drinking treatments with mineral waters of various chemical compositions. Basic types of mineral waters used in balneotherapy internal waters are sodium chloride, alkaline bicarbonate waters, sorry waters, low-mineralized waters and sulphide-hydrogen sulphide waters. You cannot order mineral waters on your own, the doctor always decides about the choice of treatment. Baths are the second main application of the healing waters. The most commonly used for bathing are brine, carbonic acid, sulphide-hydrogen sulphide and radon waters, used primarily in patients with rheumatological and dermatological problems, but not only. In turn, brines, sulphide-sulphide water, alkaline sorrel and radon water are used for inhalation and treatment of various types of chronic respiratory diseases.

Department balneotherapywhere geological formations are used, mainly peloid therapy. Treatments with the use of peloid can take the form of baths, compresses, sitz baths, and even peloid tampons (rectal and vaginal). These types of treatments are applicable to the treatment of a great many chronic internal diseases.

Balneotherapy with the use of gases, it reaches primarily after healing properties gases such as: carbon dioxide, radon, hydrogen sulfide, oxygen, air and ozone. These gases can be inhaled or used to obtain carbonated bath water. Each of them has different properties and depending on the disease being treated, balneolog will select the appropriate type of treatment with the use of the appropriate gas.

In turn, climatotherapyDepending on the location, it includes sunbathing, air bathing, taking advantage of the beneficial influence of the sea (thalassotherapy) and outdoor exercise.

Any balneological methods it is best to use it during longer (preferably at least 3-week) spa stays under the supervision of qualified personnel, according to the strict recommendations of a doctor. Some methods can be continued at home on a smaller scale, e.g. peloid patches or medicinal salts for inhalation are available in pharmacies, and some types of drinking mineral water can be purchased in bottles at herbal shops and pharmacies. However, a question should be asked to the doctor which of the available resources, how and for how long we can use it on our own.

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