Balance training

Balance-training (Balance) is a set of exercises, which includes elements of tai chi, Pilates, aerobics.

Difficulty level: For beginners

They, unlike strength training, are performed at a slow pace, calmly and thoughtfully, set the mind in a philosophical way, harmonize not only business, but also the mind. Training takes about an hour, aimed at feeling every muscle of your body and learn how to manage them wisely.

Balance training is needed for the following purposes:

  • development of flexibility, elasticity of muscles, ligaments;
  • relaxation of the spine;
  • the formation of a beautiful posture;
  • improved coordination of movements;
  • toning the whole body;
  • muscle recovery after strength training;
  • getting rid of internal tension and stress;
  • acquiring the skills of proper deep breathing.

Even those who have not previously played sports and do not have sufficient physical fitness will be able to perform the exercises. The body will gradually get used to the loads, which over time can be complicated for better results.

For example, first one exercise is performed on two legs, and then you can try to perform it on one. Then you can start training on balance boards, platforms and pillows.

For training, you will need comfortable fitness clothes and an hour of free time. At the same time, you don’t even need to buy special sneakers or sneakers: training takes place without shoes. You will not need additional devices and equipment at the first stage. Read also: Port-de-Bras training

Reasons to start doing balance training

There are five reasons to start attending group balance training classes tomorrow:

  1. Preventing injury – If you learn to keep your balance perfectly, you will stop falling on the ice and will be able to stay on your feet if you slip on the wet tiles in the bathroom. A sense of balance, a sense of your own body will help you respond to dangerous situations instantly and protect yourself from injury.
  2. Improving balance – All exercises are aimed at improving your balance, learning to keep it in any circumstances. This applies to both physical and internal balance.
  3. Stop aging — If you previously dreamed of a magical elixir that prolongs youth and slows down the aging process, then it is in front of you. Balance workouts do magic to the body: strengthen joints, make muscles stronger, more resistant to injury, increase stamina, and even smooth out wrinkles. You can forget about ugly stretch marks on the skin, flabby areas on the body, as well as fractures and instability, which is manifested in the elderly.
  4. First step to the dream – With the help of balance training, you can go further and master other sports that you have long dreamed of: figure skating, surfing. And also learn how to do tricks on a bicycle and a skateboard without fear of falling and getting a fracture.
  5. Bringing the body into tone Balance training makes all muscle groups work, warm them up, make them elastic.

Basic balance exercises

There are several basic balance training exercises that a beginner should be aware of:

  • Exercise “Rolls” – Take the starting position while standing, start rolling from toes to heel. Do 8 rolls, then linger on your heels, and then on your toes – for 10 seconds. When standing on your toes, try to stretch the top of your head up, stretch your whole body. When you linger on your heels, make a slight tilt forward with your torso, and take your pelvis back.
  • Exercise “Heron” – Stand in the starting position, put your hands on your belt. Bend your leg at the knee and lock it in that position. You can put your foot to the second leg at knee level. Stretch your arms to the sides or fold them in a boat and point up. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Do the same with the second leg. To complicate the exercise, close your eyes.
  • Exercise “One by one” – Place your feet in a line so that they stand one behind the other. The toe should touch the heel of the other foot. Hands on the belt, back straight. Lock the position for 10 seconds. After that, do the exercise, changing the order of the legs.
  • Rotations around an axis – Take a starting position – legs wider than shoulders. Raise your arms to the sides – they should be even, at shoulder level. Rotate the top of the body in one direction and the other. Do three times. After that, you can increase the turns up to 10 times.

Recommendations and contraindications for balance training

Balance training is a real salvation for those who have serious posture disorders, often fall and get injured. They are also shown to people with such a problem as osteochondrosis. With the help of exercises to improve balance, you can restore blood circulation and forget about vegetovascular dystonia forever. Balance training allows you to get rid of flat feet, restore mobility of the spine, improve the physical performance of the body.

Balance training has almost no contraindications, as they are gentle on the body. But you should be careful if you have obesity, asthma or grade 3-4 varicose veins. If you have any doubts, it is better to consult a specialist and conduct a diagnosis of the body. See also: Les Mills workouts

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