Baking soda vs NanoSoda – advantages and disadvantages for our health

Origin of NanoSoda

About 50-60 million years ago, deposits of the Wyoming throne began. In southwestern Wyoming, there was a huge lake called Goisut, covering about 15 square miles. Due to the shallow depth, the lake evaporated repeatedly and quickly, due to which a changing climate was created from humid to arid. The climate dictated its conditions and the once stormy life of those places fell into a kind of trap.

Trona reserves in these places were formed due to a mixture of many elements in the lake. All the muds and minerals were located in the lower part of Goisut, thus bicarbonates, alkalis and sodium were delivered to the lake by the runoff of water. Trona deposits, huge in scale, are located in the Green River. There are 42 layers of trona, covering approximately 1300 square miles.

Throne mining

All work on the extraction of trona takes place underground, after which it is processed into food or soda ash. An entire city is located underground, which includes streets, power lines, bathrooms and even shops.

A huge part of the production occurs due to the management of parallel deposits using the room-and-pillar method. Due to the regular basis of pool connections, an example of a chessboard of columns is created, which are left to support the overlying rocks. The mineral is also cut out from the stope, after which it is carefully processed.

NanoSoda vs. ordinary soda

Baking soda vs NanoSoda - advantages and disadvantages for our health

If we compare ordinary soda and soda extracted from a natural source, then after weighing all the pros and cons, we can say with confidence that NanoSoda wins in all aspects.

To date, there are 2 types of soda extraction:

  • Soda extracted from natural sources (NanoSoda);

  • Soda made chemically (so-called “baking soda”)

The countries of the former CIS do not have their own deposits of soda, so it is produced chemically. Making a choice in favor of ordinary soda, the consumer receives a product that is deprived of all useful properties.

NanoSoda is sourced from Tron, a key mineral mined in Wyoming and supplied to markets around the world. The trona undergoes a meticulous process of refining and crushing, heating (to get rid of unwanted gases) and converting the ore to sodium carbonate before reaching the finished product. After the water has evaporated, the resulting suspension is placed in a centrifuge to separate the water residues from the soda crystals. After that, the crystals go through the process of drying, screening for further bunker transportation.

The degree of purification of NanoSoda is 99.5% +, which gives reason to say that this is the most purified soda in the world. Products are supplied to many medical institutions and pharmacies in America, which indicates the high quality of NanoSoda.

NanoSoda to restore the acid-base balance of a person

Baking soda vs NanoSoda - advantages and disadvantages for our health

According to the results of numerous studies, NanoSoda has a beneficial effect on the human body. The benefits of NanoSoda are more than obvious, because it:

  • Helps restore the acid-base balance of a person;

  • Helps to increase a person’s stamina;

  • Accelerates the recovery process after increased physical. loads;

  • Effective in the fight against fungal diseases;

  • Helps to balance the acid-base balance in the body;

  • Restores cellular metabolism;

  • Helps to improve the absorption of oxygen by tissues;

  • Prevents the loss of the required amount of potassium.

The pH of human body fluids should normally be in the range of 7,35 to 7,47. If it becomes less than 6,8, this will mean certain death from the most severe acidosis, since a person cannot live with such acidic blood. However, now about 80% of the world’s population has a pH value below the recommended level, but doctors, discovering this fact, usually take no action. But even at pH 7,25 (moderate acidosis), irreversible changes begin in the body at the cellular level, which can result in severe chronic diseases and dangerous pathologies, such as cancer.

The most important fluids of a healthy human body have a certain, only normal pH level for them:

  • Pancreatic juice – 7,8-9,0;

  • Bile – 7,50-8,50;

  • Secretion of the large intestine – 8,9-9,0;

  • Saliva – 7,2-7,9.

If these fluids become acidic, the consequences are catastrophic: digestion is disturbed (gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis), stones form in the kidneys, gall bladder and bladder, teeth crumble, gums become inflamed. Parasites (worms, tapeworms) can settle in the body and malignant neoplasms occur.

NanoSoda neutralizes excess acid and restores health to a person, even if before that he had not eaten properly for a long time, was exposed to adverse environmental influences and suffered from bad habits. Soda gradually brings the pH to a normal level, and when the cells function correctly, the body cleanses itself and renews itself.

With regular intake, natural soda preserves the glutamine amino acid, which means that sand and stones do not form in the kidneys. Urine becomes alkaline, which is very good for health. It is even better when the blood becomes alkaline – then all the amine vitamins (thiamine, choline, nicotinomide, cobimamide, pyridoxal) are absorbed completely and correctly perform their most important role in the body.

NanoSoda is useful for sports

Baking soda vs NanoSoda - advantages and disadvantages for our health

NanoSoda shows its effectiveness in almost any load. The action of NanoSoda has a beneficial effect on the body and improves physical. human condition. The constant intake of natural soda adds up to 30% to the endurance and strength of the athlete, and also helps to restore the body.

NanoSoda is effective when exercising:

  • rowing;

  • swimming;

  • boxing;

  • Sprint run;

  • weightlifting;

  • Riding a bike.

The NanoSoda technique contributes to the accuracy of hitting the ball in tennis and the accuracy of punches in boxing. These points indicate that products from NanoSoda inc. is directly related to the work of the neuromuscular function.

When doing bodybuilding and weightlifting, the intake of soda reduces the amount of lactic acid and increases the bicarbonate level in the body. By reducing lactic acid levels, more intense and longer workouts can be performed, forcing the muscles to perform long contractions. Studies have also shown significant improvements in swimmers and runners at distances up to 200 meters, which indicates the benefits of natural soda during aerobic exercise.

NanoSoda against hand

The higher the level of acidity in the blood, the less oxygen it contains. This discovery in 1931 brought the German scientist Otto Warburg the Nobel Prize. It was Warburg who first discovered a direct relationship between pH and the appearance of foreign, cancerous cells in humans. If a cell is subjected to oxygen starvation, it will have no choice but to adapt and mutate, he announced. Cancer cells have a unique way of feeding – anaerobic. They do not need oxygen to carry out cellular reactions. And if a healthy cell “turns on the oxygen valve” by at least 35%, it will either mutate or die after 48 hours.

Another famous scientist, DMN Nikolai Illarionovich Dal, in his book “Healing Soda” describes in detail the effect of this substance on an acidified body and gives examples of the recovery of people who regularly took soda. According to the scientist, natural soda is the simplest, most natural, reliable and safest way to establish the normal functioning of cells. With an excess of acid, not only the blood, but also the intercellular fluid suffers from a lack of oxygen, as a result, the necessary reactions do not occur between the organelles. This leads to death and mutation, which means that a person ages faster and can get cancer.

If you have a history of cancer patients, be sure to take blood and urine tests, and determine the pH level of your body. In case of increased acidity, taking natural soda under the brand name NanoSoda will be able to correct the situation in time and prevent the development of a tumor. But even if trouble has already befallen your family, there is no need to despair – natural soda helps to overcome cancer, slow down the growth of neoplasms and prevent metastases. NanoSoda has no contraindications and side effects, is perfectly absorbed by the body and enjoys great prestige among Western oncologists. And recently, domestic consumers have the opportunity to appreciate this product.

About NanoSoda Inc.

NanoSoda inc is engaged in the production of highly purified natural soda, which has an unsurpassed medical quality. Previously, soda was used only for baking bread, medicine and the glass industry. Now the use of soda has expanded significantly, but the most important industry for its use is still the medical segment. For this reason, in the first place in NanoSoda inc. It is the selection of high-quality raw materials and its subsequent purification that comes out.

According to the founder of NanoSoda inc. John Stratton, every month the company sells about 10 product packages, which makes the specialists and employees of NanoSoda inc. adhere to high quality standards.

The main mission of the company is to promote the natural resource and its availability for every person who can get the maximum benefit from NanoSoda. For 10 years of work, the company has sold more than 1 million packages of purified natural soda.

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